starting strength gym
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Thread: The big, hairy asian's log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Holy crap your numbers are high for still being a novice. According to your first post, we're the same age and height, but you're about 30 pounds heavier than I am.

    I hereby resolve to cease making any analysis or complaints about any of my lifts stalling until I put on an appropriate amount of weight. I am finishing a gallon of milk as I type this.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Haha, glad I could motivate you to take in more calories. Gaining 30lbs has been fun so far. I'm thinking of adding GOMAD for another 10 or so lbs. Drinking about half or a little less right now.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    South Central Los Angeles


    methinks you are a freak, sir. good stuff!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by BigJavs View Post
    methinks you are a freak, sir. good stuff!
    Methinks that freak is a compliment. Thank you good sir. I hope I can live up to that.

    Well my damn belt still isn't here. Monday will be three weeks. I was hoping for it today since I'm going to press and keep hurting my back, but no reason to be a bitch.
    On another note, I got a big ass cat last night. I know, a dude calling himself kittenSmash got a cat?? Well I only hate kittens, and this thing is far from. Can't decide to name it Magni (Thor's son, god of strength) or Smash. Perhaps both.

    Need to finish my joe fresh from the press, go PR!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    12-18 fri:

    Squat - 10X45, 5X135, 3X200, 2X245, 1X295, 1X335, 1X360, 1X380, 3X5@405# (PR)
    Press - 10X45, 5X90, 4X115, 2X135, 1X155, 3X5@180# *cleaned from floor
    Chins - 15,11,9 *I hate these, will probably go to weighted 5's
    Back ext - 3X10@bw+10# *easy

    Work sucked today cause a up coming deadline. This training session was just what I needed to make me feel better. Kind of dizzy/sick feeling during press, not sure why, but all went well.
    Just drank a 70's Big shake, minus protein powder cause I don't have any. Making 6 eggs and 1/2lb bacon for dinner, mmmm. Should order pizza too.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Congrats on the squat PR! That's quite a milestone!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov View Post
    Congrats on the squat PR! That's quite a milestone!
    Thanks man, I was really excited. If someone told me I would squat that a year ago I wouldn't have believed them, haha.

    12-21 mon:

    Squat - 10X45, 5X135, 3X200, 2X245, 1X295, 1X335, 1X365, 1X390, 3X5@408#(PR)
    Bench - 10X45, 5X135, 4X176, 2X200, 1X225, 3X5@257#
    Powerclean - 5X90, 5X135, 2X155, 5X3@181# * 90sec rest between sets
    BBcurl - 2X20@45# *I think these are working, elbow/bicep area not hurting

    So glad to be making progress. Did something to my right shoulder warming up squats, never felt like that before...widened grip alot and it was okay. Contemplated doing light presses cause of it, but shoulder felt great warming up, so I benched. Bench felt really good, I think changing my grip to where I used to have it helped alot.
    Overall, good day. Squats felt very managable, and other lifts were easy. I decided to put off deads until wednesday so hopefully my belt will be in.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    When did you start mircoloading your squats? Congrats on the 4 wheel squat too.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Thanks. I started micro loading after I reset, when they got back up to 385 or 390, I'll have to look back at my written log to see exactly. I have really liked the results of it. Weights have felt so much lighter than when I first was progressing, and I'm okay with 7-8lb jumps a week. It feels like I will be able to maintain progress for a bit longer.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    How did I not see this before? Subscribing!

    Quote Originally Posted by kittenSmash View Post
    Thanks man. I would love that guys job. I still need to get up to Seattle to try and take down that 12egg omlet with a pound of hashbrowns he tried. I can't recall if he did it, but I'm down to try, haha.

    I was watching the Man V. Food marathon all day and I think I'm gonna have to hit up that restaurant this weekend, finally. Nom nom. I heard there's always a line, but oh well, gotta do it eventually.

    Great lifting man, you are killing me across the board! Gonna have to step it up a bit and try to keep ahead of you on squats, but I dunno. I can't wait to see how far you can take the linear progression, you seem to have a lot left in you.

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