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Thread: Geezer's Long March Toward the Elite Sneaking Up On the Finish Line

  1. #1001
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Mark--hope your knee is getting better. Re:Martial arts, I have dabbled in a number, but in sparring in any of them , something I learned from my college boxing coach has always stuck with me. "Don't worry about how big or tough they look. 99 percent of people really don't want to hit other humans. Worry about the 1 percent that will actually hit you and mean it". Assuming there is some truth in that (it has been my experience that it is true)--can this be trained? In other words--do self defense courses work to take you out of 99 percent and be in the 1 percent--at least when it matters? Or are you stuck with what you are born with--to paraphrase Popeye--"you am what you am".

    And I guess secondarily--do you think it is nature or nurture-or if both is one primary?

    Deepish thoughts.

  2. #1002
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    If by your question you mean getting over the inhibitions to hit, I think it can be trained or induced out of you. It doesn't take Manchurian Candidate conditioning either. Most people don't want to hit others, your boxing coach was right. You get over that by realizing you have a stronger regard to not get hit yourself first. Running away always works and is a good way to not have hit or get hit. But it does tend to make you hate yourself and is sometimes the wrong response when you have obligations either familial, friendly, or occupational to fulfill.

    I was a big, strong, peaceful kid who The Old Man despaired of when it came to standing up for myself. It changed my junior year in high school when I decided that I was by-God going to make the varsity football team no matter what it took. We were doing tackling drills and I hit Jeff Frank, a friend since 6th grade, so hard when he was carrying the ball it cracked his retainer in spite the mouthpiece he was wearing. I didn't want to hurt him, but I have never looked back since I made that decision over the Summer. I made varsity and was honorable mention in all-conference two years running. Mainly on the strength of several blocked kicks that took a few punters out of the game and one out for an entire season. So in my case it was determination to achieve another objective.

    Hitting people with the hands is different than that though. It is true naked aggression. I stand in front of the kids during punching drills and hold up my hand as a target to get them over this and to improve their focus. I could use a hand held punch pad but that's for weak woosies and it doesn't provide the kids with the real feed back of what it feels like to hit human flesh. Also a lot of what we teach involves other techniques than striking so self defense isn't always about getting over the disinhibition against striking.

    As for knowing who is the 1%? You can't. But you can use deflection, blocking, and side step evasion when an adversary moves in on you. Then you have other options for follow-up, counters, takedowns, throws, chokes, locks, or strikes of your own.

    So in my own case I trained it out of myself. But others may need a drill instructor or sensei or coach to do the same. Hope this answers the intent of your question.

  3. #1003
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Huntsville, AL


    Quote Originally Posted by BillBrownley View Post
    my college boxing coach .... "Don't worry about how big or tough they look. 99 percent of people really don't want to hit other humans. Worry about the 1 percent that will actually hit you and mean it".
    Not my experience. Maybe another way to put it is that most people don't want to hit you without assurance that they will not get hit back. I think everybody has some aggression but consequences back quite a few down. That 1 percent will swing in a second because they are not scared and they actually like to fight. There is another large percentage that isn't scared but will fight if pushed over a limit. That limit varies wildly from person to person. Then again, their are many truly good hearted people in the world that would die before showing aggression to somebody. But threaten their kids and see what happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by BillBrownley View Post
    do self defense courses work to take you out of 99 percent and be in the 1 percent--at least when it matters? Or are you stuck with what you are born with--to paraphrase Popeye--"you am what you am".

    And I guess secondarily--do you think it is nature or nurture-or if both is one primary?
    I have seen in the students I trained (years ago) that it could. But it took time. I think it is similar to lifting weights. Have you ever spotted somebody that you knew they could lift it but you saw the panic in their eyes because they thought it was "too heavy"?

    You can train somebody out of fight, flight or freeze but it could take time. As with most other things, the more immersed in something you are, frequency & later intensity, the less time it could take. Then again, pushing to fast can create trauma that will take even longer from them to overcome.

  4. #1004
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Oakland, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    The attacker comes in for a low tackle or leg takedown. You side step into him with a forearm to the side of the neck, grab his jaw and side of his head and crank him in a corkscrew down to the mat. The Gracies arranged the rules in MMA to make sure this was illegal. What a surprise.
    We still practice this one, in a couple of different variations. I'm taking ukemi for two different dan tests and I have to receive this in all its glory over and over. Sometimes the forearm to the neck inadvertently becomes the pointy tip of the elbow right to the collarbone. Doh!

    I'm glad to hear that you're not the last minute drop out to the seminar! Sounds like your knee is doing much better. I hope you have a great time and looking forward to hearing about it.

  5. #1005
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Thanks Gwynn! I'm in the final couple of hours before I wend my way South to Costa Mesa and sign in. I've actually got butterflies. Silly old man.

  6. #1006
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    If you don't have butterflies, it doesn't mean anything. I still get butterflies before every rugby game, and I am on like my 500th game--I stopped counting a long time ago. This is important stuff--really. Go and meet the challenge, and enjoy it.

    And good luck and good wishes.

  7. #1007
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Farmington Hills, MI


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    Thanks Gwynn! I'm in the final couple of hours before I wend my way South to Costa Mesa and sign in. I've actually got butterflies. Silly old man.
    It's all good. You're gonna have a blast. Get pitchers.

  8. #1008
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Glad to hear the dropout wasn't you. I'm sure you'll do fine and have a great time on top of it all. I look forward to your report!

  9. #1009
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    In the words of Samwise, "Well, I'm back."

    Thanks to all of you for the good wishes and encouragement that I am only now getting a chance to look at. It was eye opening.

  10. #1010
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Yesler's Palace, Seattle, WA


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldster View Post
    I'm slow and lazy.
    What is this nonsense? Slow, maybe. Never seen you run. Lazy I don't buy for a gawdamned minute.

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