Today was sqt and bench.
Sqt 185 x5 ,177.5 x5, 175 x5, 170 x8
BP. 150 3x3
GGBP 115 x10
Pull downs 100 x12, 125x6
Way to keep on trucking, Jerry!
Well Thursday's WO didn't go so well.Last week I got 250 3x3 so I dropped the weight to 245 thinking I would get 5 reps,it wasn't happening, only got 1 rep. I rested about 4 minutes and got 1 again. I did 2 more singles and a BO set of 225 for 5.
Presses were next,last week 100 lbs went for 4 x3, I kept the weight the same and only got 3, 3, and 1 droed the BO from 80 to 75 and got 8. Last week imdid 80 x9.
Didn't have anything left for BBW rows some called it a day.
I ordered a SSB,it should be here sometime next week.i may take a break this week and do some Hammer Leg presses, RDL, Dumbell press's, pull downs and DB rows this week,along with some HIIT on the C2 rower and start a new program in another week. Maybe the one lift a day program as outlined in PP3 or something I had saved from Hardgainer wriitten by Books Kubik.It went like this
Tuesday Day one Bench Press and pull downs
Thursday Day two Deadlift and press
Saturday Day three CGBP and BB curls
Sunday Day four squats and calf raises.
I of course may change this around, but since I WO at home, I usually have an hour free tomget in a good session on most days.i will post when I start again. Looking forward to the SSB as my shoulders were screaming after the squats.
Hey Jerry, have you noticed any improvement with your shoulder since the squat camp?
Hi Mark, squating that day at the camp sure hurt my shoulder. I had been trying to hold the bar low before coming to the camp, but would keep my wrist bent which allowed me not to force my shoulders so far back as to hurt. I have been squating that way again and it's not too painful. My rt shoulder has been a problem for many years, maybe from lifting or work related. I had an MRI years ago and was told I had an impringment . Was a time I couldnt change the radio stations in my car,so being able to bench and press pain free is a blessing. I hope the saftey squat bar will work for me. Thank for asking.
While I'm waiting for the SSB I still wanted to get some work in. I warmed up and just did a set of sqts.135x8 then did hammer seated leg press 230 12 x2, DB floor press 40 lb Dumbells 8 x 3 and pulldowns 100 12 x3.
I'm pretty sure you will love your SSB, and the positive effect it will have on your Deadlift.