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Thread: Brians IPA PA States Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Brians IPA PA States Training Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I got a meet comming up on Sept 22nd in New Castle, PA. Its IPA PA States and is the last qualifier for IPA nationals. I'm just going to copy and paste the last week of workouts from FI over to here:

    7-2 IPA PA States Week 3 Upper Body Assistance

    *Didn't have much time to train today. Did less volume and went heavy on some stuff

    DB Rows

    70 x 6
    110 x 6
    130 x 6
    150 x 6 x 2

    *Suck on it Ryan :-)

    Standing BB Shoulder Press

    Bar x 6
    75 x 6
    115 x 6
    135 x 6
    155 x 6 x 2

    1 Arm Band Pulldowns to the gullet SS w/ Face Pulls

    3 x 10 / 3 x 10

    DB Cleans SS w/ Db Hammer Curls

    2 x 10 / 2 x 10

    Didn't have a lot of time to train today so I went heavy and skipped the volume b/s . I gotta find a new way to add weight to my DB handles. It was kind of awkward loading them the way I did for rows. At least my back and shoulder strength is improving.

    I'm kicking Ryans ass in everything now

    7-3 IPA PA States Week 3 Heavy Squat

    Squat (Suit Straps up + Inzer Dbl Ply Power Pants)

    Bar x 5 x 2
    135 x 3

    *Put on Briefs

    225 x 3
    315 x 3

    *Put on Belt
    *Put on Metal Pro Squatter

    405 x 2
    455 x 2
    505 x 2
    550 x 2 *YEAAAAAAAAAAA budday! 25lb PR for a double!

    For some reason my camcorder battery decided to die in the 2nd rep. I got it as smooth as the first one though.

    Awesome day today! All the squats felt solid. I brought in my stance a few inches, it sure made it easier to get down, but I lost a lot of pop out of the bottom so I'm sticking with my old stance the rest of the cycle.

    I still doubled my opener today, and I got 11 more weeks to get stronger!

    600 Squat is going DOWN in September!

    7-5 IPA PA States Week 3 Heavy Bench

    Close Grip Benches

    * Elbows bothering me today....took it easy on the fullrange stuff

    Bar x 5 x 2
    95 x 5
    135 x 3
    185 x 2
    225 x 1

    *Here's a little video I took for Jason to show my arch sucks, but its better then his :-)

    Metal Militia 5 Boards

    225 x 3
    275 x 3
    325 x 3 x 2 *Felt strong

    275, and last set of 325:

    Shirt Work (MUCH better this week )

    275 x 3 x 3 *All reps touched
    295 x 2 x 2 *Touched and press easily

    last sets of 275, and 295

    Mid Rack Lockouts SS w/ Band Pull Aparts

    225 x 3 Light Band x 15 x 5
    255 x 3
    295 x 3
    325 x 3
    345 x 3

    Low Rack Lockouts

    225 x 5
    255 x 5
    275 x 5 *Yea, I was done

    Well, today was one of those days where EVERYTHING went right. I basically sucked it up and said I need to learn this damn shirt. I was a lot more patient today, and even though my head felt like it was going to pop off sometimes, I touched every single rep in my shirt. By the time I got to the 295 sets I was actually trying to slow down my pressing because I would press it so fast it would be hard to control once the bar got to the top.

    For some reason my elbows were bothering me a lot on my fullrange CG work so I went light on that. The boards felt really strong, and I went a bit nuts on the lockout work. Next week is a deload week for heavy pressing of anykind. Let me elbows rest up, then start REAL meet training.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Hey upload those vids on the main site chump... haha

    You can just copy the embed code over on the main site and it will upload directly from that.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    7-7 IPA PA States Week 3 Lower Asisstance

    Ghetto GHR's

    My fatass x 10
    My fatass + 40lbs of chain around neck x 8 x 2
    My fatass + 80lbs of chain around neck x 8 x 2 *This killed me

    Eagle Situps

    My fatass x 8
    My fatass + 25lb plate behind head x 8
    My fatass + 35lb plate behind head x 8
    My fatass + 45lb plate behind head x 6 x 2 *I suck

    Pdown Abs SS w/ Babe Ruths SS w/ Band TKE's

    4 x 15 / 4 x 15 / 4 x 15

    Found a way to add a challenge to my ghetto GHR's...hanging chains around my neck. My hammies felt like they were going to rip off w/ the last rep of the 80lbs set so I stopped in there. I think I can gradually work up a chain at a time on these.

    The eagle situps I did just for the hell of it since I already had a barbell loaded on the floor to hold my feet down while doing the GHR's. I must say they were pretty humbling to do holding the plate behind my head.

