Bench: 237.5x7x3, 185x10
Bench: 237.5x7x3, 185x10
Squat: 385x4x3 + 2 singles
Deadlift: 405, 430, 435, 440, 445
Squats felt ok. Had a friend tape them and I was just barely hitting depth - so I did a couple singles to make sure I can get deeper. Also noticed that on some reps my hips are moving back as I come out of the hole. I doubt I can fix much before the meet, but I'll focus hard on shoving my knees and hitting good depth in my last couple of sessions. The deadlifts felt good. I think I'll open with 435 or 440.
Squat: 405x0,1,1
Bench: 245x1
So, I set out to do some singles for my last heavy session before my meet next weekend, but things did not go smoothly. I definitely pushed too hard and was not really recovered from lifting heavy on Wednesday.
My goal was to try to get deeper on my squats, since in my most recent couple of heavy sessions I've been just exactly at depth. I went too deep on the first one and got stuck about halfway back up. The other two were tough but i was able to get a little better depth. However, I really strained my left biceps on that missed rep. So I decided to stop benching during my warmup. But, that lousy paused single at 245 was essentially what I did at my last meet. With some rest I think I can still hit some meet PRs.
I'm hoping the meet goes something like this:
Squat: 375, 402, 413-419
Bench: 231, 253, 259-265
Deadlift: 441, 468, 474-480
Foam rolling and light stretching. Did a couple of sets of curls with the bar to get some blood into my biceps. Left biceps was still pretty tender.
Pre-meet prep:
Squat: 205x3, 250x2x3, 290x3x2 (50%, 60%, and 70% of projected 415)
Bench: 130x3, 155x2x3, 180x3, 195x4x1 (50%, 60%, 70%, and 75% of projected 260)
Did a couple of chin-ups to see how biceps would feel - no pain.
Went 9 for 9! Hit 4 PRs and 5 Meet PRs!
I'll post a video in the next couple of days, but here's how it went:
Squat: opened with an easy 375. Went to 402 for a small meet PR. Got a little out of position, but finished with a relatively quick and easy 413 for a small PR.
Bench: opened with a very easy 235. On the advice of a friend, I next selected 248, which was my PR in my last meet. Then, went for a PR at 259. It was literally while doing singles on Wednesday that I figured out how to stay tight on the paused bench - I had been letting the bar rest on my chest too much, rather than primarily supporting the weight with my arms at the bottom of the lift.
Deadlift: opened with 435. It flew up so fast that I almost lost my balance - luckily the ref was giving me the down signal at exactly the same time. Went to 468 for a small PR, and then jumped to 479 for another PR.
Totalled 1151, for a 51 pound PR total. Overall, I might have played things a little too conservatively, but I was thrilled to go 9/9. The next MD USAPL meet will likely be in November. My goal will be to hit a 1200+ total, including a 500lbs. deadlift.
Congrats on the 9/9 and PRs!
Thanks! I'll post the video soon.Congrats on the 9/9 and PRs!
Squat: 275x3x5
Press: 135x3x5
Squat: 315x5x5
Press: 155x5x5
This session felt much more exhausting than I expected it to. The weight was all very manageable, but I'm just going to need a minute to get acclimated to the tonnage after tapering and competing.
Awesome job on the 9/9 and PR total!
Squat: 225x2x5
Bench: 185x2x5
Chins: 3x5
Squat: 345x5
Press: 185x2x2
Push Press: 185x3
Prowler: +140lbs x 50' x 14 sprints (alternating with 3 other people, using high handles)
The squats felt good and not too difficult. The presses were much harder than I had expected. I worked 10+ hour days on W and Th, and missed lunch both days, so that probably explains it. The prowler was not difficult, despite not having done real conditioning work in months.