starting strength gym
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Thread: Dunk a basketball

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Week 1 - Day 1

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Movement efficiency exercises

    2 sets of single leg lateral jump for 10 secs
    2 sets of single leg hop on 7" box (hop to the left, hop to the front, hop to the right) x 3

    Comments: Focus on smoothness for both exercises. Left leg is not as coordinated as the right one. I find that weird since I usually jump off my left leg. For the second exercise, I landed very loudly when I use the right leg, and smooth when I use the left one.

    Strength training

    160 x 5 x 5

    107 x 5 x 5

    92 x 5 x 5

    The weight I'm using for day 1 is about 85% of day 3 weights. I'm taking 3 weeks to ramp up on my day 3 workout. I'm surprised about how tough the squat feels. I'm not used to having 5 sets of pretty hard exercises. However, I'm using very good form and stay tight for all 3 exercises.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Week 1 - Day 2

    Weight: 161 lbs
    Waist 1" above navel: 31.25"
    Ab caliper measurement: 19 mm


    130 x 5 x 2

    90 x 5 x 3

    Chin up
    3, 3, 3

    Workout is very light today. Last cycle, I messed up my progression because I'm keeping day 2 workout too heavy. I've learned my lesson, so I'm only going to push chin up numbers or last set of press for this cycle. Had a 3 hour pickup basketball game yesterday, so leg feels a little heavy even with squat that light. Press and chin up is only a little hard on the last set.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Week 1 - Day 3

    Weight: 163 lbs
    Waist 1" above navel: 31.5"
    Ab caliper measurement: 19 mm

    Movement efficiency exercises

    Standing vertical jump x 8 (rest 30 sec between each attempt)
    Low box lateral jump x 10 secs x 2

    I'm practicing my jumping movement and keep it light. I actually got the last 3 reps higher than the first 5. My low box lateral jump is not smooth at all, gotta practice being quick and staying on the ball of my feet.


    190 x 5

    Bench press
    127 x 5

    230 x 5

    Weird, all the weights are pretty hard today. I thought by deloading, it will feel easy, but it's not. Squat feels wobbly, bench press groove was a little messed up for the last 2 reps, and the 5th rep of deadlift also feels hard. Hopefully I'll get the groove back soon for next workout.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Week 2 - Day 1

    Weight: 161.6 lbs
    Waist 1" above navel: 31.5"
    Ab caliper measurement: 19 mm

    Movement efficiency exercises

    Lateral hop 10 secs x 2

    Upper part of left foot hurts when I tried to jump around with the ball of my foot. I probably have a trigger point in there somewhere, will try to find it when I watch tv tonight.


    167 x 5 x 5

    Bench press
    112 x 5 x 5

    97 x 5 x 5

    Focus on getting tight and deep enough for squat. All reps are good except the last set. I might have lean forward too much at the bottom, but all of them are deep enough, since I ask my lifting partner to watch my depth. My bench press feels explosive, and I got a good speed out of every rep. I focus on stepping hard on the floor, and pushing my body away from the bar. Row feels hard for 1st set, but is explosive for the rest of the 4 sets. I make sure to keep my body tight and parallel to the ground. First set is probably tired from the bench press.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Week 2 - Day 2

    Weight: 161.4 lbs
    Waist 1" above navel: 31"
    Ab caliper measurement: 18 mm


    135 x 5 x 2

    95 x 5 x 3

    Chin up
    4, 4, 3

    I re-read the Starting Strength book, and realize that I haven't been pushing out my knees at the bottom of my squat. I tried this today, but I'm not getting any bounce from the bottom. I have to practice the new form for my next workout. The press feels hard, and I thought I won't be able to get 5 rep on all sets, but by stepping hard on the floor and getting a nice groove, I managed to get all 3 sets. I also got a very nice groove on the chin up, and I only strained slightly on the last set.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Week 2 - Day 3 (crappy workout)

    Weight: 161.6 lbs
    Waist 1" above navel: 31.25"
    Ab caliper measurement: 19 mm

    Movement efficiency exercises

    Standing vertical jump x 8 (rest 30 sec between each attempt)
    Low box lateral jump x 10 secs x 2

    Vertical jump is slightly lower than last week. I tried my hardest to get to that level, but I keep missing it by 1 or 2".


    Week 1: 190 x 5
    Week 2: 200 x 5

    Bench press
    Week 1: 127 x 5
    Week 2: 132 x 4

    Week 1: 230 x 5
    Week 2: 240 x 5

    I expected an easy workout, since I'm still using my less than PR weight, but I was totally wrong.

