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Thread: TheStender's Workout Journal

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


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    Quote Originally Posted by Misanthrope View Post
    Keep it going, man. If you slack off again, you won't get teh hyoooge gunzors like MJW.

    Disclaimer: MJW does not have teh hyoooge gunzors.
    We've all seen your heavy curling, so you must have the hyoooge gunzors. Unless you're not doing them in the squat rack, then that would explain it. And yesterday I did my fourth workout(numbers will be posted tonight). So I'm still on my roll.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifting N Tx View Post
    Yeah, when I hang 60-80 pounds on my dip belt, I can't do very many chins either.
    True enough. Maybe once I lose the gut, I'll be able to get one done.

    If the diet's not great at least get lots of protein, and if you're short on calories eat some ice cream (serious). It's not hard to drink a protein shake and anyone can get enough calories even if the food's not all perfect. On the other hand if you're gaining weight too fast cut back a bit on the high calorie low protein stuff like fries or whatever. Anyone can do that.
    I have to start upping my protein. Tonight is grocery shopping, so I'll actually be able to start eating actual food.

    Keep up the good work.
    Thanks, and thanks for stopping in.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Week Two - Workout One

    1x10 - 45 lbs
    1x8 - 75 lbs
    3x5 - 120 lbs

    Military Press
    1x10 - 45 lbs
    3x5 - 70 lbs

    Pendlay Rows
    3x5 - 100 lbs

    Negative Chins
    1 bad one

    Sit Ups
    1x5 w/10 lb plate and 3 second hold


    Squats were good. Still heavy, but good.

    Military press was pretty tough, wish I had the 1.25 lb plates so I could just make a 2.5 lb increase. We'll see how 75 lbs goes on Thursday.

    Rows again were easy. This is the easiest exercise for me.

    Chins were a joke. =)

    And sit ups didn't go well either, my abs are too sore from working them more than I'm used to. So I just called it a day after 5 of them.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Do you not have a way to microload for military press?

    Regarding the chins, are you unable to do one with your bodyweight? Does your gym have an assisted chinup station?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Misanthrope View Post
    Do you not have a way to microload for military press?

    Regarding the chins, are you unable to do one with your bodyweight? Does your gym have an assisted chinup station?
    No real way to microload, I'm sure there is some way I could do it, I'll have to check Dave's question thread to look at some ideas. I know I don't have any speakers, but maybe I could go buy some cheap chain or something. Or once I have money, I can go classy and get 1.25 lb plates.

    And yeah, no chins with my bodyweight. And no assisted chinup station. Moz from suggested I try negative chins, but those didn't go too well either. I'm not too concerned about them right now though since they are just accessory excerises for the time being.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Week Two - Workout Two

    2x6 - 65 lbs
    1x5 - 80 lbs
    3x5 - 125 lbs

    Bench Press
    1x10 - 45 lbs
    1x6 - 65 lbs
    3x5 - 105 lbs

    1x5 - 95 lbs
    1x5 - 155 lbs

    Knee Raises


    Nothing special here. Just the same of the weight feeling heavier than it should. I'll have to start downing food or something to hope that it helps. *makes himself some PB sandwiches*

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Great program, stick with it this time. I'll make sure of it! Lol

    A couple of things you could do for the chin ups. One you could do jumping chins. Give yourself a nice little jump then do a slow negitive. Or you could put the smith machine on one of the higher hooks so that your feet can touch with a bent knees. This way you can have your feet somewhat support you.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by ddegroff View Post
    Great program, stick with it this time. I'll make sure of it! Lol

    A couple of things you could do for the chin ups. One you could do jumping chins. Give yourself a nice little jump then do a slow negitive. Or you could put the smith machine on one of the higher hooks so that your feet can touch with a bent knees. This way you can have your feet somewhat support you.
    I tried the full on negative and it didn't go so well. I might keep trying it though, just to amuse myself. Since it's just an accessory exercise, I'm not too concerned about them (well, actually, I'd like to be able to do pull ups...but I'm forcing myself not to be concerned =) )

    And tonight will be two weeks straight of following the program correctly. I think my record might be a month, but I think I skipped a couple workouts that time. That's one PR I'll bust through with no problem though.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Looking good in here. I know how frustrating it is to take steps backward and restart a program, so grats to you for sticking to it.

    Out of curiousity, what are your body stats now (no bmoy)? Height, weight, gaining or losing weight, etc.?

    LOL at the "creepy old guy" comment. It occurs to me that at my gym I might be one of the creepy old guys - lots of gray in the hair, always looking angry in the squat rack...

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by r_graz View Post
    Looking good in here. I know how frustrating it is to take steps backward and restart a program, so grats to you for sticking to it.

    Out of curiousity, what are your body stats now (no bmoy)? Height, weight, gaining or losing weight, etc.?

    LOL at the "creepy old guy" comment. It occurs to me that at my gym I might be one of the creepy old guys - lots of gray in the hair, always looking angry in the squat rack...
    No one seems to go near the squat rack, at least that's what I've seen. I think in my dozen or so workouts, I've only seen one person use it.

    As far as stats:
    Height: 6 feet
    Weight: 220-225 lbs

    I'm kind of a skinny guy, but with a bit of a gut now. I used to be a stick in high school (weight about 130). As far as gaining or losing, I'd like to lose a little, or stay about the same, as long as my gut goes away, and I gain muscle.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    starting strength coach development program
    No workout last night. I was planning to go, but then a buddy of mine invited us out to eat at Texas Land and Cattle Company. So I planned to go after that, since they said they'd be about 10 minutes. Well, an hour and 10 minutes later, they finally call to say they're ready. So in that time, I could have went and worked out.

    The dinner was horrible too. We had a friend in from out of town, and he has a son that's the most annoying 12 year old I've ever seen. I couldn't hear anyone else talking but him, and he'd say the stupidest, most random things that had nothing to do with anything, and he wouldn't shut up. Plus, the dinner sucked. I can get better steak at TGI Friday's (Jack Daniel's Flat Iron...mmmm)

    So, I'll put all the rage from last night in to a workout tonight.

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