Thursday 5/22/2020
DB BP 30/12 50/6 5
Pulldown 130/8 7
Well as I've said plenty of times in my life,I'm no expert in this. But common sense will tell us we can't make gainz forever. But doing nothing is not an option for a geezer trying to stay strong.All that will do is speed up the decline.
Monday 05/18/2020
Trap Bar DL 135/5 165/5 185/2
205/1. 225/5 5 with belt
EZ bar curl 50/12 12 12
I will say the DL's didn't feel any easier, and it is a little depressing when your work set weight is what used to be a warmup weight. But it still beats the alternative.
Thursday 5/22/2020
DB BP 30/12 50/6 5
Pulldown 130/8 7
Sunday 5/24/2020
Safety Bar Sqt bar/10 95/5 115/2
135/8 125/8
Trapbar DL 135/5 165/5 188/3
Tricep pressdown 60/12
Wed. 5/27/2020
Press bar/10 65/5 75/2 85/1 90/1
Pulldown 110/10 155/4 5
Friday 5/29/2020
Safety Bar Sqt. Bar/10 95/5 115/3
140/8 130/8
Trap bar DL 135/5 165/5 185/3
Tricep press down 65/12 amrap
Bench Press bar/12 95/5 115/5
130/3 3 3 115/6
Pulldown 110/10 155/5 5
Some grip work.
Thursday 6/4/2020
Safety Bar Sqt. Bar/10 95/5 115/3
145/5 135/5
Trap Bar DL 135/5 165/5 185/3 215/5
Tricep pressdown 68/11
Very good looking workout Jerry, nice going.