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Thread: Chris's Olympic Weightlifting Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012


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    Do NOT stop lifting during med school. There will be some periods where it's just not possible but keep at it, even if it's just to slow the decline. It helps immensely with the stress and being able to turn your brain off. Plus, you're not 20 anymore. I consistently was given the advice to exercise no matter what by multiple people during the process. Some of the best advice I got.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2013
    South Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by vanslix View Post
    Do NOT stop lifting during med school.
    No intention of stopping. I'm just sure conditions will be less optimal for progress than they are now (but I'll still keep trying).

    Bwt: 209.4
    Waist: 37 1/4"

    Damn, Thanksgiving. You done me wrong. That's the heaviest (and fattest) I've been in a while.

    Also, hyperextended my right knee on Saturday doing something stupid. Feels better today than yesterday. Should be fine within a week or so. After doing my overhead squat warm-up I decided not to push it and instead go with the power versions today.

    Need to be more consistent with my footwork on cleans.

    Overhead squat w/u: 45x5x3
    Power Snatch: 45x3 65x2 85x2 95x1 105x1 115x1 125x1 135x1 140x1
    Power Clean: 95x3 115x2 135x1 155x1 165x1 175x1 185x1 195x1(PR)

    Then I was off to buy a Christmas tree before rehearsal.

    Power snatch @140lbs:

    Power clean @195lbs:
    Last edited by Christopher John; 12-01-2015 at 12:42 AM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    South Carolina


    Bwt: 206.8
    Waist: 37 1/4"

    Conditioning: 25min walk with barbell on shoulders
    Overhead squat w/u: 45x5x3
    Split Jerk from rack: 45x3 65x3 85x2 95x2 105x2 115x1x5
    RDL: 95x8 135x8x3
    Ab Wheel: 5reps X 3sets

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2013
    South Carolina


    Bwt: 204.8
    Waist: 36 1/2"

    Back at it today. I took the last couple days off to let my right knee heal, and it seems a lot better. I also decided to dip into my budget that I was setting aside for a new barbell...well, all of my budget and then some...and buy a pair of 7mm Rehband blue knee sleeves. They came in today (thanks, Amazon), and I wore them for every minute of my workouts.

    AM Session:
    Overhead squat w/u: 45x5x3 65x5
    Snatch: 45x3x5 65x3x5
    Clean & Jerk: 65x3x3 85x3x2 95x3x5

    PM Session:
    Overhead squat w/u: 45x5x3
    Snatch: 45x3x3 65x3x2
    Clean & Jerk: 65x3x3 85x3x2
    Front Squat: 85x3 95x3 105x3 115x3 125x3 135x2 165x1 195x1 225x1
    Pull-ups: BWx1,2,3,2,3,2,3

    Conditioning: Jog for 8:36

    The Jerk improved today thanks to two things:
    1) Squeezed my glutes before initiating the movement
    2) Used a shallower knee bend and tried to be much more 'elastic' (thank you, Bud Charniga) coming out of the dip

    Pull-ups were tough. My right rotator cuff has been messed up for a few months. Only bothers me for chin-ups/pull-ups and overhead press. I'm going to hit pause on pull-ups and come back to them later. In the meantime, gonna use light, hi-rep barbell rows to see if I can't get this right shoulder straight.

  5. #15
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    South Carolina



    Shoulder still hurts. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a small tear somewhere in my rotator cuff. I tested front squats to see how my shoulder would react and started to feel it around 245. Shut it down after the single at 255. No bueno.

    Front squat: 45x5x3 95x3 115x3 135x2 155x1 185x1 225x1 245x1 255x1

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    I wonder if you and I share some similar genetics given the susceptibility to joint problems.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher John View Post
    Only bothers me for chin-ups/pull-ups and overhead press. I'm going to hit pause on pull-ups and come back to them later. In the meantime, gonna use light, hi-rep barbell rows to see if I can't get this right shoulder straight.
    I messed up my shoulder really badly doing ring dips. I started doing the pre-hab/re-hab technique that is weighted shoulder dislocates. Just 5 lbs at first for 5 sets of five. Strongly recommend them and it only takes a few minutes.

  8. #18
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    South Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by vanslix View Post
    I wonder if you and I share some similar genetics given the susceptibility to joint problems.
    Wait, I feel like I've missed something here (wouldn't be the first time). Are you having joint issues not related to your medical-miracle spine?

    Quote Originally Posted by hector_garza View Post
    I messed up my shoulder really badly doing ring dips. I started doing the pre-hab/re-hab technique that is weighted shoulder dislocates. Just 5 lbs at first for 5 sets of five. Strongly recommend them and it only takes a few minutes.
    I've done a fair amount of these with a shower curtain rod but never weighted. I'll give them a try - thanks!

    Between my shoulder limiting my workouts and gigging a lot the past couple weeks I've been slack about logging. That probably won't change until January, but I started doing the O-lifts again on Wednesday so here are those workouts.

    OHS w/u: 45x5x3
    Clean and Jerk: 45x3x2 65x3 85x3 95x3 105x3 115x3
    BB Rows: 45x10 95x5 135x5x3 65x20
    Front Squat: 65x3x2 95x3 135x2 185x1 225x1x3
    KB Swings: 25lbs x 15 x 4 (emom)

    OHS w/u: 45x6,5x2
    Snatch: 65x3x4 75x3x2 80x3
    Power Snatch + OHS: 65x1 75x1 85x1
    Front Squat: 65x3x2 95x3 135x2 155x1 185x1 225x1 235x1 245x1
    Clean-style DL: 135x5 225x5 275x3
    Conv. DL: 315x5(DOH)

    I have to be extra conscious of that right shoulder because it wants to creep forward when I'm setting up for pulls.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2012


    I'm always hurting somewhere, especially the Achilles whenever I'm on my feet long hours like this month. It's just that the back usually supersedes everything else.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    South Carolina


    starting strength coach development program
    I've been fortunate that I've never had any Achilles issues apart from them being generally tight. *Knocks vigorously on wood*

    Bwt: 201.8
    Waist: 36 3/4"

    I'm finally in a position where I feel like I can train with some regularity, especially after the traveling over the next few days concludes, so I've drawn up a plan. Also, my shoulder is healing pretty well. Happened to meet an orthopedist at a gig a couple weeks ago and bent his ear about it. He said, from the way I was able to move it he'd guess there was about a 50/50 chance I'd torn some portion of my rotator cuff or was just experiencing inflammation issues. Obviously, an MRI would be needed to confirm. I'm leaning heavily toward inflammation based on how quickly it's returning to a "base" level of pain/ROM.

    Overhead squat w/u: 45x5x3
    Snatch: 65x3x3 75x2 85x1 90x1x5
    Clean and Jerk: 65x3x2 95x3x5

    Assistance work:
    Front Squat: 255x1 225x2x3
    Bench: 135x5x3
    BB Rows: 115x8x3

    When I'm diligent about regularly stretching my hip flexors and quads as well as ankles/calves, my knee pain subsides. When I get slack, it comes back. Pretty simple equation.

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