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Thread: Deadlift Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Default Deadlift Form Check

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024

    To me, the first three reps were not good, and then it got awful. I've reset the weight a few times now, and every time I get it back about this high, things go poorly.

    What I see is:
    (1) I mess around too much between reps trying to establish my set position. (Also, I burped up my breakfast before the last two reps, which slowed me down.)
    (2) Despite trying to drag the bar up my legs, I've got a wonky bar path, which I suspect is partially due to letting my knees come forward to take some tightness out of my hamstrings. Getting my butt back and keeping the bar in contact with my thighs were two points of emphasis for me coming out of the LA Seminar in August.
    (3) For all my visualization of cranking my clavicles forward and bracing to get hit with a baseball bat, I'm not getting tight enough in my back.

    But, if I was so smart, I'd be way stronger. So, I'd appreciate your analysis.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Yeah, you are not holding your back together very well. You also took over twice as long as you should have to complete that set. Where do you live? Can you make it out to see The Legend in LA for some in person coaching? One question – are you trying to pinch your scapulae back behind you as you set up? If so, that needs to stop. Let your arms hang where they will. Take less time between each rep. For real. I need to see a video from the front oblique for me to say more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016


    Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Tom.

    I live in Seattle (and there's SSCs here). I'm not intending to pinch my scapulae - I'm trying to tighten my back while keeping my scapulae in place (and maybe I'm doing it wrong). That video was ~1:40 for 5 reps. Today I was 1:02, so trending in the right direction. I will take a front oblique video on my next heavy DL day.

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