If you have never done an NLP, you are still a novice for most purposes.
Depending on how intelligently you have been training, you might only get a few weeks of progress out of the NLP. But this will give you the required basis of data to begin altering your programming towards intermediate.
If I were you, I would reset my weights so that you reach your current numbers in two or three weeks. Don't deadlift every workout: introduce the power clean on your bench days. Depending on your current squat programming, you might start with a light squat day (80% on Wednesdays). Factor this into your adjustment. So if, for example, your current 5rm squat is 405, if you are squatting without a light day, you would squat 375 on Monday, 380 on Wednesday, etc., culminating in a 405 in two weeks, followed by PRs that Wednesday and Friday. If you start squatting with a light day, start at 385, increasing by 5 on Friday, culminating in a PR on the third Friday and every Monday and Friday after that.
(To be clear: you don't say if these are 5s or 1rm. When I say "reach your current numbers" I mean reach your current 5s. So if your 5rm for the squat is 405, plan to be squatting 405x5x3 in two or three weeks. If your 5rm is 345, then 345x5x3 is your target)
This should at least get you those two or three weeks. See how many weeks you can get out of this. I wouldn't be surprised if you got double whatever your reset is at least. If you're unlucky you might only get ONE extra week. Depending on When the time comes make the requisite adjustments towards intermediate programming as outlined in the Grey book.
A caveat: you don't sound as if you have read the Grey book. That's the important one for programming. Read that and compare it to your current training. You might find you are mostly executing an intermediate program (these numbers are respectable enough that you are probably not doing anything too stupid). If you are capable of making these connections, resetting to run an NLP may not be entirely necessary. The main utility of trying to run an NLP is to bring your training in line with the programming model in an automatic and empirical fashion (i.e., removing excessice volume, establishing rates of increase, etc.) If you have carefully designed your programming to begin with, it might be possible to skip this step. But we don't necessarily know that you have.