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Thread: Geezer's Long March Toward the Elite Sneaking Up On the Finish Line

  1. #1011
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Yesler's Palace, Seattle, WA


    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    In the words of Samwise, "Well, I'm back."

    Thanks to all of you for the good wishes and encouragement that I am only now getting a chance to look at. It was eye opening.
    We await your story of the event.

  2. #1012
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Weight: 245

    Finally able to get to the gym again! Short and sweet, I did a GXP.

    The story (or at least book 1 of it) friend tertius, is in the Starting Strength Events section under Costa Mesa Seminar Report. Although not brief it was in fact summarized because a whole lot more went on than I talked about there. I tried to keep as much of the self referential aggrandizement out of it as I could. Not sure if I succeeded in that or not.

    But damn was it great! I was so-fucking-sore on Sunday from doing squats and deads on the same day I had to get down from my chair during lectures a few times and sit on the floor in a figure 4 hamstring stretch. Then again having Ryan and Rip yell me down low enough in the squat just crisped my posterior chain. "Hurling Goddammit, git yer ass down! REACH FOR IT!!!!" I guarandamtee you when Rip is over your shoulder doing that you WILL pull out all the stops to do it. Of course the other 30+ people there watching you just then can make it a point of pride to not wuss out.

    I was sore until Tuesday and then my knee started feeling funny in a new place medially. Not sore exactly, just not quite right. It may or may not have been a result of the power snatches. Besides my horrendous inflexibility that made that the go-to move, I overheat easily and didn't wear my training longies until I started to see blood on my shins. So my shins are still scabbed over. I also got pissed when the bar caught on the knee brace, so I ripped that off with a huge roar of tearing heavy duty velcro. Tossed it across the gym to my back pack. Maybe another one of not my smartest moves. Didn't hurt at the time though.

    Couple the sore stuff with the time change and a late night at dinner that I lost sleep over and I was cruising the whole weekend on coffee and Tums to kill the coffeee heartburn. I ended up not hydrating properly and so got the ultimate old man's disease. Some terrible constipation that made even the Monday recovery at home and Tuesday back to work something less than stellar. Those things and a crushing set of email traffic on both my PC's at work chained me to my desk and drained me to make jujitsu or lifting a dream. I finally am more or less back on my normal sleep routine.

    I have an appointment next week with the ortho to see what's next with Mr. Knee. I'll be happy to expand on more if ya'll are interested. I just didn't want to become to obnoxious about things. I'm still embarassed over having my name come up when you google Starting Strength. This is Rip's site. I just feel lucky to get to post here and shoot the breeze with you guys. It really is a circle of friends the like of which I've never had in my life up to now.

  3. #1013
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Oakland, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    It really is a circle of friends...
    I agree!

  4. #1014
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    I just feel lucky to get to post here and shoot the breeze with you guys. It really is a circle of friends the like of which I've never had in my life up to now.
    Like Gwynn, I couldn't agree more.

  5. #1015
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Awww, you guys. I feel all warm and cuddly now.

  6. #1016
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Weight: 243

    5 minutes warm up on the bike. (Light Day)

    Lying Tricep Extension: 95 with 3 sets of 12.

    Squat: 135 with 3 sets of 6. I now know that I was setting the bar to high in the rack to get a good low bar position or as close as my shoulders are likely to let that happen. This alone helped considerably in the set up. From there, I just need to work my hands in a little closer over time to get a good trap contraction established under the bar. As for as depth, I was wondering a few times if my ass was going to hit the floor I was trying to go so low. I also learned what hip drive really looks like and feels like now so that was a a somewhat novel experience to reinforce this morning.

    Power Snatch: Sets of 3 55-65-75-95. I woke up with the knee feeling a little better and almost left these out. Maybe it would have been better if I had. But I had to try at least one set and they went great. So I dove in for some more. Lots of odd looks since no one amongst the morning usual suspects does these. I scraped the scabs off my shins but I don't care. These were a lot of fun and much easier than power cleans as odd as that sounds. Of course I'm not using any weight of note but . . .

