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Thread: Leanne's Log: After LP Edition

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Quote Originally Posted by chromoly View Post
    1) The presses looked so easy! Damn!
    2) You set your deadlifts down with such control and precision. How do you do it? If I do that with my deadlifts I get horrible DOMS in my hamstrings, I have to set them down faster once it gets to my knees.
    3) that bruise on your leg looks fierce!
    1) Thanks, they felt really good too!

    2) When I started out, I was setting down the weights on bare concrete and since I don't do my work sets with bumpers, I was worried about hurting the floor, or more importantly - the weights, if I just let them clamor down. I must have gotten used to it early on or something... Squats are about the only thing that seem to make my hammies get sore.

    3) I haven't had a bruise that good since I played softball 24 years ago!

    Quote Originally Posted by anniemichael View Post
    Beautiful pressing!! I'm jealous!

    (Beautiful bruise too! Not jealous of that one though...)
    Thanks, anniemichael!

    If you change your mind, I can tell you the secret of getting one of your own!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by raivyne View Post
    If you change your mind, I can tell you the secret of getting one of your own!
    Haha, no need, I am a goddamn peach...I can end up with a bruise like that and have no idea what caused it. Like, this happens frequently... :/

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by anniemichael View Post
    Haha, no need, I am a goddamn peach...I can end up with a bruise like that and have no idea what caused it. Like, this happens frequently... :/
    Haha. I bruise semi easily, but just minor bruises normally.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2013



    On C2 Rower:
    5m WU
    12 rounds of 20s on : 1m off
    10m CD
    Total Distance - 3380m
    Interval Distance - 1084m

    So, it's Monday morning and I'm packing my food for the day without realizing that I'm packing my low carb day when I normally do my first leg day on Monday which is a high carb day. So, I had to scrap the lifting today and do a cardio day instead.

    I hate cardio. I hate Monday. Cardio Monday? Hate level: Infinitely Advanced Epic.

    But wait, there's more!

    My coach upped my HIIT rounds by 2 starting this week... Needless to say, I've had enough Mondaying for today and I'm going to bed!

    Seriously though, today was fine, I'm just feeling sorry for myself and wanted to be grumpy for five minutes.

    The really good news is that I lift tomorrow and I have one cardio day already done for the week. One to go. I'll call it a win.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2013



    LBBS: 5x5x160
    PCleans: 5x3x87.5
    BB Split Squat: 6x3x60
    Planks: 4x45s w/25# plate

    144.991 p - 178.638 c - 43.923 f - 30.063 fiber - 1,689.821 kCal

    Other Stats
    BW: 170.6 lbs
    Sleep: 6h 53m

    I had a beautiful squat session, but due to a camera (operator) malfunction there is no video. They felt good though.

    My coach had pointed out to me that I've begun pulling early on cleans, so I worked on that issue. Cleans sucked (read: they felt difficult for the first time and I missed my first catch). My elbows are still way too slow. I'm going to start working in some light clean practice on my cardio days so I can polish my technique. When I watch a video of myself doing cleans, I look timid and mousy. I am no shrinking violet, but you wouldn't know it by watching me pclean... It's just not right and I need to fix it.

    BB Split Squats are getting prettier.

    I'm not certain what was going on with my planks today, but I had problems holding them the full 45 seconds. I think maybe the weight was lower on my back and as such my hips were lower than normal. This probably wasn't a bad thing and I should keep using that plate position.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2013



    Bench: 5x5x102.5 (These felt much heavier than they should have - somewhere between 8 and 8.5)
    Banded Pull-Ups: AMRAP x 5 sets w/100 lb band - 8, 7, 6, 5, 5
    Body Rows: 12 x 5 sets w/65 lb band
    Bi/Tri Superset: 12 x 5 - Dumbell Curls w/15 lb DBs + Overhead Extensions w/20 lb DB

    148.338 p / 122.662 c / 41.577 f / 27.783 fiber / 1,458.191 kCal

    Other Stats
    BW - 171.2 lbs
    Sleep - 6h53m

    Got my training block for the next 4 weeks today. I'm happy to say goodbye to BB Bridges and hello to Power Snatches!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2013



    On C2 Rower:
    5m WU
    12 rounds of 20s on : 1m off
    10m CD
    Total Distance - 3247 m
    Interval Distance - 1114 m
    Interval Average - 92.8333 m

    147.645 p / 122.506 c / 47.666 f / 28.25 fiber / 1,509.593 kCal

    Other Stats
    BW - 170.8 lbs
    Sleep - 7h2m

    Averages for the last 3 HIIT sessions:
    07.27.16 - 10 rounds: 92.80 m
    07.30.16 - 10 rounds: 92.10 m
    08.01.16 - 12 rounds: 90.333 m

    Cardio sucks.

    Bruise update! Turning nice and black now.
    Last edited by Leanne M. Lloyd; 08-05-2016 at 08:24 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Garage Gym



  9. #19
    chromoly Guest


    So remind me (or just tell me, please, since you didn't reveal the secret before): how the hell did you get that monstrous bruise on your leg???

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by chromoly View Post
    So remind me (or just tell me, please, since you didn't reveal the secret before): how the hell did you get that monstrous bruise on your leg???
    I got it from the rock climbing gym last weekend. My foot slipped off of one of those tiny (like 1" top area) grips while i was in the middle of standing up on that particular leg. So, when my foot slipped, my knee collided with another hand hold on the way down. I managed not to fall (thanks to strength training), which was pretty damn awesome IMO... It was a lot of force directed down as you can tell by the magnitude of that bruise!

    That spot in the center is actually where it hit - there's a small abrasion there that's all but healed now. The center was all knotted up and still has a small knot if you push hard enough on it. Other than the knot, it didn't hurt and still doesn't. That knot though... straightening my leg hurt for a while after (until i finally decided to ice the damn thing).

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~


    Impromptu rest day. It's supposed to be 2nd leg day, but I'm tired and my sleep has been poor this week. So, I'm swapping Sunday's plan (rest) in for today. I'll lift tomorrow and Sunday to finish out the last two days of this training block.

    Macros are on point, but my notebook is across the house on my bed... BW 170.6 this morning and only a few minutes over 5hrs of sleep last night.

    ETA: My brand shiny new barbell should be in Tuesday... just in time for day 1 of strength training in my shiny new programming block (with snatches!) I'm so EXCITED. A proper knurling... giggidy!
    Last edited by Leanne M. Lloyd; 08-05-2016 at 04:07 PM.

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