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Thread: push pull beat and blow.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default push pull beat and blow.

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Ok- I was challenged to quit fucking around Ends and Pieces and post a log. Good timing- I injured myself two weeks ago (tibialis) and came back and deloaded (on advice to do so given the injury)
    Im a performer and carry a heavy instrument (35lb bass horn) also have to sing and switch to drums a good bit- play lots of outside moving around gigs. Squats and presses in particular have improved my ability to focus on the music and not be sore- so my goals are mostly related to maintaining that as well as general health and strength improvement- nothing fancy. If anything Id like to see my deadlift improve drastically- not using chalk or straps still - but still think I should be pulling 30 more lbs than I am.
    before latest layoff my bests

    Squat- 350X3
    Press -155X3
    DL- 335X3
    PC- 155X3
    BP- 205

    1st workout after coming off of layoff. 11/02

    Sq 275 5x5
    PR- 140 5x5
    DL- 305 1x5

    Pull ups 7,7,5,4,,3
    dips- 10,10,9,7,5

    Today Im just going to continue a quick novice- and hopefully hit next Monday with my regularly scheduled programming....

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Sq 285x3x5 (sets/reps)
    Bp 175x3x5
    PC 155x5x3

    Ankle is throbbing but feels good.
    Last edited by JM3; 11-06-2010 at 05:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Welcome, and good lifts. As an old fart I find stretching is a Godsend. Carrying around a 35 pound instrument like you do and lifting may I suggest a few good stretches for the hamstrings and lower back? You might find it will keep things happier for you and stave off the aches.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    ha ha - hey Mark- thanks. I do stretch- Im flexible since squating so dynamic stretching before runs seem fine. used to do yoga- but my eyes glaze whenever I think about it now.

    Ok- gig last night was not physically challenging or crazy late and shop was slow so I hit it. Normally dont work out on Sat.

    Sq 300 3x5 95lbs 1x10 - I know thats not a back off weight- was just feeling like something else
    Pr 135 5x5-
    Chins- 6,5,4,3,1- always weak grip after work so not worried about those numbers.
    Deadlift 135- 1x10 - just to pull a little.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008



    Sq 305 3x5
    175 2x10
    Pr 135 3x5
    100 1x10
    DL 315 1x5 was bummed about this one- I need chalk, and volume is prolly too high prior to lift. Also only one day rest from last session I dunno, frustrating lift for me. Didnt help that as Im on rep 4 two kids from the karate class ran just in front and just behind me- the one in front stopped and stared at me for a second before realizing he was standing reaaally close- would have been funny were I not bummed about the bar.

    flat bench dumbells - 130 3x5

    I have no earthly idea what my rationale is for the back off sets- I should have just added 5lbs of weight to the set- but a couple of reps felt quad heavy- so I decided to do some high reps like last time to grease it- also, was doing this weight 5x5s a few weeks ago, so would like to keep the overall volume sort of similar if not the intensity.

    I had intended to start back with TX method today- but this last week of less volume has my squats going much deeper- and my hip drive is improved - so Im going to stick with it a week at least. Pretty sure I jumped out of novice- particularly looking at my deadlift number- too soon.
    should have benched today too- thats why I threw that dumbell BS in at the end.

    Took a brief hike afterward - too many clients tomorrow so no hill sprints.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008



    Playground workout

    L sits- (seconds) 20, 15, 10, 5, 4,

    Pull ups- 7,4,6,6,5,3

    Dips 10, 15,10,10,5, (my kid pulled my legs and told me to stop)

    Felt good- my 2 year old went back and forth twice on the zip line- with zero support. Ill report his PR for him.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    A zip line at a playground? Cool! I'm surprised the school or park district took the risk what with lawyers salivating in the wings in the event of mishap. Good for your kid! Next time he pulls on your legs scissor him carefully and use him for weighted dips. Heh.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    You would be doubly surprised if you knew where it was- perhaps the most liberal political neighborhood in the USA. Immigrants with a green card are elgible to vote in local elections regardless of citizenship status.

    oh- not on a line on a cable.- its handle with wheels in a frame- same principle tho- he gets mixed grip and all- but this was double overhand - It was definately a shocker for me- he is usually good for once across. Im guessing 8-10 ft run.
    Of course since your daughter has left home to work for Al Franken you dont need to look for playgrounds but... There is a good one I found in London- Gorum Fields (spelling maybe) that has a long ass zip line in the middle of it- and goats hanging out on the slides etc-. The new ones can be kinda sad in terms of real physical challenging equipment for sure.
    Last edited by JM3; 11-09-2010 at 11:13 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    SQ. 310 3x5
    185 2x10
    BP 180 3x5
    CL 135,140,145x3. 155 2x3
    Not much time,back off sets are really helpful, starting. to realize I jumped on TM too soon.loving the linear progression. Next workout will be where I left off.let's see.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    SQ 310,315, 320 x5. 320 5rm PR
    Press, 135,140, 140 5rm PR
    Cl 145x3 150x3 155x3 160x2x3 PR
    Curls. 60x10 70x10
    Kb swing 2x 10. 50lb

    Pretty good considering I worked all day and was totally going to take today as my 2day rest. Working tonight late and tomorrow early, looking forward to 2days then deadlifting. Going to deload and ramp from 305 on squat just to work form, hopefully ill have easy worksets at 315 on Weds... off to blow some jazz
    Last edited by JM3; 11-12-2010 at 05:39 PM.

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