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Thread: :: Lift to Kill ::

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ozone Park, Queens,NYC,NY


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Man finally a day close to normal sleep.

    Foodage's that I ated

    Breakfast : 3 eggs, cheddar cheese, onions,peppers,and hot sauce. Multi-Grain english muffin, 1/2 cup Steel cut Irish oatmeal w/ milk and honey. 2 cups of coffey w/ milk and stevia.

    Lunch/Post work out : Isopure zero carb drink w/ glutamine & creatine...half of a Mr.Softee vanilla shake ( shouldve went for the gusto there)

    Snack 1: handfull of pretzel fish

    Snack 2 : handfull of mixed nuts

    Dinner: Lettuce wraps with chicken and mushrooms. Just about 2 cups of brown rice as well.

    Maybe coffey latter before work with some sort of confectionary ?!?!?!

    Today is also a "carb up" day on my carb cycling...hence the fact of me being a carbo whore today. Next carb up day should be tuesday/wendsday...depending on how the NY J-E-T-S do this sunday.

    Workout: Squat-Lower body :

    Low bar Squat : 285x3, 330x3, 375 x 8

    Olympic squats : 235x2x10, 240x3x10

    RDL : 225x4x10 (had to cut a set short cause I was running late)

    Hang Snatch : 150x8x2

    Felt really strong today. Still trying to gauge " just bellow" parallel w/ my low bar squats. Either the weights are just getting easyer or Im missing my mark.

    No cardio/conditioning today because my legs are fried. Tommorow maybe some plyo's/meta-con stuff...either medicine ball power endurance stuff, sprints, or body weight complex's....hmmmm

    Still got some time before NAGA grappling tourney in late NOV. Want to be below 200 by then. I went totally keto-low carb for my last tourney and I felt like I was going to die on the fookin energy.

    Had a bowel of honeydew melon..then a cup of Muselix with whole milk..then more flucking pretzel fish...tommorow back to celery ,nuts and jerkey !
    Last edited by TheTonyT; 09-24-2010 at 08:46 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ozone Park, Queens,NYC,NY


    Saturday : I didnt do JACK SHIT, and I dont remember what I ate, but It was low carb day...mightve snuck in a few cheese fries during the fights last night, but thats as far as it went.

    Had some buffalo wings that night too --6/10..had better, but alot worse. Also no beer sucksss...

    sucks bad...


    Especially during the damn J-E-T-S game today ( SQUISH THE FISH ! ! ! )

    What I did do today was:

    Breakfast :

    3 eggs, cheddar cheese, and chicken enchilada hash. 2 slices of multi-grain toast. One plain. One I made a peanut butter & banana sandwich with...this is also post work its really lunch.

    Dinner : Buffalo chicken salad.

    Snacks: Veggie's w/ hummus.


    Hill sprints--25

    Med ball circuit

    8 med ball squat push throw ( ATG )
    16 med ball overhead throws ( 8R & 8L )
    16 med ball side scoop toss ( 8R & 8L )
    8 granny toss's ( snapping hips up top )
    16 med ball side rotational "punch" toss (8R & 8L)
    8 med ball slams
    8 med ball tuck jumps.

    did these for 3 sets about 30-60 minutes after my sprints..then I ate---(see foodages above )

    Tommorow--Press, Dips,Chins, Power cleans. Maybe some wrestling..or boxing. Been meaning to check out a few gyms around the way.

    If neither then some sort of HIIT, or Meta-Con latter on.

    If neither then its watching instructionals,and/or video games... HEY how about that .

  3. #13



    I would love to see a video of those back squats.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ozone Park, Queens,NYC,NY


    Quote Originally Posted by utexas61 View Post

    I would love to see a video of those back squats.
    Thank you. I would love to film them myself to make sure my depth is where I want it.

    I allready shit can'd an old 1RM and its subsequent intensity poundages because my form was off, it would really suck if I had to do it again lol

    Im sure my form is ok now-a-days, but Im just a stickler when it comes to squatting.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Ozone Park, Queens,NYC,NY


    Today started off well enough..then I found out that I fucked up this mesocycles programming
    (insted of doing 70-80-90 I did 65-75-85 for squats and bench). So Im not sure if Im going to add a week, or just finish up with 5-3-1 with 75-85-95

    Today's Menu

    Breakfast : 3 eggs w/cheddar cheese, 1/2 cup cooked Irish oatmeal with Tbsp of brown suger, and a little skim milk

    Lunch : Lean Body protien shake (post workout)

    Dinner : London broil, bok choy, onions

    Todays Training:

    Press : 135x3 , 155x3, 175x4 ( messed of 5th rep, but went back and got it after resest)

    Dips : BW x 100 reps

    Chins BW x 50 reps (mixed grips)

    Power Clean & Jerks 205x10x1 ( out of 10 cleans I jerked pressed 5 times when I felt spry ! )

    Wrestling Training : planning on alot of rolling/sparring today w/ some skill drills maybe

    Update :

    Wrestling canceld. Might do a 20 minute Jump Rope HIIT session back at the gym.

