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Thread: Geezer's Long March Toward the Elite Sneaking Up On the Finish Line

  1. #5001
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Deadlift: 325 for 6 singles with a backoff set of 295 for 5 reps. I spent a little extra attention to putting my lower back in extension and the singles got progressively easier. This bodes well for further poundage on this lift.

    Swiss Bar Lockouts: Sets of 5, 105-115-125. Balance and wrist action are still a tetch tricky on these, but I'm getting there.

    Hip Belt Squats: Sets of 12, 175-185-195.

    I decided to check up to see if my records last month made it into the USPA books as of yet. Lo and behold! Both the state and national records chiseled in for posterior er, posterity. This is a big improvement over the months it used to take to see them recorded. So I have a total of 12 state and national records in the drug tested and untested divisions, two age divisions, and two weight divisions. So much for the BS up top about my "credentials" littering the boards here. Haters gonna hate. Which includes the proprietors here.

  2. #5002
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    The lumbars and quads are feeling a touch blasted after the deadlifts and hip belt squats yesterday. But from experience, I know my quads recover faster. So, the order of the day was spare the lumbars and damn the torpedoes and speed ahead. The speed work was interspersed with the prowler, then box jumps, heavy bag, rower, speed bag, and medicine ball toss. Finished with rolling and a very careful return to external rotator work. So far the left shoulder feels unscathed.

  3. #5003
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    One of those mornings when you get awakened by the thunder at 3:00. The right middle finger aching along with the right wrist. Then too, the triceps and shoulders sore from some arboreal trimming of overhanging branches. Finally, giving the last pretense of sleep just before 6 and creaking away into the gym. Not expecting anything spectacular what with the wake ups and aches, but determined to hack away in the salt mines.

    Seated Press: 160 for 6 singles followed by a backoff set with 140 and 4 reps. My wrist held up reasonably well for the singles, but started to bark and howl at the moon with the reps. So I bailed. The pre-fatigued arms and delts didn't help either.

    Lateral Raises: Sets of 12, 95-100-105.

    Cable Pulldowns: Sets of 12, 60-50-70.

    Calf Raises: Sets of 12, 225-235-245.

    Rolled and careful external rotation.

    So. All in all, not a bad session. Proof that 80% of success is simply showing up. Even if you have to grit your teeth.

  4. #5004
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Training John and Jereth, a couple of Special Olympians tonight at the Marion Gold's. John is coming on strong again and regaining ground on his previous lifts.

    Jereth displayed some real strength the potential for some great weights, especially in the deadlift. Which is no mean feat given his height. Lotta work ahead on nailing down form, especially in foot placement. I'm coming to realize that safe and successful strength training is the accumulation of attention to many small and insignificant seeming details. We all need to work on them, myself included. My own form and technique has a tendency to drift off too.

    Altogether a great evening of lifting from the guys.

  5. #5005
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Another miserable night. For inexplicable reasons my right wrist and connecting thumb tendon started acting up. They hurt so much it woke me up and made returning to sleep difficult. The prospect of using my hand for anything was not appealing. Plan B ended up being a walk along Indian Creek Trail in Giant City with DB where we saw some interesting rock stacks in the creek. The tree hugging Gaianists will scold people for not letting nature be, but I like these little displays. Later a longer walk with the family dog Kronk.

    I've been assembling my viking costume for the Halloween Row for Dough fundraiser on behalf of Special Olympics. I tried on the horned helmet and Kronk was not appreciative of it. His hackles went up and greeted me with a storm of unfriendly barks.

  6. #5006
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Slept better last night, but woke up with a gimpy. AGAIN! Dosed up with 2 Aleve, CBD cream, and Ketorolac. Also wore a wrist brace. I figgered it would all be fine since this starts a dynamic effort/speed/deload cycle for a week or so. All sets done with a 60 second rest between.

    Squat: 195 for 10 sets of 2 reps. Wrist hurt terribly, especially trying to seat the bar low on the traps. Gave up and took off the brace. It still hurt a lot, but slightly less.

    Cable Hammer Cable Curls: 120 for 3 sets of 12.

    Reverse Hyperextensions: 35 for 3 sets of 12.

    Rolling and external rotator work.

  7. #5007
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Ball Cap.jpg

    Angela and Gabriel showed tonight along with Ken and Ethan. I had Ken lead the class to evaluate his progress and retention of methods. His teaching style tonight was really good working with Gabriel. Angela is more at ease around him than she is with me. I think my black gi gives her the willies.

    As a means of giving the newbies a view of things to come I had Ken and Ethan demonstrate their blue belt 2nd degree techniques. The subtext was that I was evaluating Ken for promotion to purple belt. He executed very well, and at the end of class I promoted him. Did the whole thing, took his blue belt and tied it into the knot of knowledge and gave it back to him along with tying on his purple belt. He's worked hard and earned it.

  8. #5008
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Finally(!) the wrist backed off on me and the finger relented a bit.

    This cycle will be all about the speed. Two sets of 5 reps with kettlebell swings, box jumps, and medicine ball tosses. Interspersed with speed bag and heavy bag and finished off with rolling and external rotator work.

    I had a follow up with the orthopedist over my trigger finger. The shot worked a little for a while and we agreed that the surgery was the way to go. So next month I'll get this irritating thing carved up a wee bit.

    Then a Special Olympics coaches meeting to round out the day. The Row for Dough Saturday morning will place all Team Lightning Bolt folks who show for the event on a rowing team, there won't be a dedicated team of Olympians.

  9. #5009
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    More dynamic effort and speed sets.

    Bench Press: 140 for 10 triples.

    Hammer Row: 250 for 3 sets of 5.

    Cable Pressdowns: 100 for 3 sets of 12.

    In remembrance of the What Are You Wearing Today thread, I was attired in my red Challenger mission ball cap (RIP Greg Jarvis), a Special Olympics Big Blue Training Event t-shirt, and New Balance hiking boots. No squats or deadlifts today, so no specialized Adidas flats or the colorful Asics wrestling shoes.

    As I was leaving the Rec Center, one of the SIU Army ROTC guys was coming in decked out in the new matrix camo BDU's. He gave me a cheery "Good morning Sir!" which I returned slightly bemused. Then I remembered how I get this all the time from people in one form or another. Usually it's "Were you a Marine?" My answer is always, "Yep, I had 17 years of active duty getting basic training at Firebase Hurling from The Old Man." Carton will know what I mean by that. Having survived three amphibious landings in the Pacific and a USMC Raider, The Old Man knew how to get the basics delivered. You too, Dad, RIP.

  10. #5010
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    starting strength coach development program
    I know what you mean Mark about your Dad. My father was a Staff Sergeant in the Army Airforce during WWII, he often woke my brother and I up yelling "let go your cocks and put on your socks!".

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