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Thread: Assistance work offsets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Assistance work offsets

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    What is a typical offset for SLDL to DL? Im starting this cycle of HLM with DL 345x5 on H day and SLDL 275x5x2 on M day. I want SLDL to improve performance on DL, not detract from it. Do we progressively increase the load on the assistance work along with the primary lift on a weekly basis, or at some point do we need to hold the load steady on assistance work to avoid interference?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Make sure you have ran through your HLH before starting HLM. Assuming you have, you want to progess with the asstance as well. Try 5 pounds a week. I run a HLM and I use 565 for 5 at deads and 415 at SLDL for 2x5. The SLDL is a lighter lift by nature so you should be fine as long as you are eatting and sleeping and not doing stupid stuff. When the day comes the medium lift is to much you just off set the weight 5% to 10% or you just do a lighter lift by nature, such as a clean or a row. You shouldn't have any problems with this for a long time. On your light pull day be sure to do some chins they really helped me with my pulling. Also remember you can be a advanced novice deadlifter while being a intermediate bench presser. So make sure you have milked HLH to its fullest potential.

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