Thank you for the article. This is one that I could apply directly to my training...somewhat. I have a question about the Pin Firing method. I used to have flare-ups of Golfer's Elbow, usually aggravated by supinated grip rows or high volume chinups (10 sets of 2, 8 sets of 3). I have since dropped those 2 movements in exchange for strapped rows and pronated lat pulldowns, and I have adjusted my squat grip to consciously keep my wrists straight (they used to be in a high degree of extension which exacerbated the pain). Currently, I have no such elbow pain whatsoever!
That being said, I am re-evaluating my training and simply love doing chinups. Because of the flare-ups, I am very hesitant to incorporate them into my program. My question is this: even though I am not experiencing any pain currently, would the use of the pin firing method with chinups make the pain never return? I believe I am remembering another, similar video Rip put out (a snipitof SS Radio) that claimed the tendinitis never goes away unless you train it to get stronger.
Even simply remembering the pain is enough to turn my stomach. And the fact that my bench press weight plummeted because I could not tolerate the tendinitis make me even more hesitant it would ever get better.
Thank you all for your insight!