Thanks, guys! Weight today is right now 220lbs. I'm down from 232 about Tuesday night. 12lbs in 2 days. Not bad. Lets hope the replenishment goes as easy and is more fun. Luckily enough, I didn't have to do anything crazy. No depletion workouts, no sauna, no spitting in a cup. I'm feeling physically good (or as decent as can be expected) but mentally I'm exhausted.
Thanks for the support again guys! I'll check in with the results as soon as I can.
It all didn't go as well as I'd hoped. After a few days of dieting and water reduction I weighed in at a measly 216 and never got much of my weight back. I don't know that I ever really got much above 225.
Essentially I bombed out on the squat. I opened with 625 but everything was just feeling heavy and I nearly got pinned in the warm up with 545. On my third attempt at 625, I'd hit depth, got it up but lost control backwards just as I was getting the rack command. They were kind enough to let me continue with the meet but nothing else would count.
I got my opener on the bench with 455. Easy. My next attempt was 490. I got it but it hitched. My last attempt I tried 500. It stalled just off the bottom when I flared my elbows out and pushed the bar up over my face. That doesn't work in the Metal shirts.
The deadlifts went a little better. 565 flew up. So did 605. 625 came up fast but my grip gave out just at lock out. If I could have held onto it just a second longer, I would have had it. By the end of the day though I was just tired.
Notes of things to work on:
-get stronger
-more volume work on spreading the knees for the squat
-more volume work in the bench shirt to focus on form
-grip work (possibly hook grip)
-get stronger
After my disappointing performance this weekend I've committed to doing the November meet in Columbia, SC. It's another APF full power meet. There I plan on doing 550 as my opener in the squat. Everything else I'll keep the same. A 455 bench opener along with a 565 deadlift opener. I might raise the deadlift but we'll see.
To quote the good Wile E. Coyote, "Back to the ole drawing board."
One from the squat, another before the bench and last one I believe is the completed 605 deadlift.
I believe the squat picture is the last attempt. Like I mentioned earlier, I got depth and got it up but lost control back at the top. So frustrating but mistakes are only the ones we don't learn from.
The bench I like just because that's big Karl Tillman in front helping me out and Isaac getting ready to give me a lift off. Both Karl and Barry from SCB were a big help to me. Along with those guys, Isaac, Andrew, Conor, my wife and family, I had a huge support group.
The last picture is my locked out attempt of 605. Conor got some videos on his phone and they were pretty fast. My form stayed tight and both Karl and Barry told me to not change a thing. Very reassuring in that aspect of things at least.
Overall, it was a good day. I learned a lot. Had a lot of fun and got to see a lot of people that I either haven't in a while or don't get to see very regularly. My thanks again to everybody.
Conor, I'm glad you came down. I just wish sometime when you make it down we have more time to party and actually hang out.
Andrew, get bigger.
I should have a video of my last deadlift attempt up on youtube soon. You can see that it was close and I ain't lying.
Great journal here, Will. You are way more advanced than I am, so I won't have anything to offer in the way of input, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on your training.
Even if the meet didn't go as expected, I'm sure it was a great learning experience. Best of luck with your next one.
Don't sweat it man, we all fuck up. Bombing sucks, but on the bright side you usually have a killer meet next time with the corrections of the shit that made you bomb.
Will, you've got a few minor changes, and you're looking at a 625+490+625 = 1740. Your goal of hitting elite (1824?) is getting close. I know you'll be working hard in the gym. Good luck in the next meet ... I might come down with Andrew and check it out, I haven't been to one before.