Hi oldster. Not me. My brotherinlaw passed 6/19; since then his wife was ill w/stress induced colitis>sepsis/septic shock 2 weeks ago>we disconnected life support yesterday, let her go. Fairly innocuous, afib & colitis, according to drs. They were young they were healthy they exercised they ate right. What would you call that, not the best luck? idk.
CYCLE 11, WEEK 2, DAY 4 9_17_17 Sunday
Squat 152#/3 (5)
Deadlift repeating 225# this month
nope. Got to 205/2 felt heavy my back that was hurting hurt.
Shrug145#/10 (2)
Just tired, strained and pretty sure I have a rib out. Chiro Tues. I also was interrupted by my neighbor, chatting, multiple times. *sigh* Its like starting all over, so disappointing.