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Thread: cph's post-LP weight loss log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default cph's post-LP weight loss log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Continued from The Umpteenth Post-LP Weight Loss Thread in the Programming forum.

    I started LP (for the third time, after 2 years off the wagon) on 10/26/16 with these stats:

    Bodyweight ~195

    Squat 105x5x3
    Bench 95x5x3
    Press 65x5x3
    Deadlift 165x5x1

    I finished LP on squats on 4/7/17 (there were a lot of missed workouts) with these stats:

    Bodyweight ~220-225 (will get a more accurate number soon)

    Squat 360x5x3
    Bench 200x5x3
    Press 135x5x3
    Deadlift 375x5x1

    (I was doing cleans, but got stuck around 150. I'm dropping them until I can get coaching.)

    I started and finished LP with these stats:

    Height: 5'10", Age 34

    * * *

    The plan right now is to start a slow cut while gradually switching to intermediate programming. I'm shooting for ~20-25 lbs lost in 3 months, then I'll take a month diet break and reassess.

    This past week, I deloaded my squat 10% and switched to an HLM setup: M 3x5 heavy, W 2x5@80%, F 3x5@90%. I'm planning to cycle rep ranges on Monday as needed. (I'll increase by 10 lbs for a couple of weeks at least.)

    Bench and Press will stay on LP until microloading stops working.

    Pull programming is currently: M chins, submax power cleans; W 1x5 continue DL LP; F 4x8 RDLs @8

    Curls on W after DL. Might add some more accessory work as needed.

    Diet starts this coming week based on Jordan's TBAB and Izzy's Powerlifting Nutrition series.
    Last edited by cph; 04-17-2017 at 07:21 AM. Reason: Add & fix information

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Week 1 HLM workouts:


    Sq 325x5x3 (10% deload)
    BP 202.5x5x3 (PR)
    PC 145x3x1 (planned 5 sets, but got interrupted)
    Chins 4,3,3,2,1 (FWIW, the only chin bars at my current gym are very thick, and the rack's not high enough to use a barbell)


    Sq 260x5x2
    Pr 137.5x4,4,3 (miss, probably need to switch to smaller increments)
    DL 380x5 (PR)
    BB Curls 75x12,12,13 (going too heavy on these?)


    Sq 290x5x3 @7,7,7.5 (going to start recording RPEs from now on)
    BP 205x5x3 @9.5,9.5,10 (PR)
    RDL 145x8@6, 155x8@6, 165x8x4@7,7,7,7.5 (I'm starting these conservatively)


    ~30 minutes LISS (walk)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013



    Sq 335x5x3 @7.5,7.5,8
    (These were a little harder than I expected. Hopefully just lack of sleep. Debating whether to jump 10 or 5 lbs. next week)

    Pr 137.5x4,5,4 @10
    (Getting more reps on 2nd set pisses me off. Not enough intensity off the chest on the 1st set.)

    Chins 5,5,3,2,2
    (4 reps more than last week. I'll take it.)

    Was planning to power clean, but skipped since the gym was too busy.

    Now the big question is what to do on press. Deload? Try once more? Switch bench/press to an intermediate setup?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013



    Moving this weekend, so things are a little hectic. I did this workout at 10:30pm after work.

    Sq 265x5x2 @6,6

    BP 207.5x5x3 PR @9,9.5,10
    (Only bad thing was that my leg cramps are back again.)

    DL 385x3 (miss for 5)
    (I'm pissed at this one. I gave up on the 4th rep. Could have had it. Worried that my back is rounding, too. Need to video next time.)
    (Also need to consider increasing RDL weight on medium day so I'm getting a true @8)

    BB Curls 75x12,12,15

    Still haven't started the diet due to moving. Feel like a bit of a slacker.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013



    I really wanted to do a medium day one of these two days, but packing and moving took all my time.

    I did a lot of sofa deadlifts, chair presses, box cleans, and coffee table curls. My legs are more fried than after heavy squats.

    Joining a new gym Monday. The only thing I'll miss about my apartment is the fitness room in the building.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I think given the missed workouts and that you're doing an HLM setup, I'd just do a 5 lb increase on the squat. Failure is annoying and sucks and will threaten to throw off your already slightly thrown-off program.

    Press might benefit from a slight reset and then microloading. Or you could do a heavy 1x5 and then 95% x 2 sets both days that you press. Or replace one of those days with a 5x5.

    If you can keep benching an LP do that but if those reps are really 9's and 10's you might as well switch both presses at the same time. Like an HLM with press as the light day every week. I'm doing a Hanley recommended setup across four days, bench 1 set plus backoff sets, press amrap, day off, bench same, press same, weekend off. I'm liking it.

    Just my microloaded 1.125 cents
    Last edited by ithryn; 04-24-2017 at 12:43 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    4/24: Joined a new gym today... hilarious!

    Sq 345x5x3 @8.5,8.5,9

    Pr 137x1 (LOL), 115x5,5,7 @7,7,10

    Chins 6,5,3,3,2

    Moving took its toll. Wish I saw your post, ithryn, before deciding to push the 10 lb. increase on squats. It definitely destroyed my upper body. I don't think this is indicative of where I am. I was mad and made the rash decision to go AMRAP for the 3rd set.

    I joined a local powerlifting/strongman/weightlifting gym. I actually just planned to check it out and not train, but I really wanted to get under the bar. The place is a gem. I'm excited, but also kind of sad I need to start this cut ASAP. I keep procrastinating. (I have good reasons in my own mind... like it doesn't make sense to cook the last few days I'm packing for a move.)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2013



    Sq 275x5x2 @6.5,6 (the 1st set might have been nearer to 6, still getting used to RPE

    BP 210x4x2 @9,10 190x5x2 @8,8

    DL 385x5 @9 PR (video)

    Curls 75x15x3

    I'm going to attempt my PR press and bench one more time Friday and Monday, and adjust programming if it goes poorly.

    A little bit of ramping on the last 2 reps of the DL. Posted a form check in the coaches' forum.

    If anybody out there wants to look at the video and tell me if they think 9 RPE is the right number, I'd appreciate it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by ithryn View Post
    If you can keep benching an LP do that but if those reps are really 9's and 10's you might as well switch both presses at the same time. Like an HLM with press as the light day every week. I'm doing a Hanley recommended setup across four days, bench 1 set plus backoff sets, press amrap, day off, bench same, press same, weekend off. I'm liking it.
    How do you pick your AMRAP weight?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2013


    starting strength coach development program

    Sq 310x5x3 @7.5,7.5,8 (3rd set video)

    Pr 137 x 5@9.5 4@10 4@10, 122x5x2 @8,8

    RDL 155x8@7 175x8@7 185x8@7 205x8x4 @7.5

    Assisted chins: green band 2x7, orange band 2x7

    Medium squats were easier than expected. Not sure that last set (video above) was even a true 8.

    Press, definitely time to reset/change programming. 90% backoffs were easier than expected.

    RDL: still feeling this one out. I think I can go heavier, but I feel my grip failing on the last few reps. Might try straps. I'm also DLing the bar from the floor before the first rep so it's 9 reps as far as my grip is concerned.

    Chins: I'm now doing the Niki Sims protocol of unassisted AMRAP M, curls W, and band assisted F. These were all max effort, and I think I cheated the 7th rep on a few sets. Should have started off with the orange band. Might even go with a stronger band next week.
    Last edited by cph; 04-28-2017 at 05:14 PM.

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