Move the Deads to another day.
m - SQ/Bench
w- Dl/ light SQ
Fri SQ/Bench/Press
I'm just about to start another round of SS after two weeks off and looking for some advice around Squat & Dead management.
The last round, circa 3 months, went well. Lifts ended as follows:
Squat 3 x 5 @ 150kg
Bench 3 x 5 @ 90kg (shoulder impingement, which sucked)
Dead 1 x 5 @ 140kg
I found that squats were inhibiting my deads at the end of the session. I was taking around 8 - 9 min rest between squat sets at the time. I'm keen to avoid this moving forward. How have others overcome this in the past?
Move the Deads to another day.
m - SQ/Bench
w- Dl/ light SQ
Fri SQ/Bench/Press
Grow a pair
What were your initial numbers? Did you gain weight over the course of the past ~3 months?
Rule #1 - Deadlift
Rule #2 - Never Let Squats Interfere With Rule #1
I did something with a new lifter sort of like this, but modified it a little for recovery reasons. She squatted 2x per week and deadlifted 1x per week. We started with 5# jumps on squats (so going up 10# per week) and deadlift jumped 10# per session (also 10# per week). The deadlift actually outpaced the squat, even though we were only doing it 1x per week. In a short time, she is now squatting 175 for 3 sets of 5 and pulling 195 next week for 3 sets of 5. So it is slower, but still pretty aggressive for an older female lifter.
So the plan is:
M- Squat 3x5/Bench 3x5
W- DL 3x5/OHP 3x5
F- Squat 3x5/Bench 3x5
We don't do the A/B workouts, so every week looks the same. I imagine a larger guy could take even bigger jumps at the start on something like this. This is also more deadlifting than SS, which only has 1 set of 5 each session.
Jordan did a good podcast on mods to the SS LP, in which I think he commented on this sort of issue. He suggested (iirc) deadlifting first and putting squats last in the session.