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Thread: Sore knees due to programming?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Default Sore knees due to programming?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    1) Age / sex?
    26 M

    2) Current Body Weight?
    86 kg

    3) Current programming (what program are you using).
    Hepburn Method Not sure if this is allowed but that's the program

    4) How long have you been on current programming?
    3 weeks

    5) Starting body weight (what was your body weight when you started lifting? Started current program?).

    6) Increment you are using on the lift in question. When did you switch to this increment? What was the previous Increment for the lift in question?
    increasing by 1 rep every session and in 9th session adding 10 lbs

    7) Caloric intake (in calories-ish. The answer "sufficient caloric intake" is totally insufficient).
    2800-3000 calories

    8) Protien Intake (gr/day)

    9) Amount of rest between sets (work sets).
    2-3 mins

    10) What weight you started the program at (weight on the bar for the lift in question) and a detailed description of how long, what increments were used, and what kind of breaks / vacations / etc caused a disruption in the programming).
    I started on SS, then I moved on to 4 Day TM my stats are in kg are OHP 81, Bench 130 Squat 190 Deadlift 190, I sustained a back injury due to horrible deadlift form in a powerlifting meet and finally built myself back to similar lifts after losing about 10kgs. I was burned out on Texas method since I was doing it for almost 2 years so I decided to give Hepburn method a go.

    11) Other activity that you are engaging in (sports, hobbies, job that causes physical exertion).
    None, gym is my only physical hobby and my job is a Dentist so I sit on my ass all day.

    My Question is ever since the 2nd week of Hepburn method my knees (The whole knee with some radiation to the shins) started feeling inflamed, achy with discomfort whenever I straighten them, they also sometimes feel like they can give out, I have tried ice, ibuprofen no help, I am just wondering if this could be due to the increase in volume and when should I call it quits or when does my body adjust to it? Since I was reading about Bulgarian method lifting article by Jim Moser on this website and it seems as though with high volume some irritation is expected from the knees.

    Thanks in advance you've helped me loads during the years and wouldn't have managed to rehab my irritated/slipped disc without your advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    The change in programming correlates very nicely with the onset of pain. I suspect this is part of your problem, although there could be technique errors exacerbating matters. Cannot say from here. I can say that doing lots of heavy doubles if you are not used to it could piss things off. I would suggest that pulling your program somewhat randomly from the Internet is not a great plan. Training as an intermediate is hard. You may want to enlist some outside help. And, don't do the Bulgarian Method. For real. If you want to really have sore knees, train almost every day, sometimes a few times a day, with maximal weights. Try this without elite genetics and without generous, generous helpings of steroids. Let me know how it goes. The Bulgarian weightlifters are legendary. Their methods do not apply to mortals. Nor do Doug Hepburn's methods.

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