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Thread: Zombie Survival Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Zombie Survival Training Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    This is going to be my training log as well as a spot to post thoughts on training and life based on my years of doing various things in the weight room, sports, and life in general. I was an Army Officer and worked in special operations before I got out to open my gym. I've got an interest in survival (though I'm no through and through survivalist). Especially being that I live in hurricane country and as we saw with Katrina, things can go down hill fast. Also, I think that civilization as we know it is a fragile thing, especially economically. Again, bad things are very possible. So, my training is fitness training for this sort of thing as well as my sport (MMA/BJJ).

    Basically my goal is to be a really good all around lifter, have great conditioning, and build my GPP for grappling and MMA which I think also prepares me for any potential survival situation that may or may not come. Basically I want to be good at lifting and pretty good at everything else and not suck at anything. I'm a purple belt in bjj, have a great wrestling background as well as one of the best wrestling coaches in the country, and I'm working to slowly continue building my boxing and muay thai ability. Yes, I've got a lot to work on, but I don't find it impossible. I'm the owner and head trainer at the Dammit Gym in St. Petersburg, FL, which can make training difficult to fit in but also be an advantage to train when I want. It always depends on what kind of time I have. My training mixes strength training and crossfit, basically, but I put my own spin on it with a lot of strongman and grip work for grappling.

    I'm 32 years old (will be 33 at the end of the month) 5'9" and 185lbs. I plan to do a lot more bjj competitions at the higher levels and only in absolute divisions. I'll probably hit more MMA fights next summer when I get more time to train (its a 30min drive to Gracie Tampa, where I train).

    My basic training plan breaks down like this:

    Sunday: Push presses + assistance work
    Monday: Power clean + Deadlift improvement+GPP
    Tuesday: Pullups/Row variations +GPP
    Wednesday: GPP
    Thursday: Benchpress/dips+assistance+GPP
    Friday: Squats+assistance+Optional GPP

    It's fluid, though, so I switch things around sometimes due to my busy schedule. With the weights I stick to a lot of singles, doubles and triples for a high number of sets but also some 5x5. GPP can be as simple as running, rowing, or sprinting, and bag work, to crossfit circuits, sled drags or strongman medleys. I like to make things more difficult usually by adding weight or weight vests. I like to hit a lot of grip work as well using axles, stones, towels and any implement I can.

    Along with this each day I have BJJ, wrestling, and striking/MMA depending on the day. My focus right now is mostly BJJ/Wrestling.


    I think these days people are increasingly soft. I see it frequently in all aspects of life. Men need to be men again. So many people complain about getting sore from even the easiest of workouts. People are weak, soft, and overweight. Fitness levels are at all time lows. I work to change this on a daily basis.

    People also have a sense of entitlement for things they've never earned. Physical training is considered solely about looks by the sheeple. My training is about increased performance across all aspects of fitness. I need to be able to climb, pick up heavy stuff, run, push and pull heavy objects, jump, and have energy left over. I steal from whatever is useful to hit my goals.


    There is a story of a war veteran saying: “Most of the people in our society are sheep. They are kind, gentle, productive creatures who can only hurt one another by accident. Then there are the wolves,” the old war veteran said, “and the wolves feed on the sheep without mercy. Then there are sheepdogs,” he went on, “and I’m a sheepdog. I live to protect the flock and confront the wolf.”

    This is my training mentality. You never know what you will face or when you will have to protect someone. I keep this up after my time in the military and a part of my survival philosophy.

    "Honor never grows old, and honor rejoices the heart of age. It does so because honor is, finally, about defending those noble and worthy things that deserve defending, even if it comes at a high cost. In our time, that may mean social disapproval, public scorn, hardship, persecution, or as always, even death itself.
    The question remains: What is worth defending? What is worth dying for? What is worth living for?"

    - William J. Bennett
    In a lecture to the United States Naval Academy
    November 24, 1997

    So I'll start with today's training:

    AM: As Many rounds in 20 minutes of 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats with a 20# vest: 25 rounds

    Axle Pendlay rows 10x3 200lbs
    Grip work: Pinch grip 2xx25lb plates 3 sets, reverse curls with a towel: 3x5 45lbs

    Afternoon: BJJ class (2 hours)

    PM: 45min run heart rate @140

    Comments and questions are welcome. I'm planning on staying on top of this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011



    Incline Bench Press: 210x1, 210x1, 215x1, 220x1, 225x1, 225x1, 230x1, 235x1, 240x1, 245x1(PR), Missed 250x1, 235x1, 225x1, 225x1, 225x1
    Dips (fist to armpit deep): 105x5, 105x5, 105x5

