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Thread: A DUP cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default A DUP cycle

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm a 54yo male, 5'9" - 195lbs at ~25% BF. My current tested 1RM's are 295lb squat, 340lb dead, 235lb bench and 150lb press. I have run TM, HLM (GGW) and split routines with reasonable success. The next experiment is to run a DUP cycle and see how it works for me. I picked the following program and adjusted my dead 1RM to 310 as prior experience has taught me to program low on deadlifts.

    Daily Undulating Periodization for Powerlifting (DUP)

    Macros are 200gr protein, 200 gr carbs on lifting day and 100 gr carbs on the other days, then fat and alcohol to keep my weight stable. Some weeks will be stretched to 8 or 9 days based on recovery status, travel etc. The log format is sets x reps x weight and then the RPE of the last set.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    4/30/17 - 194.8lbs
    Squat 3x8x190 @8
    Bench 3x8x155 @8
    Dead 10x1x200 @7
    Easy first workout as expected

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    5/2/17 - 195.4lbs, 41.5" relaxed abs, 1 day rest

    Squat 4x6x205 @8
    Bench 4x6x165 @8
    Dead 10x1x215 @7

    Left knee felt tweaky during warmups so put on sleeves and it went away.
    I really like the singles format for deadlifts, my deadlift form has always sucked and it is giving me a lot of chances to improve it.
    Last edited by Geoffc; 05-02-2017 at 09:00 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Los Angeles


    Looks like a good program. Are you doing any accessories? Upper back, shoulders, arms?

    I'm probably going to run a DUP program after I finish GGW. I might try the singles for deadlifts too and see how that goes.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by DodgerDog View Post
    Looks like a good program. Are you doing any accessories? Upper back, shoulders, arms?

    I'm probably going to run a DUP program after I finish GGW. I might try the singles for deadlifts too and see how that goes.
    I'm doing sub-maximal chin-ups between the deadlift singles but am going to hold off on any other accessory work until I see how beat up I feel on this program. If I'm feeling good I will add an accessory day at the end of the week and do presses, rows and arms.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    5/3/17 - LISS, 2.32 mile trail run 31'37" @4 RPE

    5/4/17 - 194.0lbs
    Squat 5x4x220 @8
    Bench 5x4x175 @8
    Dead 8x1x235 @7.5

    General soreness before workout dissipated during squats and then felt strong throughout. Week one done.
    Last edited by Geoffc; 05-04-2017 at 01:49 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    5/5/17 - LISS, 2.32 trail run 28'24" @4.5 RPE

    The run loosened up stiff hips and lower back and got the blood flowing

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    5/8/17 - 195.2lbs

    Squat 4x8x205 @8
    Bench 4x8x165 @8
    Dead 12x1x215 @7
    Chins up between deadlift sets

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    5/11/18 - 193.4

    Squat 5x6x220 @8.5
    Bench 5x6x175 @8.5
    Dead 12x1x235 only did 4 reps, ran out of gas

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    starting strength coach development program
    5/13/17 - 194.6

    Squat 6x4x235 plus 3 extra reps on AMRAP last set
    Bench 6x4x190 plus 2 extra reps on AMRAP last set
    Dead 10x1x250 @7

    Week 2 done. I did my LISS 2mi trail run on the off days and the body is getting used to the 3 squat workouts plus 2-3 runs per week. Diet is the whole 30 plus alcohol which always works very well for me. I hit my protein and carb macros with meat, eggs and sweet potatoes and then lots of veggies and some fruit and nuts. Alcohol is the low carb stuff. Standard supplement stack of fish oil, creatine and multi-vitamin.

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