06-03-2015, 12:28 AM
Tuesday 2.6
DL 5x100, 3x120, 3x140, 7x150 kgs
Leg press 3x 10x125 kgs
Abs 1x20
Summer is coming and this year I borrowed a membership to a fitness club for a month, as in the last years especially the beginning of the Summer has been difficult at home due to the heat. As it now looks however June may be rather cool. Anyhow, this fitness center I doubt provide for much dropping the bar etc, so I started the month with DL at home. Went pretty well, I think I could have pulled more. I'll try again in some weeks.
06-07-2015, 11:17 PM
Friday 5.6, fitness center
OHP 2x50, 1x55, 2x 3x60, 3x60 kgs (fail)
2x 6x50 kgs
H Clean 2x60, 3x 3x65 kgs
DB Tric ext. 1x 10x12 kgs
DB Curls 2x 12x16 kgs, 10x16 kgs
This was OK, and I cannot complain about the equipment. I arrived just in time for stepping in into the rack with the Eleiko bar. I was a member of this club some 6 years ago, but then they did not have these bars, only cheaper bars. There was a Gymstick bar on the other rack, so hopefully the squat racks are not too crowded. This evening they were not.
Last edited by Matti; 06-07-2015 at 11:20 PM.
06-08-2015, 11:35 PM
Monday 8.6, fitness center
Squat 2x90, 1x100, 1x105, 2x 5x110 kgs
5x100, 6x100 kgs
RDL 3x90, 3x 6x100 kgs
Leg raises 1x20, 1x15
Luckily I again got the Eleiko bar and the squats were rather easy, but the rack has safety bars rather far apart, so it was tricky to get the bar straight down so it would not touch them. A bit bad form, was swaying some but deep and solid otherwise. They don't have a roman chair so I did leg raises for abs.
06-11-2015, 10:38 PM
Thursday 11.6, garage
BP 2x80, 1x90, 1x95, 3x 2x97,5 kgs (paused first reps)
5x90 kgs
2x 5x82,5 kgs (wide grip)
BBR 7x60, 3x 6x65 kgs
Not the best of times, our kitchen is still under work and the garage half filled with extra stuff. I skipped the club today as I did not have time. I do some renovating plastering work on the house wall and that is time consuming and dusty, and I start to get tired of it. But the presses went up fine.
Last edited by Matti; 06-11-2015 at 10:41 PM.
06-15-2015, 01:52 AM
Sunday 14.6
H Clean 5x40, 5x50, 5x60 kgs
P Clean 5x70 kgs
High pull 5x90, 3x 5x100 kgs
DL 8x120 kgs
Abs 1x20
Did not have much time, had to skip the leg press.
06-22-2015, 04:08 AM
Friday 19.6
OHP 3x50, 1x55, 2x 3x60 kgs
2x 5x55 kgs
Pull ups 4x7
Curls rev. grip 2x 8x30 kgs
06-22-2015, 04:12 AM
Sunday 21.6
Squat 1x100, 1x105, 5x110 kgs
3x 6x100 kgs
RDL 3x90, 3x 6x100 kgs
Abs 1x20
Felt really heavy. I was travelling in work in last week, and also we went for a trip in the weekend, so I got a bit out from the usual routine, and I felt a bit tired. There have been several long evenings in this week, and I did not really get to rest. Don't know if that's the reason but the squats felt really heavy.
Last edited by Matti; 06-22-2015 at 04:14 AM.
06-24-2015, 01:35 AM
Tuesday 23.6, fitness clubb
BP 2x80, 1x85, 1x90, 2x 2x95, 1x 4x95 kgs (paused first reps)
2x 5x90 kgs
Tric ext. 1x 8x12 kgs (DB)
DB Row 3x 10x36 kgs
Finally I had time to get to the gym. The BP was a bit tricky, not used to the bench and not to the bar. The uprights were a bit wide apart and the hooks fixed, so lifting the bar out was half a press already. The bar was an Eleiko but it could have been a weight lifting bar since the collars rotated were easily and the bar felt thin. Also the knurling was not the same as on my Texas power bar which should be a standard power lifting bar. It simply did not feel good, sort of hard to balance. The Dumbbells for rowing were on the other hand very thick so 40 kgs would have been hard to hold on to.
06-29-2015, 12:02 AM
Friday 26.6
H Clean 5x40, 5x50, 5x60 kgs
DL 4x100, 3x120, 2x140, 5x150 kgs. Went bad, tried to touch-and-go but the hook grip lasted for only three reps. I had forgot about that. I managed to pull two ordinary reps after but had to settle for 5 altogether.
Leg press 3x 10x125 kgs
Abs 1x20
07-01-2015, 10:28 PM
Wednesday 1.7
OHP 2x50, 1x55, 3x 3x60 kgs
2x 5x55 kgs
DBR 3x 9x40 kgs
Short one today, The weather now gets hotter but this went fine today. Somehow difficult to find time for training in Summer.
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