Holy crap, I might in fact have the thing in the entirely wrong spot. Gonna have to mess around with this. Good thing today is light squat day.
Holy crap, I might in fact have the thing in the entirely wrong spot. Gonna have to mess around with this. Good thing today is light squat day.
Thanks Nick,
Tracking the spine out laterally is a great help. I always found it confusing as the spine was covered up by all the musculature.
Don't wanna celebrate prematurely since today was a light squat day, but I think 2:36 of this video might have been the final piece of the puzzle for getting my squat right. I have been doing the reverse motion, coming under the bar and rolling it until it rolls over the acromion like a speed bump, and trying to hold it there. Getting it shelved this way today I felt FAR less pressure on my hands to try and keep the bar from rolling forward at the bottom. Have to wait til saturday to see for sure if this will give me a good result for some real work sets, but I feel like this might finally be the big one.
I agree completely! What a great cue and way to set the bar. I have struggled so long with this and was setting it the opposite as well. It was light day for me too so I can't say 100% for sure but wow did the bar feel locked in and in the right spot without guessing!
For me when it gets heavy the bar rolls down my back and I finish the set with elbow and shoulder extension to form the bridge (I know putting it too low).
Thank You Nick!!!
Do you coach in LI, NY?
Did a normal squat day today, heaviest weight I've done 3 sets of 5 on, zero bar rolling. Thank you Nick Delgadillo, you beautiful, beautiful man.
Very helpful. However, the help I need is how to get stretched out far enough to get my hands far enough back and down to hold the bar where it's supposed to be. I'm stuck with high bar squats because I simply cannot get my arms and hands in the right position. I am doing the stretch in the squat stretch video. Three sets of three stretches to 20-1000. I get looser as I warm up, but not enough to get the bar lower. 65 years old. 5'5" 165 lbs. Thoughts? Suggestions? Shoot me?