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Thread: A Home Gym May Be in Your Immediate Future | Mark Rippetoe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default A Home Gym May Be in Your Immediate Future | Mark Rippetoe

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    The near-term environment looks pretty bleak. We may be heading into World War III with blithering slobbering idiots in charge, and even with geniuses in charge a World War tends to disrupt many things. Your training may be one of them, if you don't plan in advance.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2024


    From mid 2020 myself and the lads trained out of a buddys garage.

    We had a rack, bench, barbell, axle bar, 2 logs, about 1100lbs in plates, Atlas stones, yoke, circus dumbells and it was the best training any of us had done.

    I travelled 3 hours a day during lockdown to gym, they’d have had to arrest me to stop me. Even tho I was fat I’d have outran them because being deported wasn’t something I was prepared to deal with.

    Now that that’s done and dusted I have most of that equipment myself, just need a squat rack. Just in case it, when, it happens again.

    Best investment I ever did. When my gym with its bollocks “hex plates” closes down I’ll get to use my nice rattley irons again.

    They can pump themselves full of what the government tells them to while I just keep pumping iron

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