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Thread: Injuries dont heal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Default Injuries dont heal

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hey guys,

    1,5 years ago I injured my back. I was diagnosed with protrusion and osteochendrosis. Since then my back has been hurting. 9 months ago I decided to drop all barbell lifts but the bench press. My back hasnt healed up during that time. The Starr protocol made things worse, when I tried it, so I stopped doing it. The physical therapy exercises also made things worse so I dropped them too.
    By not pressing, but benching 3 times a week, I developed shoulder problems. To heal my shoulder, I started doing presses again, which inflamed my back again. Now I have shoulder and back pain even though my form, on the exercises that are causing it, is correct.

    Is there a way to "heal" an injury? My back didn't heal from squatting and deadlifting, nor did it heal from not squatting and deadlifting.
    Any attempt to squat or deadlift 135 during the last 9 months has always inflamed my back for about 2 weeks. So I can't even do light deadlifts and squats to "work my way back up". The bench also feels kind of bad on my back.

    How can I heal my back and my shoulder?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Fort Worth


    How old are you? Sex? Height weight? I dont know what’s wrong with your shoulder, do you? Do you have a diagnosis are any idea what the condition is? Some conditions get worse with use while others are not really made worse by it.
    For the back I believe the best way out of back pain is to get stronger. will it still hurt? Perhaps, but doing nothing is worse.
    So, is your shoulder hurt or injured?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Dobson View Post
    How old are you? Sex? Height weight? I dont know what’s wrong with your shoulder, do you? Do you have a diagnosis are any idea what the condition is? Some conditions get worse with use while others are not really made worse by it.
    For the back I believe the best way out of back pain is to get stronger. will it still hurt? Perhaps, but doing nothing is worse.
    So, is your shoulder hurt or injured?
    Im a 18 year old guy. 195lbs at 5 9. The shoulder isn't "that" bad and I have no diagnosis. The back is my main concern. When I stopped squatting and deadlifting, m working sets on both lifts were in the mid 300s. That is certainly nothing special. But how does going from decently strong to superstrong help?

  4. #4
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  5. #5
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    I'm not a doctor, and don't know anything about your back. I assume you already have medical advice that didn't solve your problem. What did you doctor tell you?

    Starr protocol (high frequency, high volume, light weights ramping quickly to heavier weights) is for muscle tears, not spine/bone problems.

    Have you tried a more conservative deadlift rehab, i.e. light and low volume, very slow progression?

    If there's some level of spine loading that doesn't make things worse, it's probably better than no training at all, for healing.
    Certainly when my bad discs act up, a little light deadlifting helps the problem heal faster than rest alone.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    What do you mean by "inflamed back". Can you differentiate between DOMS and low back pain?

  8. #8
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    Jul 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by whale View Post
    What do you mean by "inflamed back". Can you differentiate between DOMS and low back pain?
    Unfortunately I cant distinguish between low back pain and a pump. I also cant distinguish between doms and low back pain.
    However I shouldnt get a back pump from deadlifting 135 for 1 rep, when I can do 400 lbs+. I also shouldnt get doms that last multiple weeks from doing a couple singles at 135, when I'm an intermediate deadlifter.
    Hell the same happens when I do romanian Dls with the empty bar.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Davies View Post
    I'm not a doctor, and don't know anything about your back. I assume you already have medical advice that didn't solve your problem. What did you doctor tell you?

    Starr protocol (high frequency, high volume, light weights ramping quickly to heavier weights) is for muscle tears, not spine/bone problems.

    Have you tried a more conservative deadlift rehab, i.e. light and low volume, very slow progression?

    If there's some level of spine loading that doesn't make things worse, it's probably better than no training at all, for healing.
    Certainly when my bad discs act up, a little light deadlifting helps the problem heal faster than rest alone.
    Deadlifting causes this "inflamation". Even with the empty bar. I can't bend over under load without pain at all. What I can do are lunges with dumbbells. So at least I get some leg training in.

  10. #10
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    Jul 2016

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