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Thread: MovingTarget's Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default MovingTarget's "It doesn't really matter so no pressure" Training Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I'm a 37yr old male, weigh about 205lbs now up from ~195lbs and started lifting more seriously in late Feb of this year. I had been doing a 3x week routine I'd found at T-nation for about a year before that. A diet of way too many carbs and not nearly enough protein and meager equipment at the free "gym" near my workplace (bench, dumbbells to 75lbs and a chinup bar were the only notable things) was limiting my gains.

    I'd been following SL 5x5 using a purchased 300lb Oly weight set and lifting in my basement for several months until the volume started wearing me out and then dropped down to 3x5 on the squat, Floor press and OHP.

    The routine I'm doing now is sort of the advanced novice routine laid out on the startingstrength wiki (yea I know -- no affiliation to Rip etc). I don't have access to a reverse hyper so I've been doing GMs instead.

    Anyhow, enough about me.

    Saturday Aug.14/2010 Workout (Deadlift day)

    Squat -- 2x5 @ 215lbs
    Floorpress -- 3x5 @ 206lbs (Microloading)
    Deadlift -- 1x5 @ 350lbs -- Hook grip and chalk

    Squat: Light day and easy so no belt.

    Floor press: I'm trying to keep my elbows tucked close to my sides since I suffered some rotator cuff pain in my past and it took a very long time for it to heal. I don't want a repeat of that kind of pain -- thank-you very much. My shoulders have never been 100% since but what's done is done.

    Deadlift: I got the first 3 reps without much drama but had to catch my breath on the 4th and 5th. I seem to be lowering the bar around my knees and my back was rounding a bit as well. Will post form vid for critique/verbal abuse.

    Rolf Lemke
    Last edited by Moving_Target; 11-06-2012 at 06:37 PM. Reason: Changing priorities

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Sunday Aug.15/2010

    6 Hill sprints

    OMGWTF hard!


    Monday Aug.16/2010 Workout

    Warmup -- Broomstick shoulder dislocations and 2x30sec squat stretches. I didn't do any PVC rolling this time since I was short on time.

    Squat -- 3x5 @ 240lbs -- (2:30-3:00 rest between sets and no belt)
    Two Hands Press -- 5x3 @ 143lbs (3:00 rest between sets)
    Power Cleans -- 5x3 @ 140lbs (60sec rest between sets)

    Squat: Deloaded from 270lbs since my form was starting to break down and I hurt my ASIS and lower back at 240lbs last time I pushed it like this. I don't need a repeat. I didn't use a belt here and kept the rest periods short.

    Press: Hard but doable. I was adjusting bar position in my hands so it was more in the meaty part of my palm.

    P.cleans: Well, I'm catching more of the cleans on my shoulders than my wrists but I'm still catching some on my wrists. Focusing on getting the bar high enough so I don't wind up doing a reverse curl. Technique is slowly getting better here. 5lb increase from last time.
    Last edited by Moving_Target; 08-16-2010 at 10:49 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Wednesday Aug.18/2010 Workout

    LBSQ -- 3x5@245lbs (belted on last warmup set and worksets)
    Floorpress -- 3x5@208lbs (microloading) -- this is closer to a true benchpress but ghetto
    BB GMs -- 10x45lbs, 10x45lbs, 10x110lbs, 10x110lbs
    Chinups -- 9xBW, 9xBW, 8xBW

    I helped my Dad with some manual labour and ate poorly today so this workout
    was a real struggle for me.

    I must eat more. I usually am better at eating enough but lately, I seem to be failing at stuffing my face.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Saturday Aug.21/2010 Workout

    Warmup -- PVC pipe IT Band and inner thighs, Softball on gluts/piriformis, 2x30sec squat stretch and some broomstick shoulder dislocates.

    LBSQ -- 3x5@250lbs (belted on worksets. I forgot to belt up for the last warmup set)
    Press -- 5x3@144lbs, 10 x 95lbs and a 15sec static hold at lockout (microloading)
    BB Rows -- 5x160lbs, 5x160lbs, 5x160lbs

    I was going to blow this workout off since I'm on graveyards for the next few days but decided to do it anyway. I didn't have anything to eat after getting up besides some coffee, a banana and a skim milk/protein shake. Joy.

    Squats -- got my reps but my 2nd set was ugly. My form broke down on my second or third rep and my knees came forward a little bit. I tightened things up but I'm not happy.

    Press made me feel like blacking out (attribute it to my empty stomach) but I got all my reps. Barely.

    BB Rows -- no comment.

    Afterwards, I had a 5 egg omelet with cheese, 5-6 slices of shaved roast beef and Frank's Hot Sauce, microwaved potato, an orange, a banana and a cup of non skim milk. My tummy is happy.
    Last edited by Moving_Target; 08-21-2010 at 07:42 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I hurt my lower back (sciatica -- burning pokey sensation above my right buttock) and took some time off for it to heal on it's own. That didn't work
    so I decided to do some rehabbing and get back to some kind of lifting. My back still isn't 100 percent (which sucks) but it has been a gradual improvement so I'm not beating myself up over it.

    Onus Wunsler Reloaded

    Thursday Dec.9/2010 Workout

    I won't bother with the warmup weight feldergarb.

    LBSQ -- 3x5@135lbs
    Press -- 3x5@100lbs
    Deadlifts -- 5x200lbs
    Back Ex -- 8xBW, 2x8xBW+35lbs, 1x10xBW+35lbs
    Last edited by Moving_Target; 12-27-2010 at 09:13 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Saturday Dec.11/2010 Workout

    LBSQ -- 3x5@140lbs
    Floorpress -- 3x5@135lbs (this is closer to a true benchpress but ghetto
    P.Cleans -- 5x3x115lbs
    Back Ex -- 3x8xBW+35lbs

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Sat. Dec.18/2010

    LBSQ -- 3x5x145lbs
    Press -- 3x5x105lbs
    Deadlift -- 5x205lbs
    Back Ex -- 3x8xBW+35lbs

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Tues. Dec.21/2010

    LBSQ -- 3x5x150lbs
    Press -- 3x5x110lbs
    P.Cleans -- 5x3x120lbs
    Back Exs -- 3x8xBW+35lbs

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Fri. Dec.24/2010

    LBSQ -- 3x5x155lbs
    Bench Press -- 3x5x150lbs
    Back Ex -- 3x8xBW+35lbs

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