    Scratch that did 20 HIIT on stationary bike..then 3x10 plyo push ups, 1x10 jump squats, 1x10 alt jump lunges, 1x5 jump squats then x 5 jump lunges...done in circuit fashion ( 10 PP's, 10 JS's) just to finish up the session.

    went home had some mixed nuts and BCAA's...not as good as big mac's and fries...
    Last edited by TheTonyT; 09-27-2010 at 07:19 PM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ozone Park, Queens,NYC,NY



    Forgot what I ate but it was low carb day on my cycle.

    Put in 2 hours on the mat. (Conditioning,Drills,Sparring)

    Wednesday (Today)

    Deadlift Day :

    Deadlifts -- 350x3, 400x3, 450x4 (then grabed anoter one after 30 seconds)

    Deadlifts-- 250x5x10

    Hang Snatch-- 145x10x2

    Decline sit ups-- BWx5x15

    Notes: Didnt feel as strong with the DL's as I did when I did the Texas Method. I also pulled alot more singles insted of multiple reps. (450x5 as opposed to 485x10x1). I am also not sure if the BBB way to attack is advantageous to my goals, as opposed to say...the Triamvirate (or however its spelled). My fucked up hands also forced me to lift with straps this time ( only on the last set of heavy DL's and some sets of the hang snatchs). It also sucks trying to stay strong while trying to loose weight.

    Foodages :
    Today is eat as many carbs as you can day ! !

    Breakfast: 3 eggs, cheddar cheese, 3 strips of bacon, 3 whole wheat banana nut pancakes,syrup, coffey w/ stevia.

    Lunch: Post workout shake: ( Monster Milk w/ water, ice, and creatine '5g's')

    I also want some damn chinese food, and I want to play my 360. Maybe some instructional material latter as well. If I feel spry then jump rope latter...maybe...or some other cardio.

    When I as fatter, I felt so much...
    Last edited by TheTonyT; 09-29-2010 at 03:29 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ozone Park, Queens,NYC,NY


    Two days past. Two days of breaking my ass.


    Food I ate

    Breakfast-- 3 eggs, cheddar cheese, bacon, multi-grain english muffin, coffey

    Lunch-- I forgot

    Dinner-- salad with chicken, mozz,bacon,tomatos,cucombers.

    Snacks-- I forgot

    Plyo's & Conditioning :

    Plyo pull ups ( mixed grips) 10x3 Bodyweight

    Plyo depth push ups 5x8

    Jump squats 3x8

    Jump lungers 3x 8 ( 4R and 4L )

    Treadmill sprints-- 15 second sprints at #10 incline & #10 speed for 28 minutes ( 16 total sprint reps)


    Bench Day

    Bech Press-- 215x5, 240x3, 270x2 ( I fucked up my form on my third rep and blew yeah I failed lol )

    Bench Press2-- 160x5x10

    Pendley Rows-- 185x5x12 ( thought I couldve went a little heavyer, but I also didnt want to blow out either)

    Clean High Pulls- 2x2x245, 6x2x250 ( thought I couldve grabed 20 reps, but felt strong with 16)

    Latter on

    Sub-Wrestling (conditioning,drills, and getting stretched out lol)

    Todays menu:

    Breakfast-- Really shitty garden omlete, some fries,piece of whole wheat toast, coffey

    Lunch-- Roast beef on multi-grain bread w/ light mayo, and cheddar cheese, and a banana

    Post work out- ON protien shake w/ ice, stevia,water, and tbsp chocolate syrup

    Dinner-- Cajun chicken with peppers,onions,tomates. Side of broiled green beans with O.O

    Snacks- Tons of mixed nuts. Piece of Lard Bread from Mazzolla's ( Top notch! !)