    I used to hate the incline bench press, but I've found it really helps with my sticking point in the flat bench (off the chest) as well as assisting in my press, which has always been a definite weakness. Since I hit a 10lb PR from 235 3 weeks ago, I'm going to switch up exercises.
    I always hear people talk about weighted dips not helping with benching and I used to think the same thing. I realized later that the dip is really good at helping off the chest when benching, but only if the rep is done deep enough (fist to armpit). If you look at joint angles the depth most people hit is 4-5 inches higher than what the depth of a normal bench press would be. Once you hit fist to armpit depth, it is the same and you really reap the benefits of the dip. Add in the stabilization that the bench does for you and you have a much more solid exercise. My eventual goal is to do 5 or more dips with my bodyweight (185) in plates wrapped around my waist.

    Afternoon: BJJ training. I had a really good class. I got to roll with one of my teammates who is a 3 stripe blue belt. I don't know what it is about this kid, I can beat him every time, but every time it is a total grind. It took me about 30 minutes of straight, non stop rolling to finally break him and submit him. I roll with purple belts who are easier to beat. As some home training, I'm going to study some videos

    Night: GPP: 5 rounds 500m row, 6 axle power snatches with 115lbs. it took me 15 and some change. It wasn't too difficult, other than being tired from the rest of the day. Definitely feel my grip getting stronger from working with the axle a lot.


    I'm reading Gates of Fire as a part of my mental toughness training. Just keeping sharp and motivated realizing what ancient combat must have been like. I've been in combat and shooting a man from far away is much different than having to look him in the eye while fighting sword to sword.

    Things make you realize how soft people are now days. Even a couple of generations ago. My fiance had a friend date raped in her dorm room a few months back. She was actually locked in the room with the guy and they had to call campus security for help. No males in proximity helped AT ALL. To afraid... My late grandfather told me a story about him and some guys when they were in WW2, if I recall correctly, it was in New York when they got back or before they left (I'm not sure) and there was a patron at a bar physically hassling a young woman. Him and a couple of guys took the guy out and soundly beat him. He taught me that a man defends weaker people. This has always stuck with me.

    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing." Robert E Howard's Conan

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Short Post today, we had a competition at the Dammit Gym, so I've been quite busy. Yesterday we just back squats: 285x3, 285x3, 295x3, 305x3, 310x3, 315x3, 325x3, 330x3, 335x3, 340x3.

    Today is a day off of training (much needed). Tomorrow I'll be back at it with a vengeance.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Here is yesterday's training: Press: 120x5, 125x5, 130x5, 135x5, 125x5; Lying tricep extensions: 95x8, 105x8, 110x8. Then 3 rounds, 20 reps each 70lb Kettlebell Swing, 16lb Hammer Swings. Time 5:23. I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, so this was short, plus it was a busy day, I put a contract on a condo with a cash offer, so we will see how that goes down. In the mean time, I'll be back this evening to post today's workout and give a little more thought on some fitness for survival purposes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Atlantic City, NJ


    Welcome to the asylum Gunslinger. You should be registered as a lethal weapon. When our country goes bankrupt and collapses, I'll join your gym !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Long island, NY


    been preppin and semi self reliant in long island NY. Zombie sharp shooter too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Somewhere on a Quest



    I've been a 'survivalist' since the '70's I reckon, focused on self reliance on small properties.

    I don't know what half the stuff is you are talking about (MMA and BJJ), but you have some great lifting going!

    Thank you oh so very much for your service to our Country. You have no idea what it means to me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Thanks a lot guys, I'm newer to the prepping community and still learning the ins and outs. It's always been 'in' me, as I've always attempted to be prepared for anything, but only within the past year did I stumble onto the online communities out there. I definitely believe in rugged individualism (of course you need to have help in terms of a team or group no matter what), but it's been my thought that each takes care of his own, then the group does their best. I'm very busy with everything, but I'm going to try to keep up with this log as much as possible. My fiance takes up a lot of my time so does my business, but in the end its all worth it!

    Oldster: thanks man, I appreciate it, I spent a lot of time over in the sandbox. It's definitely life experience, but I like doing what I do now better!

    Today's training: Hang Power Clean 135x3, 145x3, 155x3, 165x3. I've been doing these from the hang mostly because I feel I have to build more power to lift from the hang than from the floor.
    Speed deadlifts: 10x2 with 210lbs. My weakness is off the floor with deadlifts-if I can break it off the floor, I can lift it, so I've recently added the speed deadlift. I only deadlift about 1 time a month and I've been doing it from a deficit most of the time in order to fix this weakness. We will see how it goes.
    Goodmornings: 195x3, 200x3, 205x3, 210x3 (PR), 210x3, 200x3 These are the meat of my deadlift training for my back and hamstrings. I usually have one of my senior members watch my depth to ensure I get low enough.
    Barbell Shrugs: 405x5, 415x5, 435x5 (PR) I hit these every couple of weeks partially because my traps aren't as strong as they should be, they help protect my neck and of course look awesome.

