starting strength gym
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Thread: Platus's Log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    Squat: 250x2x5, 250x1x3
    Press: 129x5x5
    Barbell Row: 135x3x8
    Hip Thrust: 135x8, 155x8, 175x8
    Standing Ab Pulldown: 150x2x10

    I just barely finished the first two sets of squats; I was apprehensive about failing a set of squats for the first time, but dumping the bar was not as hazardous as I had expected. I will eat as much as is humanly possible, repeat the weight next week, and try to get a little bit further before reseting and/or moving on to intermediate squat training. Over the last month, it seemed like keeping my back in extension was the hardest part of the squat; today it seemed like leg strength was the weak link.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2009



    Front Squat: 135x3x3
    Bench: 182.5x3x5/4/4
    Deadlift: 135x5, 185x3, 225x2, 275x1, (alternate grip + belt + straps):305, 315, 325, 335
    Dips: 1x15

    I reasoned that perhaps my stall on squats owes something to my alternating dynamic/jump squats with 3x5 squats, so I switched back to front squats as a recovery day. The bench felt slightly better than last week, but I couldn't quite finish the last two sets; I might give it one more go and then reset.

    The deadlifts felt great; last time I did heavy reps I barely held onto the bar, even with the straps. This time my grip was solid and my back felt like it maintained good extension.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2009



    Squats: 250x3x5
    Press: 150x3
    Weighted Pullups: 25x3x5
    Standing Ab Pulldown: 150x3x10

    Since stalling on squats on Monday I have been making sure to get at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight and I have been taking a tsp. dose of creatine. It seems to have paid off, as the squats felt relatively easy, compared to the shear grinding effort that I had to employ previously.

    I had expected to only get one rep on the press; I was so surprised at how quickly and easily it went up that I lost focus and let the bar come down way in front of my head. If I had kept better form I think I might have been able to get 4 or possibly 5 reps. Hopefully that bodes well for my stalled bench press.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2009



    Jump Box Squat: 145x10x2
    Bench: 182.5x5x3
    SLDL: 190x3x8
    DB Rows: 45x2x20

    I have decided to replace power cleans with jump squats or other dynamic movements. Every time I do heavy cleans I injure my bicep putting the bar back down; if I can find an affordable gym with bumper plates I will pick them up again. The Y is pretty dead on Friday nights; I couldn't even find a staff member on the floor to spot my benches, so I switched to five sets of three reps.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2009



    Squats: 255x3x3, 255x2, 225x3
    Press: 130x5x5
    Pullups to failure: 8,5,5

    Everyone in my apartment had H1N1 last week. I haven't gotten the full symptoms, but for the last couple days I also haven't felt 100%. I decided to try 5 sets of 3 for the squats, but I still failed on the fourth set. I'll see how things go on Friday before resetting. As per usual, the 5x5 presses had a negative impact on the pullups.

    We have to use a 'seated press' rack in place of a squat rack at the Y, and it lacks the appropriate lower pins to make dumping the bar safe - the crossbar at the bottom of the rack is about 3 inches lower that I would like. I tweaked my shoulder getting out from under the bar. This, combined with my problems racking the clean make me think that I need to start doing some regular stretching for my shoulders.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Baltimore, MD


    At least you didn't have the false sense of security from being spotted by someone who was supposed to know what they were doing. You knew you'd have to dump it if you missed.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    HAHA - the trainer you are referring to was in the gym at the time. As I was struggling to squeeze my body lower to the ground without losing thoracic extension (basically, I'm wedged between the bar and the floor, with about an inch to go before the bar touches the rack), he goes: "are you all right?" and he just sort of stares at me.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2009



    Front Squat: 135x3x3
    Bench: 182.5x5x3
    Deadlift: 315x1, 325x1, 340x0, 340x1
    Hypers: 60x2x10

    No spotter again today, so I repeated the 5x3 bench from last week. It felt MUCH better; last week I think I may have been trying to make the bar follow too vertical a path.

    I did not have my shoulders situated in front of the bar on the first 340 deadlift attempt. The second attempt was slow but it went up smoothly.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2009



    Squat: 255x5x3
    Press: 152.5x3

    The presses continue to go well. The squats continue to be a struggle; but, since I finished the set, I will go up to 260 next week. If I can get up to 270 before I reset I'll be happy. I had to cut my workout short for work, so I will have to get my chins and ab work in over the weekend.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    starting strength coach development program

    Box Jump Squat: 140x2x10
    Bench: 185x4x4
    Goodmornings: 110x3x8
    Barbell Row: 120x2x10

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