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Thread: msingh's log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default msingh's log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    DREAM GOAL: Press 100kg with a 34 inch waist..
    REALITY: Pretty much pressing the bar with a 46 inch waist (thanks mr rippetoe and 70s big bastards)

    Maxes (3x5RM or 5x3 RM):
    Squat: 105 kg
    Bench: 75 kg
    Press: 57.5 kg
    Clean: 70 kg
    Dead: 130 kg

    I've been doing vanilla starting strength and have now decided to add chins to my workouts hence i'm starting a modified PPNP/WFNP program that looks something like the following:

    Squat, Bench/Press, Chins/Pullups
    Squat, Press/Bench, Deadlift
    Squat, Bench/Press, Pullups/Chins
    Powerclean, Metcon

    Going to try to spend as little time as possible on this lifting stuff. Oh yea and if anyone knows how to drop fat while doing the above without using words like paleo then go ahead and tell me, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    I think now we understand how you got fat doing SS. Even if we assume that you added only 2.5kg to your squat every workout, you get to 105kg squat in a period of 2-2.5 month. According to you, you gained aroudn 10% bf in two month. Either you are lying or you didn't do the program and just ate a lot of food, because these numbers are not very impressive for a fat man.

    Also, I find it amusing that you are writing your training log in Rip's forum while accusing him of your waist size problem.

    Last edited by coldfire; 12-02-2009 at 05:08 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by coldfire View Post
    I think now we understand how you got fat doing SS. Even if we assume that you added only 2.5kg to your squat every workout, you get to 105kg squat in a period of 2-2.5 month. According to you, you gained aroudn 10% bf in two month. Either you are lying or you didn't do the program and just ate a lot of food, because these numbers are not very impressive for a fat man.
    That's true, they're not. Oh well, let me work on making them more respectable. I'll post my progress here and you can tell me where i'm going wrong doing the program because I still want to be strong.

    Also, I find it amusing that you are writing your training log in Rip's forum while accusing him of your waist size problem.
    It's true! They all told me to eat a bazillion calories and squat. I did it! and all i got to show for it is an unimpressive squat in the body of a fat man Nevermind, it's all a learning experience. I'm not going to suck up to rip because he doesn't need my praise but he has a quite a few truths to share and I am fortunate to be learning from his vast experience and indeed from this community. It's a privilege to be part of it, even though i'm a poor practitioner.

    haha. I'm sitting here eating a pizza and drinking a 70s big shake while typing this message, not exactly paleo but i've gained plenty of weight eating like this so why change something that works.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Week 1, workout #1

    Squat: 107.5 kg
    Bench: 75x3 , 70x5, 72.5x5 kg
    Chins: 3x4 purple band

    I also did three sets of curls, just cause i'm sick of having girly arms. I've got a bit of a recovery issue with introducing metcons and chins/pullups but i think my body will soon adapt and it wont be so bad.
    Last edited by msingh; 12-02-2009 at 08:26 AM.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by msingh View Post
    haha. I'm sitting here eating a pizza and drinking a 70s big shake while typing this message, not exactly paleo but i've gained plenty of weight eating like this so why change something that works.
    If you have a 46" waist, do you really need to gain "weight" anymore?

    If you're unwilling to mess with diet composition a la "unmeasured paleo", then you should do some good ol' calorie counting - trying to stay around maintenance cals

    with some minimums:

    1 g/lb protein (possibly much more)
    0.5g/lb fat

    and some maximums:

    no more than a 4/3 ratio of carbs to protein, in general

    .. have you used before?
    Last edited by Locutus; 12-02-2009 at 08:34 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    My problem with that is, sure i can probably get stronger without adding any more muscular bodyweight BUT -- that's potential muscle i'll never put on, isnt it? Because it will become harder and harder to lift heavier and "gain" than from linear progression.. so i'm a bit weary to reduce to maintanance levels.

    Having said that, i'm not even 100% sure what my waist size truly is -- just guessing by the last pair of pants that still fit me being too tight, and they are i think size 43 (not sure). I'll try to find a tape measure and determine an accurate measurement soon.

  7. #7
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    I think the experience of a lot of fat guys that they experience a sort of recomp effect, even if not gaining bodyweight. (which means muscular mass is still going up).

    I really think you should start tracking cals, because there is almost certainly wrong with your diet (not enough protein? underestimating consumption?), providing that your sleep and workout intensity are appropriate.

    And, you don't necessarily have to go all the way down to maintanence. You'd want to find the appropriate amount of cals to support progress, but not fat. The point is, more data will help us determine the problem.

  8. #8
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    I'm incredibly lazy when it comes to monitoring food, locutus, but i'll try fitday for a few weeks and see what we can learn from the data. I'll make an account tonight and log everything starting tomorrow.

    Workout intensity is probably high, sleep is average (6-8 hours a night, mean of 7ish). Plenty of improvement to make there. I'm hoping with the new program i'll be able to ramp up workout intensity because workouts will be so brief due to chins/pullups.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Good luck with this log msingh. From seeing some of your posts you are definitely challenging some of the common practices out there so you should be learning a lot.

    However I feel that you are using many excuses for your lack of strength and body composition when in reality there is only one person to blame.

    The main reason that you have not quite achieved your goals from your previous training is not Rip, SS or 70's Big's fault, and it could be fixed very simply. Just stick to the SS program and stop eating as much shit! You can still eat big from decent sources just cut some of the junk food and processed crap out of your diet.

    Quote Originally Posted by msingh View Post
    I'm sitting here eating a pizza and drinking a 70s big shake while typing this message, not exactly paleo but i've gained plenty of weight eating like this so why change something that works.
    Obviously it has been successful in gaining you fat but not in achieving your goals, so why stick to it?

    Not hating just trying to sort your head out lad!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by JC400 View Post
    Not hating just trying to sort your head out lad!
    Appreciate the constructive criticism. Thank you.

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