    I recently got an Alice Pack that I'm going to fit to be my BOB and also use for plenty of road marching, which I think is a great alternative to distance running. Plus packing gear can be useful as hell for any survival situation. I was planning on marching with it tonight or doing a 45-60 minute run, but I got caught up at work and missed it (sucks!). Just ran out of time in the day. I also missed BJJ class because I was signing papers on a property I put a bid on. Just too much going on in one day. But that is why my training remains fluid. It should be a training packed day tomorrow, so I'm going to try to get to bed early tonight.


    I've noticed watching YouTube along with scanning several survival websites that many of them are in terrible shape. I think that anyone interested in survival should be looking to be in great shape. For good reason, too, in a TEOTWAWKI situation, or even lower level ones like hurricanes, you are only as good as your body is to carry you. You have to be strong and enduring plus be resilient. It's the base of survival. A lot of the guys are into all the gagets and guns, but the bottom line is that stuff won't do you much good if you aren't in great shape. The thing is, being in basically good shape isn't that hard, get in some bodyweight exercises and some running, throw in some stretching, push it all hard and you'll be better off than 99% of the population. I also think you should always be ready to carry what you are expecting to have to carry in a survival situation (BOB, weapon, etc) for long, long distances with no problem. Post your thoughts!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Long island, NY


    I noticed that too on YOUTUBE- you have some real overweight guy explaining how to get of dodge. Mindful that some of these overweight looking people can probably -move and kick ass. and then theres the GEAR HOARDERS/BUYERS- always claiming that 1 chinses knife is better then the other or what rifle you'll need and arguing over the difference between 44 caliber vs 45 or a 1 lb in rifle weight. I belong to survivialboard and survivalist
    i'm more into: how can i limit my exposure to the fluxes and bs of the outside world.
    growing my food- harvesting meat- alt heating methods to limit exposure to out of control oil bills. i still use oil w/ veggie oil on occasion and looking to either add a pellet or coal stove for my 1165sqft slabbed home. as far as wilderness skills i look to McPherson's books naked into the wilderness. i live on LI so i fish off beach alot -go crabbing.
    i have started a food pantry based on the lds book(latter day saints) you can find free pdf online. being in ny and ex banker/broker in old mtg bizfor 15 yrs i've really had to calm myself on wants vs needs and the keeping up with the jones syndrome. it is a daily battle. one thing we did was from top to bottom find all the useless shit in your house and sell it on craigslist---found money. plus you declutter your life. 6 boomboxes 3 32inch or bigger crt TV's- clothes that dont fit but are still in style- old furniture. you'd be surprised what ppl repurpose. i'm learning knife skills ex: how to blacksmith a knife from a file or lawn blade.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Strongislander: exactly! I'm sure there are some who can pull their weight, but I've seen some talk on boards who admit they are in terrible shape as well. I'm sure not one to believe you need to be super lean to be capable, I've got a girl in my gym who is a bit on the heavy side, but she can move a lot of weight (she's about 5' tall, 145, she squats nearly 300lbs) and she can do conditioning stuff, including bodyweight exercises with the best of them.

    I'm with you on shielding from exposure. I'd love to get a homestead type farm at some point, but it just isn't feasible right now. We just have to do our best with what we have. I'm a true believer that mindset, some know how, and some basics will get you a long way for most things we are likely to run into. I think some people think too much about para-military type of thing, but even in the worst situation, I doubt that you're going to be in ACUs battling house to house. Of course I think having a couple of guns is very necessary, but many gear hoarders will spend most of their prep money with guns and related accessories.
    Today's training:
    AM- 100 reps each: pullups, pushups, situps, squats, all with a 20lb vest. Finished in 21:14 Rested 3 minutes and then 10 20m sprints with prowler loaded to 95lbs: finished in 5:53.

    Noon- BJJ class, about 1.5 hours. had a HARD training session with another, bigger, purple belt. he had a tough top game and was strong. A lot of work.

    PM- Axle barbell rows: 185x3, 190x3, 195x3, 200x3, 205x3 (PR), 185x3, 185x3, 185x3, 185x3, 185x3, 185x3. I was pretty tired still from the prior work, so just nailed this exercise hard. I was going to do some L pullups on my rotating pullup bar, but decided to leave it at this and get the extra rest.
    Pinch grips with 25lbs plates 3 sets, max time.

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