    My knee actually feels better now than when I woke up even so, yay! Hard exercise can actually fix the lame.

    I can't repeat enough how valuable the experience of seeing and when needed being put in the right position was at the seminar. A number of attendees there didn't need much more than verbal coaching but I was not one of them. It's a lot like what I have done in teaching jujitsu myself. Master Bellman has said that people learn verbally, visually, and by experiencing movement. Not unlike what Rip and Company taught last week. I have had to firmly and sometimes a little forcibly put someone's foot in the right position or take their hand and arm through the range of motion in an arm bar or wristlock so they could "get" the technique that demonstration, explanation, and repeated verbal coaching and correction couldn't accomplish.

  7. #1017
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Weight: 243

    I did a GXP today along with foam rolling and stretching. After that I worked on grip and set up for the overhead press with the empty bar. Along with squats, this exercise really pointed out the fundamental aspects of body mechanics and flexibility. I've had to regroup more than once in the last 6 months in the press. First going from seated to standing, then trying to do what I thought was in the parameters of Starting Strength. Now trying to further remodel what I have been doing the last several months.

    TomC got my hands in position with a few experiments moving them wider and wider to limits of the model that is taught. Then he started pushing my elbows inward while I had the empty bar in my hand trying to get them vertical. I was making faces and he asked "Does that hurt?" No, but it constricted my ribcage to where it was hard to breathe. Not much improvement. TomC said "Man! You are one tight mother fucker." Which made me nearly drop the bar while I was laughing.

    But after a few sets of this I warmed up and it got easier to achieve. I have never been very good at warming up enough. So lots of warmup sets to loosen things up is what I need to do I think.

  8. #1018
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Weight: 244.5

    5 minute warmup on the bike. (What passes for Heavy Day these days) I added some towel dislocates and some shoulder windmills to get the shoulders looser for presses.

    Standing Overhead Press: Sets of 3 45-65-95-115-135-145 (3 sets)-155 for 1. A lot of re-programming of fundamental movements going on here. I managed to get my forearms vertical and have figured out the landmarks for grip spacing now, but getting the shoulders forward and keeping my elbows in will take some diligent attention and work. I'm not sure I was spot-on with that throughout. I also discovered that TomC was right about my knees having a tendency to unlock. I caught myself at that a few times. Then there was re-setting and doing a valsalva between each rep. But you eat the elephant one bite at a time. So the poundages went down. Pretty humbling, but I'd rather do this right than fool myself.

    Pull Ups: Bodyweight 5 sets of 3. These are getting easier with a little less fat to haul up. I may add some reps.

    Squats: Sets of 3 45-95-135-185-225-245. I got ready for this between sets of presses with dropping low and looking in profile at the mirror to be sure I was below parallel. Then paying attention to how that felt through the hip joints and lower back. I have come to the conclusion that I was spooked about my knee at the Seminar and that kept me high. I had my brace on and dropped low-low-low and had no trouble with it then, and the knee feels reasonably OK now. Finishing out with 245, the most I have tried since the injury, was satisfying too. I just have to be vigilant about making sure I don't get careless in the depth as the weight mounts up. Oh, and hip drive first. I need to keep that in mind too.

  9. #1019
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    Filming yourself is way better than looking at the mirror with 200 something pounds on your back. You don't need to upload it, just film it and watch it as you rest between sets.

  10. #1020
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    starting strength coach development program
    Not a bad idea Carlos, but I'm the worst in filming, video, etc. there is. Even with an Instamatic from way back when. Then there's the whole no cameras in the gym policy at Gold's. I did the first part in an air squat to get the unloaded feel.

    There are a lot of things about technology that I think are the cat's ass. This too, but I'm just no damn good at it. I use video both overt and covert at work all the time. But in an entirely different way. I have to burn in deep, deep, deep in muscle memory the tactile sense of how low is low enough and then maintain the integrity to stick to it.

    But thank you sincerely for the tip.

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