    I racked my knee up Deadlifting the other day, I hope this dosnt play a factor in my Squat day Monday. Im putting 420 on the bar and I want 5 GDamn Reps GDAMMIT. ( I know..300 fucks, and I wont say G-DDammit..I need oatmeal cookies GodDmmt lol)

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ozone Park, Queens,NYC,NY


    Saturday & Sunday:

    Jack & Shit



    Breakfast : 3 eggs scrambled w/ cheddar cheese, Oatmeal w/ whole milk & brown sugar

    During Workout: BCAA's mixed with water

    Lunch/Postwork out: LeanBody protien shake

    Dinner: Tons of garlic pot roast, 2 slices of bread.

    Snack 1: cup and 1/2 of Muselix w/ whole milk

    Snack 2: 2 Mcdonalds double cheese burgers (no buns), handfull of the shittiest frys I ever had,
    half of an apple pie, small vanilla shake ( yeah thats not a snack, I just didnt know what to call a meal
    at 1 a.m)

    Squat Day:

    Squat-- 330x5, 375x3, 420x3 ( since depth was an issue I totally shit can'd the last set after multiple attempts, and then decided to squat to a box and nailed 3 w/ one left in the chamber)

    Squat 2-- 225x5x10

    Good Mornings 135x10,165x4x10

    Hang Power Cleans 205x10x1

    I think from now on Im going to squat w/ a box so that depth isnt an issue. The first attack at 420 I had sombody help gauge my depth. The first set I was missing the depth by a cunt hair. Then as I went on my form degenerated horribly. When I decided to use a box ( approx.14 inchs, right below my knee ) I squated untill I hit the box and the issue was resolved for the most part. I also think it helped my overall form out alot more.

    Starting to have thoughts about switching back to the Texas Method, but I dunno...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ozone Park, Queens,NYC,NY


    Wensday :

    30grams ON Protien w/ Skim Milk, 2 mini bran muffins.

    8 shitty chicken nuggets, mesclun salad w/ cucumbers,tomato's, & french dressing

    Half of an "Uncrustible"

    Post Work out:
    MonsterMilk w/ water, ice, & Creatine


    Press day


    Chin ups (mixed grips) 10x5 w/bw

    Dipss 10x10 w/bw

    Power Snatch 165x2x1 (Max)

    High Pull Barbell Snatch 185x4x3 205x1x3

    I think I tore a muscle on my right flank last friday. It only hurts when the area is pressed, or if I land hard on my right foot. Its the most stingiest,burniest fucking pain Ive ever fucking felt, In my fucking fuck life. FUCK !!!

    Also, I think the problem with my squat depth has to do with my back rounding at the bottom..subsequently killing my hip/ham/glute drive. I am short, stocky, with huge legs , and the only way I can figure how to remedy the situation is using a box ( by box I mean milk crate and 3 , 45lb plates). I feel like giving my ass somthing to aim for helps keep my back right...I think ??!??!?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Ozone Park, Queens,NYC,NY


    starting strength coach development program
    Well Im back from a short layoff (thur-sun) after I couldnt bare this horrific stinging, burning pain in my right side flank area.

    I also went back to the good ol Texas Method after about 2 cycles of the 5-3-1.
    Dont get me wrong, I love the 5-3-1, but I truthfully miss squating 3x's a week,I feel like I am loosing strength in the squating department + my form hasnt been as pretty as I want it to be. I might do it with the dynamic day added in on friday insted of the PR day, but I'll see. I also see how Im going to stuff my conditioning in there as well, wich was the main reason why I switched to 5-3-1 anyways.

    What I ate (thur-sun) --Cheeseburgers,Chocalate Shakes,Fries,Cookies,Cakes, and all that other good stuff w/ xbox 360 work, and relaxing.

    Monday Menu(Today):

    Breakfast-- 3eggs,cheddar cheese, 2 strips of bacon, 3 slices of tomato, irish oatmeal w/ half of a banana & brown sugar.

    Lunch/Post WO-- ON shake w/ water, ice, half a banana,stevia, and 1 tbsp peanut butter.

    Dinner-- Roast Chicken with somthing else (possibly sweet potato's....wich I cant fucking have any...Thanks thoughtful wife ! lol)

    Snack 1-- handfull wasabi almonds.


    Lowbar Backsquat
    1 back off set,275x10

    Bench press
    230x3x5 ( last reps were failing so I backed off)
    205x2x5 (easy)
    1 back off set 185x10

    Chin ups
    bwx35 reps spread out

    Power Clean
    185x5x3 + 1 rep for good measure w/push press


    My NY Jets vs Those bum Vikings

    seriously I gotta figure out how to manage my grappling,boxing,weights, and cardio (along w/ work and family). I got 2 serious competitions comming up and I cannot falter. I need to bring home some fucking scalps.
    Last edited by TheTonyT; 10-11-2010 at 03:56 PM.

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