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Thread: Beginner gymnastics, conditioning and starting with barbell work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Lightbulb Beginner gymnastics, conditioning and starting with barbell work

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Alfons Daskhare's journey towards a body to be proud of

    About me
    Age: 20-25
    Location: Northern Europe

    Starting stats
    Weight: 78 kg
    Height: 184 cm
    Resting heart rate: around 65
    VO2Max: 32ml

    Short term (within 10-12 weeks):
    - Getting comfortable with basic barbell technique
    - Doing basic moves on the gymnastic rings
    - Doing a handstand
    - Improving my cardio
    - Running 10k
    Long term:
    -1/2/3/4 plate press/bench/squat/deadlift
    - Completing an endurance race of some sort with a respectable time
    - A body capabable of doing most things

    Monday - Gymnastics and barbell work
    Tuesday - Running
    Wednesday -Gymnastics and barbell work
    Thursday - Running
    Friday - Gymnastics and barbell work
    Saturday - Running (usually longer distance)
    Sunday -30-60 minutes of low intensity cardio

    Diet: No macros except keeping the calorie intake over maintenance.

    So for 10-12 weeks I'll focus on conditioning while strength takes the backseat. I did a health test and saw that my VO2Max could and should be better for my age. A problem I've sort of known of since I often feel tired and stairs are a bigger hassle than they should be. While I don't want to bust my ass doing intensive barbell work parallel to running every other day, I will still do one or two barbell movements on the days I don't run. I will also practice body control by doing gymnastic ring exercises, pistol squats and working up to be able to do a handstand with good form. After these 10-12 weeks I will transition to a pure strength program (most likely starting strength or some variety of the sort)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Monday 20th March: strength and control

    Bench press:
    20 kg x 5 reps
    25 x 5
    30 x 5
    30 x 5
    30 x 5
    Comment: some pain in the left shoulder, difficulty keeping upper back tight

    Ring top position hold:
    Set 1: 4 seconds
    Set 2: 3 seconds
    Set 3: 6 seconds
    Comment: horrible, a long way to go

    Ring dips:
    Set 1: 3 reps
    Set 2: 2 reps
    Set 3: 1 rep

    Ring reverse row sitback
    Set 1: 3 reps
    Set 2: 3 reps
    Set 3: 3 reps

    Ring tuck:
    Set 1: 5 seconds
    Set 2: 7 seconds
    Set 3: 7 seconds

    Ring chinups:
    Set 1: 1 rep (done with negative grip in preparation for muscle up)
    Set 2: 1 rep (neg. grip)
    Set 3: 3 reps (neutral grip)

    Wall walk ups to handstand:
    6 sets, 10 second holds

    Hollow body hold:
    6 sets, 10 second holds

    Barbell squat:
    20 kg x 5 reps
    30 x 5
    40 x 5
    40 x 5
    40 x 5
    Comment: No knee pain, knee travel felt nice and stable

    I forgot to do pistol squats, was kind of stressed towards the end.

    The gymnastic exercise setup I got from Goldmedalbodies' Youtube channel.

    118 cal shake
    900 cal lunch
    400 cal snack
    750 cal dinner
    760 cal snack before bed
    Total: around 2900 cal
    According to my sports watch I've burnt around 2431 calories so we are all good

    Tomorrow: running

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    This is some ambitious programming!

    Do you think there's much reason to bench if you're doing gymnastics work, especially ring work? Gymnasts off the street have crazy numbers the first time they bench, even with horrible form.

    Steven Low wrote a book on gymnastic strength work. He advised that there wasn't a gymnastics substitute for barbell squatting, but that bench and press were redundant if you were doing lots of ring work. Just one perspective though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by hector_garza View Post
    This is some ambitious programming!

    Do you think there's much reason to bench if you're doing gymnastics work, especially ring work? Gymnasts off the street have crazy numbers the first time they bench, even with horrible form.

    Steven Low wrote a book on gymnastic strength work. He advised that there wasn't a gymnastics substitute for barbell squatting, but that bench and press were redundant if you were doing lots of ring work. Just one perspective though.
    Thanks for recommending Low, I looked up his blog and it seems like a great source which I will have to look more into (I'll even see if I can get a copy of his book).

    Since I intend to move on to a more pure barbell program after I'm done with my 10k running program I thought it would be good to practice technique. The weights I'm doing now are far from my maxes. I instead focus on moving the barbell steadily and really focusing on making each rep very clean. My technique on bench specifically have previously been pretty crappy (with a resulting shoulder injury).


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Tuesday 21/3: Running

    I'm on a pretty basic beginner 10k program.

    10 minute walking warmup
    Run (jogging is recommended) for 3 minutes, walk for 2. Repeat 4 times
    10 minute walking cooldown

    Total 40 minutes

    Distance: 5.62 km
    Average heart rate 146 bpm

    Time spent in heart rate zones
    159-178 BPM: 35%
    139-158 BPM: 22%
    119-138 BPM: 33%
    100-118 BPM: 10%

    Comment: Intended to take it really easy on the jogging part of the interval, but I often get a bit carried away. No pain or discomfort.

    750 cal lunch
    400 cal snack
    900 cal dinner
    700 cal before bed snack
    Total: 2700 cal, didn't wear the sports watch for calories out estimation today but I considered today to be pretty lazy except for the run that burnt 449 cal.

    Tomorrow: Ringwork, romanian deadlifts and some hip strengthening exercises.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Default Wednesday 22/3: Strength

    Ring top position:
    Set 1: 4 seconds
    Set 2: 7 seconds
    Set 3: 8 seconds

    Ring dips
    3 reps
    3 reps
    3 reps

    Ring reverse row sitback:
    3 reps
    3 reps
    3 reps

    Ring tuck
    Comment: Can't seem to get my knees high enough for a tuck, floor l-sit progressions should hopefully help

    Ring chinups
    2 reps negative grip
    1 reps neg.
    3 reps neutral

    Wall walk ups to handstand facing wall:
    3 sets, 10 seconds vertical against wallbars
    3 sets, 10 seconds incline angle against flat wall

    Ring push ups
    3x5 reps

    Roll into bottom pistol squat position
    10 reps/leg

    Romanian deadlift
    20 kg x 5
    20 kg x 5
    40 kg x 5
    40 kg x 5

    Hollow body hold
    6 x 10 seconds

    L-sit progression: heels on the floor, hold
    6 x 10 seconds

    Comment: Today felt alot better on the ring movements. I'm guessing it's mostly because I didn't tire myself out by benching first like last time.

    118 cal shake
    900 cal lunch
    1000 cal dinner
    Felt pretty queasy throughout the day and didn't get much food in. Also I realized when looking back at the weekends meal prep I realized some of my lunches have been well over 1100 calories, so missing out a little today might not be a big deal.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    10 minute walking warmup
    Run (jogging is recommended) for 3 minutes, walk for 2. Repeat 4 times
    10 minute walking cooldown

    Total 40 minutes

    Distance: 5.43 km
    Average heart rate 140 bpm

    Time spent in heart rate zones
    159-178 BPM: 30%
    139-158 BPM: 16%
    119-138 BPM: 40%
    100-118 BPM: 13%

    500 cal breakfast
    900 cal lunch
    150 cal snack
    1000 cal dinner
    Total 2450 cal

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