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Thread: TheStender's Workout Journal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default TheStender's Workout Journal

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Howdy ya'll. I'll be posting my journal here, as well as for the time being. I'm starting with Starting Strength, again. So here we go!

    Week One - Workout One

    1x10 - 45 lbs
    2x5 - 65 lbs
    3x5 - 105 lbs

    Bench Press
    1x10 - 45 lbs
    1x5 - 65 lbs
    3x5 - 95 lbs

    1x8 - 95 lbs
    1x5 - 135 lbs

    Sit Ups
    3x5 - 10 lbs (hold for 3 seconds)

    First new workout on the program. Felt great. I like the quick sessions, even if they won't be so quick here in a few weeks. The best part of the workout was when the bar scraped my shin during the deadlift...ahhh, to be whole again.

    I wanted to do dips today as well, but alas, no place to do them.

    Gym was pretty empty today, just a bunch of creepy old guys. (No Dave)

    I also started 10 lbs lighter on the squats then I originally had planned. I'll work my way up slowly I think. I think my previous PR for squats is 165, so I want to be sure to get past that.

    That's all for now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Not bad, how long you been training?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Not bad, how long you been training?

    Consistently? Not at all. I've started this program twice, and have only gone a couple of weeks each time. Then I usually lose motivation for one reason or another. I'm trying not to repeat that this time though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by TheStender View Post
    Consistently? Not at all. I've started this program twice, and have only gone a couple of weeks each time. Then I usually lose motivation for one reason or another. I'm trying not to repeat that this time though.
    Stay motivated! Good luck with it this go around.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    I'll follow along since I'm starved for any kind of activity on this forum.

    Good luck with your training. Stick with it this time.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Stay motivated! Good luck with it this go around.

    Thanks, hopefully I'll learn a few things from this forum and do even better.

    Quote Originally Posted by Misanthrope View Post
    I'll follow along since I'm starved for any kind of activity on this forum.

    Good luck with your training. Stick with it this time.
    I keep thinking of where I would be if I had stuck with it from the first time. I started the program just after you did I believe. You stuck with it and are now making weight your bitch, while I'm still stuck at the beginning. So yeah, I'm sticking to it this time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Week One - Workout Two

    1x10 - 45 lbs
    1x8 - 65 lbs
    3x5 - 110 lbs

    Standing Military Press
    1x8 - 45 lbs
    3x5 - 65 lbs

    Pendlay Rows
    3x5 - 95 lbs

    Chin Ups

    Knee Raises

    Workout Notes

    It was a quick session tonight. Gym was fairly empty. So maybe instead of getting up early, I'll just go later...we'll see about that though.

    Squats went well, I know I can do a lot more weight, but that's not the point of the program. You have to suppress your ego on this one. Even though I can't see how I'm ever going to get back up to 165 with the way 110 feels.

    Nothing special about the press or the rows, again, can't wait to add the weight.

    ZERO chin ups. Six years ago, I could do between 15 to 20 of them. Now, I can't do any. I've added about 60-80 lbs to my body though since then, and haven't really done much exercising, so it shouldn't be too big of surprise. I miss my old gym that had an assisted pull up machine.

    New goal one chinup.

    No sit ups today, as someone had their dumbbells sitting by it while they lifted another set of dumbbells one foot away from the only place to really do them, so I did the knee raises instead.

    Saw two or three late teenage kids doing nothing but upper body work, I've seen them in there before, and I've never seen them do anything but that. I suppose they could go there on my off days and do legs...

    Jessica, my girlfriend, was working out on an exercise bike, which they have a row of about 10. She was the only one on them, and she was at a far end, when two other girls came and sat down on the two to her left, and started talking really loudly. She said one was even texting on her cell phone while talking, while doing her biking. No surprise then that they were overweight.

    That's all for today. Next workout on Friday, looking forward to it.

    Also, this time I'm not trying to get the perfect workout combined with the perfect diet. The diet is impossible, or close to it, for me right now. So I'll get the workout part down, while slowly getting the diet better, then go from there. Hopefully it's a recipe for success.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Week One - Workout Three

    1x10 - 45 lbs
    1x8 - 65 lbs
    3x5 - 115 lbs

    Bench Press
    1x10 - 45 lbs
    1x8 - 65 lbs
    3x5 - 100 lbs

    1x5 - 145 lbs

    Sit Ups
    2x10 w/10 lbs plate, 3 sec pause at parallel
    1x10 w/BW


    A really quick session. Everything went well. Starting to feel the weight in squats and bench, which is strange since I know I can do a lot more, unless I'm really out of shape now. Which is probably the case.

    When I was there last night a trainer kept coming up to these two guys and kept saying crap about the guys in 300, and how these two were going to look just like them soon. I almost wanted to ask if they were doing the 300 workout.

    Next workout is tomorrow, since I screwed up last week and skipped a day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Keep it going, man. If you slack off again, you won't get teh hyoooge gunzors like MJW.

    Disclaimer: MJW does not have teh hyoooge gunzors.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    starting strength coach development program
    Nice job so far. I haven't had much time to follow the others in here with logs, but I'll try to check in now and then.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheStender View Post
    Squats went well, I know I can do a lot more weight, but that's not the point of the program. You have to suppress your ego on this one. Even though I can't see how I'm ever going to get back up to 165 with the way 110 feels.
    Muscle memory is your friend. If you got there before, it'll be easier now.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheStender View Post
    ZERO chin ups. Six years ago, I could do between 15 to 20 of them. Now, I can't do any. I've added about 60-80 lbs to my body though since then ...
    Yeah, when I hang 60-80 pounds on my dip belt, I can't do very many chins either.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheStender View Post
    She said one was even texting on her cell phone while talking, while doing her biking. No surprise then that they were overweight.

    That's all for today. Next workout on Friday, looking forward to it.

    Also, this time I'm not trying to get the perfect workout combined with the perfect diet. The diet is impossible, or close to it, for me right now. So I'll get the workout part down, while slowly getting the diet better, then go from there. Hopefully it's a recipe for success.
    <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
    Yeah, I was thinking about doing some texting during my bench press sets today, but thought better of it. Although Glenn Pendlay says that he's seen the Olifter Chakarov continuing a casual conversation while in the hole doing squats with > 600 on his back like it was nothing. I'm going to hold off a while before I try that one.

    If the diet's not great at least get lots of protein, and if you're short on calories eat some ice cream (serious). It's not hard to drink a protein shake and anyone can get enough calories even if the food's not all perfect. On the other hand if you're gaining weight too fast cut back a bit on the high calorie low protein stuff like fries or whatever. Anyone can do that.

    Keep up the good work.

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