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Thread: Already failed squats after two weeks and might have injured myself

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2024

    Question Already failed squats after two weeks and might have injured myself

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hello and thank you for reading.

    38 year 5'10 male.

    (Cue weird numbers because converted from kilos.)

    Bodyweight: 164 lbs -> 170 lbs
    Deadlift: 1x5 132 lbs -> 154 lbs
    Bench: 3x5 100 lbs -> 121 lbs
    Press: 3x5 44 lbs -> 66 lbs
    Squat: 3x5 121 lbs -> 143 lbs (read on)
    Chins: 3x10 +0 lbs -> 3x5 +22 lbs

    Perception: Progressing on squats feels much harder than on the other exercises.

    Sleep: I cannot function with less than 8 hours, so I get 9.

    Eating: I'm living on a surplus of chicken, rice, beans, eggs, milk, yoghurt, and broccoli. Gained 6 lbs so far.

    Failure event: I managed squatting 3x5 at 143 lbs in the penultimate workout. My training log has "fuck" written in it because of how hard I struggled on the last set. I also felt some mild irritation in my lower left belly. Today I tried for 3x5 at 148 lbs. I failed on the first set (4 reps). Fifth rep I got down but couldn't get up, dived out from under the bar and had the safety rails of my rack catch it. Second set 3 reps, third set 2 reps. I waited 8 minutes between sets. During the last two reps I felt a sharp, burning, intense pain in my lower left belly region. The area still feels warm and irritated three hours later but does not hurt. I didn't have any pain issues in the following exercises.

    Image with location of pain:


    - Why do I fail miserably on squats while the other lifts are progressing?
    - What to do about the belly pain? See a doctor before squatting again? Form check video with warmup weight? Form check video with working weight?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    You are about 50 pounds underweight. You may have an inguinal hernia, and this should be checked. Were you wearing a belt?

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