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Thread: "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Nashville, TN

    Default "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    "He was not...a follower of the Man Jesus, and considered himself in no way holy. He was just an ordinary pilgrim, in other words, and all he could say with real certainty was that he was thirsty. And even so, he had no particular urge to drink." - Stephen King, The Gunslinger

    This log follows on the heals of this one:


    Press - 122 lbs. X 9 sets X 1 rep, resting however long I felt like
    (Wrist still fucking hurts. I ignored it.)

    SLDL - 150 lbs. X 8-8-8 reps, 2 min. break in-between sets
    (Still have a knot in my midback, maybe not as bad, but it's still there.)

    Bent-knee sit-up - 50 lbs. X 9-8-8 reps, 2 min. break in-between sets
    (Nothing much to say, they're just sit-ups.)

    Last edited by nisora33; 06-07-2010 at 01:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Nashville, TN


    "I don't like people. They fuck me up." - Jake, from The Gunslinger


    1-arm KB "cheat" press
    - 44 lbs. X 8-6-6-7 reps each arm, 2 min. break between every paired set
    (Shoulders don't like these.)
    DE deadlift - 210 lbs. X 1 rep X 12 sets, 60 sec. break rest between singles
    (Midback felt better today, but I felt a "stinger" in my low left back on most every rep)
    Chin-up - 8-6-6-6 reps, 4 min. break between sets

    Last edited by nisora33; 06-09-2010 at 01:05 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Fort Washington, MD



    One of my favorite reads. Eddie Dean kills me.


  4. #4
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    "Flip-Flop, hippety-hop, offa your rocker and over the top, life's a fiction and the world's a lie so put on some Creedence and let's get high." - Eddie Dean, Dark Tower Two: The Drawing of the Three

    Had a little too much alcohol last night, so I was feeling unmotivated and sluggish today. Did okay, I guess...


    Press - 125 X 1, 126 X 1, 127 X 1-1 rep
    (Ughh, no motivation at all to do these. 127 felt like a shit-ton of bricks, and the second rep at that weight was uuuuugly.)

    ME deadlift - 330 X 1
    (Went ahead and slapped 10 more pounds on there this week. Felt okay. Upper back is starting to meet its limit in terms of what it will support while held completely extended--slight thoracic flexion, felt strong otherwise. Also, my low back feels stouter than hell these days.)

    Ring pull-up - 6-5-5-5 reps

    Dumbbell bent-knee sit-up - 50 lbs. X 10-9-8 reps


  5. #5
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    Nashville, TN


    "There was a lesson here, he realized, not a shining thing but something that was old and rusty and misshapen." - Roland, The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger


    DE press - 100 lbs. X 1 rep X 12 sets, 60 sec. rest in-between singles
    (Wrist and elbow woes continue, so I opted to go light and focus on quick bar speed for practice--sort of an active recovery day.)
    1-arm dumbbell "cheat" press - 46 lbs. X 8-8-7 reps each arm, 2 min. rest between every paired set
    (These are fun and get the heart rate up, and I like the work that the triceps get at finishing the lock-out.)

    SLDL - 165 lbs. X 8-8-8 reps, 2 min. rest between sets
    (Upper back kept wanting to give out.)

    Bent-knee sit-up - 50 lbs. x 10-9-8 reps, 2 min. break between sets
    (Amazing how much the SLDLs tax the abdominals--struggled with the sit-ups as a result.)


  6. #6
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    "The man in black laughed--a full, hearty laugh that seemed to challenge the receding echo of gunshots. 'Would you kill all your answers so easily, gunslinger?'" - The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger

    "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him." - Zen master LinJi


    Press - 105 lbs. X 1 rep X 12 sets, resting maybe 60 sec. between reps
    (Continued with the deload from Monday, seeing how badly my elbows and wrists were feeling. Going to see how I feel on Friday, then maybe I'll push some heavier weight.)

    DE deadlift
    - 215 lbs. X 1 rep X 12 sets, 60 sec. break in-between singles

    Chin-up - 8-7-6-6 reps, 5 min. break in-between sets


  7. #7
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    Nashville, TN


    "'The prosaic fact of the universe's existence alone defeats both the pragmatist and the romantic.'" - the Man in Black, The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger


    BTNeck press (to eccentric strict press, descending over the course of 4-5 seconds) – 145 lbs. X 1-1-1-1 rep
    (Using this lift on Fridays as a max-effort pressing exercise, partly to take the place of benching, which I’ve found myself unable to do time and again in spite of good technique and steady, patient loading, and partly in order to fulfill medium, light and heavy day requirements over the course of the week. I heave it with my entire body to lockout, then slowly lower it to my shoulders in front, strict-press fashion, for a 4-5 second count.)
    ME deadlift – 340 lbs. X 1 rep
    (Solid, but I got dizzy at the top and panicked, dropping the weight, but not before having locked it out completely. Nice pull anyway, I thought: fast-forward to a little over the halfway mark).