    Now my deload week begins Time to pull the sled!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Not bad.. your lucky I wasnt in the gym.. I would have pulled the chain around your neck lol


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Not bad.. your lucky I wasnt in the gym.. I would have pulled the chain around your neck lol

    Now would that have been before or after I punched you in the nuts?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by byronsru24 View Post
    Now would that have been before or after I punched you in the nuts?
    Well before haha


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    7-9 IPA PA States Week 4 Upper Body Assistance (DELOADED)

    *Not doing any heavy pressing movements, or heavy back work during the deload


    5 x 8

    Front-Lateral-Rear DB Raises Giant set

    3 x 10 *Shoulders pumped up like cannon balls after this

    Lat Pulldowns

    3 x 10

    Pec Deck SS w/ Face Pulls

    3 x 10 / 3 x 10

    Tri Extension Machine SS w/ Gayass Preacher Curl Machine

    3 x 10 / 3 x 10

    Looking like a whale in the pool

    :buttrock: x 45 minutes

    I'm deloading this week to give my elbows, shoulders, and lower back a rest. I feel good but it was time to back off from the heavy pressing/pulling/squatting. This was actually a pretty fun workout. I didn't kill myself, but I still got in a good amount of work in 30 minutes. Tomorrow I'm pulling the sled for lower body days since my hamstrings are still KILLING me from the GHR's.

    My fatass finally decided to make use of everything here at work so I hopped in the pool for about 45minutes and swam some laps. Suprisingly I still know how to swim after not doing it for years. Hopped in the hot tub for 15minutes after, and now I'm working till 6AM.

    I also started working 3rd shift at my job this week, so I figured it would be as good a time as any to deload...

    Fat+Hairy guy in the pool is NOT a pretty site!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    7-10 IPA PA States Week 4 Heavy Lower Body (DELOADED)

    *Dragging the sled for heavy days this week

    Sled Dragging in the humid pit of hell

    1 plate

    1 trip walking forwards
    1 trip walking backwards
    1 trip ankle dragging forwards
    1 trip ankle dragging backwards

    2 plates

    1 trip forwards
    1 trip backwards

    3 plates

    1 trip forwards
    1 trip backwards

    4 plates

    1 trip forwards
    1/2 trip backwards *I felt like I was going to fucking die

    *Took 18 minutes

    Ok, dragging the sled today was NOT a good idea. It read 95 degrees and must have been 90% humidity. By plate 3 I was ready to fucking die, but I brought 4 plates with me so I said fuck it. Each trip was about 100ft give or take. If I thought all the old people driving by could take it I would have taken the shirt off :batbat:

    Good thing for them I didn't..... 95 degrees + being fat + being hairy ='s a LOT of sweat!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    7-12 IPA PA States Week 4 Heavy Upper Body (DELOADED)

    Sled Dragging ( Done in a circuit, 1 trip down and back)

    Circuit 1:

    Walking Chest Press
    Shoulder Press
    Face Pulls

    Circuit 2:

    Walking Chest Press Wide Grip
    Upright Rows
    Front Raises

    Circuit 3:

    Tricep extensions
    Bicep Curls (So I can be cool like Ryan)

    Got all this done in 20 minutes. I went non-stop, which considering how pathetic my cardiovascular system is at the moment...I'm pretty happy with. My shoulders got so damned pumped i couldn't do a whole lot more by the time I got to the 3rd circuit. I can't wait to start REAL meet training next week!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    starting strength coach development program
    7-16 IPA PA States Week 5 Upper Body Assistance

    *Its time to get fucking serious

    BB Rows

    Bar x 6
    135 x 6
    185 x 6
    235 x 6
    255 x 6
    275 x 6 *no Straps
    275 x 10 *w/ straps

    Standing OHP *To chin level

    Bar x 6
    75 x 6
    95 x 6
    135 x 6
    155 x 6
    175 x 6
    135 x 10 *To chin level...these killed me...I suck!

    1 Arm Band Pulldowns to the gullet SS w/ Face Pulls

    4 x 10 / 4 x 10

    BB Shrugs SS w/ Db Hammer Curls

    4 x 10 / 4 x 10

    Went heavier today on the BB rows, and OHPing. BB rows felt strong. My sets w/ 275 were actually pretty strict but my grip gave out, so I put the straps on on for my last set. I only went to my chin level on the OHP's and it took a lot of stress off my shoulders. From now on any heavy OHPing I do will be to shoulder level, and then I'll do a drop down set to my chest with a lighter weight.

    Got some good upper back in as well w/ the BB shrugs and face pulls. My upper back needs to get bigger!

    Tomorrow starts my squat and deadlift training madness

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