    I definitely pick too much weights for my first 2 weeks. I'm leaning forward a lot for my 4th and 5th rep of my last set. I went below parallel, but definitely not all the way. When the weight gets heavy, I tend to break only my hips, and not my knees, while the other set I start the movement with 50/50 knee and hip break. My first 4 sets are pretty good, focusing on a quick turnaround between the eccentric and concentric. (thanks, Lyle)

    I should have stopped on my 4th rep of bench press, considering that the rep speed slow down considerably, but I tried the 5th one and fails.

    My deadlift form is also all over the place, I'm not sure if my butt is low enough or not, but my form here is not as good as I would like to. I got all 5 reps, but they are not pretty.

    I have to stay with this weights for all three lifts next week.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Week 3 - Day 1 (another crappy workout)

    Weight: 161.8 lbs
    Waist 1" above navel: 31.5"
    Ab caliper measurement: 19 mm


    Week 1: 160 x 5 x 5
    Week 2: 167 x 5 x 5
    Week 3: 175 x 5 x 3

    Bench press
    Week 1: 107 x 5 x 5
    Week 2: 112 x 5 x 5
    Week 3: 117 x 5 x 5

    Week 1: 92 x 5 x 5
    Week 2: 97 x 5 x 5
    Week 3: 100 x 5 x 5


    Weight has been stuck around 161 lbs for close to 2 weeks now, so I'm adding 400 calories on my volume day, the day after it, intensity day and the day after it. Total increase will be about 3200 calories in 2 weeks. I'm just adding 1 peanut butter sandwich on my breakfast, and 1 almond butter sandwich for my afternoon snack. I'm hoping to get about 1 lb of weight increase every 2 weeks. We'll see how much of it is muscle and fat.

    Squat feels very heavy. I think my bad workout from Tuesday is carrying over to today. When I ascend from the bottom position, the inside of my left knee hurts. After the 3rd set, the pain hasn't gone away yet, so I stopped. I'm going to do some extra foam rolling and stretching tonight.

    The rep is smooth, but not as explosive as last workout. The 5th rep of my last set is also considerably slower. Same with the row, 5th rep of last set almost doesn't touch the chest.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Week 3 - Day 2 (another crappy workout)

    Weight: 164 lbs
    Waist 1" above navel: 31.5"
    Ab caliper measurement: 18 mm

    Went to a buffet yesterday, and I'm gaining weights big time. It's probably a lot of glycogen.


    Week 1: 130 x 5 x 2
    Week 2: 135 x 5 x 2
    Week 3: 140 x 5 x 2

    Week 1: 90 x 5 x 3
    Week 2: 95 x 5 x 3
    Week 3: 97 x 5, 4, 4

    Chin up
    Week 1: 3, 3, 3
    Week 2: 4, 4, 3
    Week 3: 5, 4, 3

    Squat feels hard again, although I'm dropping the weights. I almost lose balance couple of times, and this is the first time I ever had this problem since I lifted back in January.

    Press is hard, and I might lay back a bit too much.
    Chin up is also hard, and I didn't get the grooves like last week.

    Hopefully this is just an off day. We'll see how strong I get in 2 days.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Week 3 - Day 3 (less crappy)

    starting strength coach development program
    Weight: 163.8 lbs
    Waist 1" above navel: 31.25"
    Ab caliper measurement: 19 mm

    Movement efficiency exercises

    Standing vertical jump x 8 (rest 30 sec between each attempt)

    Vertical jump is the same as last week, which is lower by 1 or 2" of my all time best. Not playing basketball for 3 weeks are definitely reducing my vertical jump, probably not as explosive.


    Week 1: 190 x 5
    Week 2: 200 x 5
    Week 3: 200 x 5

    Bench press
    Week 1: 127 x 5
    Week 2: 132 x 4
    Week 3: 132 x 4

    Week 1: 230 x 5
    Week 2: 240 x 5
    Week 3: 240 x 3


    Squat feels stable, all 5 reps are good form, but the 5th rep slow down. I just focus on dropping down, and find out that I don't have to push my butt back too far to get to proper depth. I'm also using high bar, feels better. However, I'm starting to get frustrated of my lack of progress.

    The 4th rep for bench press slows down, so I didn't try the 5th one.

    I think my deadlift is getting worse and worse. I ask my training partner to make sure that my back angle is the same during the first pull (until my knee), and it feels like I have to squat the weight up. Failed on my 4th rep. My upper back is not tightened up, it feels weird to tighten it up.

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