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Thread: RJ's training and occasional swimming log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    somewhere in the cornfields


    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Friday, September 30, 2016

    S: 275x5x3. These were fine. Last rep of the second and third sets were slow but not hard.
    BP: 170x5x3. Last rep of last set got stuck a few inches above chest, but I got.
    PC: 130x3x5. Might be catching the bar too low.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    somewhere in the cornfields


    Saturday, October 1, 2016

    Weighted chins: BWx5, BW+12.5x5x3.

    I need a weight belt; the jump rope I have is pretty annoying...

    Side note: I was involved in some stuff that made some news, so that's cool. Of course, I'm next to last author on the paper, but that's fine.

    Spiral arms: Protoplanetary disk around a young star exhibits spiral structure

    Per usual advice, don't read the comments.
    Last edited by rjharris; 10-01-2016 at 10:21 AM. Reason: fucking dates

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    somewhere in the cornfields


    Sunday, October 2, 2016

    Needed to move lifting to T/Th/S due to lifting partner. Decided to do today because I could, but needed to split into two sessions because of church. S/OP before, DL after.

    Morning: EDM and coffee fueled. Also, early-ish morning lifting (7) substantially better than late morning (8:30-9) lifting.

    S: 285x5x3.
    OP: 125x5x3


    DL: 285x5

    could have been done, but felt like doing some chins.

    Chins: BWx5x5


    S: Getting a little tougher. Some were slow at the sticking point, but at no point do I think I was in danger of failing. Really trying to focus on the master cue, especially after I got a little bit forward onthe second rep of the last set. The last rep of both the second and third sets were annoyingly slow. Gonna try for another 10 lb increase and see what happens...

    OP: The last rep of the first set was an absolute bitch to lock out. Second set much easier. Now I have to decide whether to be greedy and do another 5 lb jump or be patient and do 2.5 lb. Either way, I think I can get a plate press for work sets by my birthday, near the end of the month. Hmm.

    DL: Easy, as this weight should be given my squat.

    As a sidenote, I was able to fasten my belt at the second to last notch relatively easily, whereas before it was the third to last. Fat loss?
    Last edited by rjharris; 10-02-2016 at 02:16 PM. Reason: added afternoon

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    somewhere in the cornfields


    Monday, October 3, 2016

    volume chins (to >= 35): BWx9,8,5,5,5,5 (sums to 37)

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    Quote Originally Posted by rjharris View Post
    It was actually shockingly pleasant up here for a few days a couple weeks ago, then BAM humid hell-scape.

    If you think this has been bad, I hope after years in CA you're ready for winter...
    Sorry, a little late on seeing this. I went to SIU back when, so I know that September is not necessarily the end of Summer here. I remember being an RA having to check in students during early September when it got into the upper 90's. We were required to wear long sleeved shirts and ties. Real misery. But Winter here is not as bad as upstate. It doesn't snow very much if at all and doesn't get as cold. That's why the mascot for SIU is a Saluki, and Egyptian coursing hound and NIU's mascot is a husky.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    somewhere in the cornfields


    Wednesday, October 5, 2016

    Schedule change because I have to go out of town on Saturday. Switching back to W/F.

    Workout fuel: coffee and anger (wrath-of-Achilles-level after I got an infuriating email from her right before deadlifts) at one of my undergrads

    S: 295x5x3
    OP: 130x3,2,2
    DL: 295x5

    Notes: Squats are getting hard-ish, but I was never in danger of failing. First set moved fast, second and third were slower, especially the last two reps of the last set which were molasses-ey.

    Forgot I did OP on Sunday. Oops. Also, this was just embarrassing. Either the squats took more out of me than I thought, or I didn't eat enough yesterday (I was pretty low on fat, probably 30 grams too low.)

    DL: upper back squoze is getting better.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    somewhere in the cornfields


    Thursday, October 6, 2016

    Weighted chins: BWx5, BW+15 x 4x3,3

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    somewhere in the cornfields


    Friday, October 7, 2016

    Not great. Had to cut PCs because I had to get on the road, and what I did do wasn't great.

    S: 305x3,3,2
    BP: 175x5,4,3


    Squat: 305 would have matched my 5x3 PR. I lost focus after the third one and felt like I just couldn't do it. Decided to try for 5 sets of 3. Second set felt good. Then third set was just shitty again, so I stopped.

    Bench: First set was pretty good, except for the last set which I had to grind out. On the second set, I legit failed on the fifth rep, but my training partner / spotter couldn't help with the bar, so I had to do the roll of shame, which sucked. That made the third set very tentative, Thus the three.

    Oh well. Back on Monday.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    somewhere in the cornfields


    Missed Monday because reasons.

    Wednesday, October 12, 2016

    Not the best, probably since I've been undereating the last few days due to going home and not having time to go to the grocery store. Oops. So, not the best day, but considering the last few days, I'll take it.

    S: 305x2,3x5
    DL: 305x5

    Notes: the second rep of the first set of squats was 'squishy' and I was worried about the third rep so I racked it and decided to do sets of triples to accumulate volume since I'd already fucked my w/o for the day. They were okay. The last rep of the last set was pretty slow, though. Hopefully I'll come through on these next time.

    OP: 130x4 is a pr of sorts, as my previous pr was 130x3. So, that's fine. On the last rep of each of the last two sets, I felt a very slight twinge in my lower back. Nothing bad, and it was gone immediately after, but it was slightly worrisome. I might belt these next time.

    DL: Fine.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    somewhere in the cornfields


    starting strength coach development program
    Friday, October 14, 2016

    A giant plate of chicken nachos last night busted (a) my macros and (b) my recent squat problems. Didn't really help by bench. Doing PCs after work.

    S: 305x5x3 [matches 5x3 PR]


    S: Immediately after finishing the first rep of the first set, I knew I could get all three sets and that it was just a matter of putting in the work, so that was a good feeling. Concentrating on the master cue seems to be helping a lot. I think now is where I start the 5 lb increases. Immediately going to 315 is really tempting, but given the problems I had with this weight, I think it's probably imprudent.

    BP: Unlike last time, couldn't get 5 on even the first set. Maybe need to get back to doing the chins... Did more sets to accumulate some volume in the hopes that next time I can actually, you know get these.

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