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Thread: General training and preparation log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default General training and preparation log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    My "training" if you want to call it that has turned into me pretty much just exercising frequently and doing what is convenient (besides alot of shadow boxing which I wont be logging as I do it multiple times a day most days and it would be a pain to log). My log will consist mostly of skipping rope, squatting on occassion, lots of singles and doubles for cleans and snatches, jogging, and some sprint work most likely.

    I have had a pretty hard time following a set schedule lately but for the most part I probably do something with my self 4-6 days a week. I plan to go back to my last log after December but I guess I will make that decision later. I think Dan John was right the hardest part about reaching goals is keeping the goal the goal. There may be some further weight loss going on in the future but Im going to try and sit at my current bw for a little just to give myself a little reprieve from the dieting.

    My lifting experience started in February after trying a mens health 5x5 program for about a month. Didnt do alot of consistant stuff other than going to the boxing gym and jogging for the next few months but lifted occassionally and found Starting Strength the website in March and I believe I actually started "the program" in April and worked it until mid June. My goal has to become stronger for boxing, it worked. Now I am getting my conditioning and timing back up to speed (or better).

    BW: 153
    Age: 25

    on to my log for today.

    first session:
    C&J: 135x2x3, 155x1x2, 165x1x2, 175x1x3
    Cleans: (One of them was a power clean)185x1x3, 165x1x3

    Second session:
    C&J: 97.5x1x10, 97.5x2x5
    Snatches: 97.5x1x5, 97.5x2x2

    I had a lot of spare time today. One of the cleans at 185 was pretty sloppy and I caught the bar a little on my collar bone. I have a nice size bruise to show for it now Ill try to keep that stuff to a minimum.
    As I was sitting here writing this my mom sent me a message that my sister just had her first kid. So I am an uncle now, pretty cool. Im happy for my sister she wanted a kid for a long time.
    Last edited by Rusty9; 10-27-2011 at 10:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    San Diego, CA


    Welcome to the General Section, and good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Thank you much.

    snatches(from the hang position some above and some below the knee): 95x1x15+, 95x2x5
    pretty much just worked on form and screwed around because I was too lazy to bring out anymore weights.

    Today: 6 rounds heavy bag, 5 rounds speed bag, 5 rounds double end bag, 1 round rowing, 2 rounds skipping rope, 24" inch drop box depth jumps x 15, one round situps with 8 pound medicine ball over head. No sparring unfortunately as I was one of 4 people in the gym today with noone wanting to get in the ring and move around. I think I may take hitting the heavy bag out of the equation for the next 2 weeks. I hit hard enough I want to be fast so I can score points. Not sure as it is one of the best conditioning tools available in my opinion.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011



    Cleans: 137.5x2x10 two minutes between each double. a couple were triples.

    If anyone is wondering why I often have odd numbers its because I use bat weights for microloading but have found they keep my plates on better than just the collars by themselves.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Today was humbling. I realized I was way out of condition and I am kicking myself in the ass for not doing any conditioning for so long before now.
    worked hand mitts with one of the coaches for 2 rounds and he really pushed me. I felt completely drained after that, pathetic.
    5 rounds heavy bag, 2 rounds double end bag, 2 rounds speed bag, 3 rounds skipping rope. all of this was prior to working the hand mitts except one round of each that I did afterwards going through the motions but I would say the effort was less than ideal. 14 rounds total work with a few rounds taken off in between. feeling like a real bum today. Its okay ill be back in shape soon.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Guess Im a glutton for punishment. Went back to the boxing gym and got three rounds of sparring in, 2 heavy bag, 3 speed bag, 2 double end bag . Damn my face hurts. I did ok. I need more time in the ring and more conditioning. so today overall looked like this

    heavy bag: 7 rounds
    sparring: 3 rounds
    double end bag: 4 rounds
    speed bag: 5 rounds
    skipping rope: 3 rounds
    hand mitts: 2 rounds
    Total rounds: 24

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Today was a lazy day. I really just wanted to do something activity wise cause I was bored.
    pressed 115x3x3
    turkish get ups: 40x5 on each side
    kb swings: 40 1min on 1 min offx3
    pushups : 20
    situps: 20

    Im pretty sure Im over training or at least over reaching cause my press is suffering with all the boxing. Probably has something to do with the hour plus of punching shit yesterday, duh. Im in need of a real plan. Ill work on this tomorrow when I feel rested again. Hopefully come up with something that isn't so demanding on the shoulders. After my wifes reaction to my face today (little bit of a black eye and fat lip) combined with the broken jaw I had three years ago I don't know if I really want to box anymore. I like lifting weights and it requires a similar mental toughness but with a much lower risk of injury or dealing with retarded thugs in the parking lot. Damn, really wish I knew what to do with myself.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    went to work out after finishing my midterm, that shit was cake. Too bad lifting weights wasn't as easy.
    Cleans: 155-1,1,1,1
    205-miss, miss
    195-1, miss
    all of the ones at 155 and one of the ones at 175 i jerked afterwards.

    Some 230-250lb dude doing half squats with 275 kept giving me crusty looks. After I had the miss at 205 he came over and told me that I needed to get the bar higher, I told him I needed to get lower just to go against the grain. Neither was really the issue as I was able to get the bar onto my shoulders both times but lost my balance and couldnt recover. It was nice to be able to use bumper plates and just drop the weights when I miss.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    OHP: 95x8,6,6
    Bent rows: 95x8,8,8
    curl: 95x1

    I dropped the reps on the presses just to try and keep things in the rep range that I plan on using. the rows were super light so I did a little more. I tried to curl it and I was able to. which was kind of surprising since I dont do them. I decided the boxing has to go. I dont want to be skinny any more it makes me irritable and I have a hard time handling all the exercise I like to do while on calorie deficit. Ill decide what I want to do in the way of programming tomorrow.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    starting strength coach development program
    Todays workout was garbage. Im becoming more and more discouraged. No wonder the extra strength I gained while going up in weight didnt help in the boxing ring. Most of it was lost as I cut weight. Maybe part of it is just the whole specificity thing and not doing the exercises I was doing before. so this is what everything looks like compared to when starting SS which I started at the end of a 5x5 program with 8 exercise each done once a week until now. Keep in mind Ive spent the last month or so just doing a lot of conditioning and didnt actually have a program.
    squat +20lbs
    DL +30lbs
    bench- same
    press- same
    pc + about 100lbs
    going to run SS again it was simple and it worked well for me when I was doing it and I've made a decision to drop the boxing
    todays workout
    Squat: 225x5,5,3
    Bench: 160x5,5,5
    DL: 275x5
    Ill be putting back the food and milk and see how this goes. Lets see how long I can focus and stick with this.

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