    <o></o>Ring pull-up – 7-6-5-5 reps


    Bent-knee sit-up – 50 lbs. x 10-9-8 reps
    Power clean practice – worked up to 135 lbs. for easy singles
    (Form sucked, these felt like shit throughout. 1st time doing these in a couple of months, since the broken foot.

    Press – 120 lbs. X 1 rep X 8 sets
    (Spent the first 4 or 5 singles trying to find the right pressing “groove.” The right-side elbow was also feeling like shit, really pissed me off. What’s worse, I’m starting to develop a mental dread of doing these, which isn’t helping my focus and enthusiasm one bit.)
    SLDL – 170 lbs. X 8-8-7 reps
    (Felt able to stay tighter throughout my back and midsection during these, compared to last week. Grip was the limiting factor on the third set.)
    Bent-knee sit-up – 50 lbs. X 10-9-8 reps


    Last edited by nisora33; 06-21-2010 at 01:02 PM.

  8. #8
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    Nashville, TN


    "'Yes,' whispered the man in black. 'But none of these things are what you wish to ask.'


    'All right,' the gunslinger said, and then asked the world's oldest question. 'Will I succeed? Will I win through?'" - The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger


    DE press - 107 lbs. X 1 rep X 12 sets, 60 sec. break between singles
    (Elbows felt a little better today. Shoulders were a bit aggravated from something I did Monday. Should feel better by Friday, I reckon.)

    DE deadlift - 220 lbs. X 1 rep X 12 sets, 60 sec. break between singles
    (Took me a bit to find my groove. These are starting to feel "heavy" for a light day, but they still went up with a fair amount of "snap.")

    Chin-up - 8-7-7-6 reps
    (I'm getting much stronger at these. May start subbing weighted chins for the ring pull-ups on Fridays.)


  9. #9
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    Nashville, TN


    "There the gunslinger sat, his face turned up into the fading light. He dreamed his dreams and watched as the stars came out; his purpose did not flag, nor did his heart falter; his hair, finer now and gray at the temples, blew around his head, and the sandalwood-inlaid guns of his father lay smooth and deadly against his hips, and he was lonely but did not find loneliness in any way a bad or ignoble thing." - Stephen King, The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger


    BTNeck push-press (to eccentric strict press) - 147 lbs. X 1-1-1-1 rep
    (Could've done more, but form was still a major focus this workout.)

    ME deadlift - 350 lbs. X 1 rep
    (Getting heavy for sure. Thoracic spine is starting to buckle more and more. Will probably only make 5 pound jumps from now on. Will be toying around with roundback deadlifting again some time in the near future, along with belt use on top sets):

    Ring pull-up - 7-7-6-6 reps

    Bent-knee sit-up - 50 lbs. X 10-9-9 reps

    Last edited by nisora33; 06-25-2010 at 01:53 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Nashville, TN


    starting strength coach development program
    "It stood six and a half feet high and appeared to be made of solid ironwood...The doorknob looked as if it were made of gold, and it was filigreed...This door. This door where no door should be." - Stephen King, The Dark Tower Two: The Drawing of the Three


    Press - 125 lbs. X 1 rep X 7 sets
    (Elbows no longer hurt much, nor do the shoulders. Bar speed felt faster. Still having trouble finding the right groove and sticking to it, but all in all, these felt really decent.)

    SLDL - 180 lbs. X 5 reps X 5 sets
    (The forearm tightness and cramping is probably the worst thing about these--after that, the burning in the posterior shoulder and midback. I don't know how many of you read this log, but I'm telling you, after years of various shit that I've tried--and this is after having bought into and tried all that faggy physical therapy BULLSHIT some seven or so years ago--these have made my low back feel better and stronger than any other exercise I've done, except maybe conventional deads. I'd imagine the same thing could be said of goodmornings, for those of you who've tried them. No shit.)

    Bent-knee sit-ups - 50 lbs. X 10-10-9 reps


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