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Thread: Granny's Log (deb)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL

    Smile Granny's Log (deb)

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Starting a log here. My 58th year starts in 2 weeks. I am a 5'8" woman. I'd been struggling with blood pressure (170/110?) and the realization that I'd been slowwwly detraining alone at home, to some degree. Time to change things up.

    Read SS and PPS years ago. Got Barbell Rx in December. Fixed my diet & been doing Strength & Mass Over 40 for 5 months or so. Saw a SS coach in I think March?

    IDK what they cost, the books, coaching & training template in total, but up to now (excluding family) theyre quite possibly the best selfish gifts I've ever given myself.

    My BP is usually in the 110/60-65 range for the most part now. And I feel much better. Bodyweight started at 170-175#, now at 178-180#?

    First few training cycles I spent getting used to new gym, pounds rather than kilos, etc. I use #'s now. My squats are highbar (i have a bone in my low back that moves and my shoulders kill in lowbar, highbar is easier for now).

    CYCLE 4
    Fives: BP 97, OHP 72.3, Squat 150, DL 170
    Threes: BP 103, OHP 72.2*, Squat 155, DL 192
    Single: BP 110, OHP 80, Squat 170, DL, 210
    *denotes missed reps

    CYCLE 5
    Fives:BP 98, OHP 73.5*, Squat 155, DL 175
    Threes: BP 105, OHP 70*, Squat 160, DL 200
    Singles: BP 115, OHP 78, Squat 175, DL 225
    *denotes missed reps

    CYCLE 6
    Fives: BP 100, OHP 73.75, Squat 160*, DL 180
    Threes: BP 107, OHP 76, Squat 165, DL 205
    Singles: BP 118, OHP 81, Squat 180, DL 230
    *denotes missed reps

    CYCLE 7
    Fives: BP 101, OHP 75*, Squat 160*, DL 185
    Threes: BP 110*, OHP 76.5, Squat 170*, DL 210
    Singles: BP 120, OHP 83, Squat 190, DL 235
    *denotes missed reps

    CYCLE 8
    Fives: BP (skip), OHP 75, Squat 160, DL 190
    Threes: BP 110#, OHP 78, Squat 170, DL 215
    Singles: BP F#, OHP 86 (only one single), Squat 200#, DL F
    *denotes missed reps - death in the family this cycle


    CYCLE 9, WEEK 1,DAY 1
    HEAVY OHP 77#/5 (rep pr), and then, rats! only 4, then 3
    CGBP 102#/5, 4, 4
    LTE 35#/15, 10
    Ext 10#/50

    CYCLE 9, WEEK 1, DAY 2
    HEAVY BACKSQUAT 165#/5 (3) did 160 last cycle
    Pull-ups Graviton 12/8,6,5
    BBRows 75#/10 (2)
    Curls 45#/10 (2)
    Sooo tired but went ok today. Idk what's up w the monthly anymore, its due.

    CYCLE 9, WEEK 1, DAY 3
    7_23_17 Sunday

    OHP 69#/3 (5) Moved from 67# since I got one set at 77# for five. Conservative.
    HEAVY BENCH 103#/5 (3) PR
    Incline bench 65#/6, 10

    CYCLE 9, WEEK 1, DAY 4
    7_25_17 Tuesday

    Squat Triples: 150#/3 (5) (did 145 last cycle)
    HEAVY DL 200#/5 (3) PR
    RDL Snatch grip 135#/6 (2)
    Shrugs 135#/10 (2)

    7_26_17 Wednesday
    HIIT c2
    2 min wu
    20s/100s for 7
    5 min cool

    CYCLE 9, WEEK 2, DAY 1
    7_27_17 Thursday

    HEAVY OHP 80#/2 (3) Rep PR didnt get the third rep, repeat this weight next cycle. Still excited to rep 80#.
    CGBP 102#/6, 5 & 5 reps
    LTE - 35#/15, 35#/12
    Tricep Pressdowns 5@60#, 50#, 40#, 30#, 20# to last plate, 2 rounds

    CYCLE 9, WEEK 2, DAY 2
    7_29_17 Saturday

    HEAVY BACKSQUAT 175#/3 (3) PR 170 last cycle. This was my one rep max a few months ago...and Idve had trouble hitting it then.
    Pullups Gravitron 12/9, 5 w/a 3 finger wider grip, 5 w/super wide grip
    DB Rows 25#/10 (2) both sides
    Pull downs 45#/10, 65#/7
    Curls 45#/10 (2)
    Pleased with the squats.

    CYCLE 9, WEEK 2, DAY 3
    7_30_17 Sunday
    Got my period. What. The. slow starting cycle like last month where it lingered two weeks light then heavy. I wouldn't mind except it really messes w lifting. I never know where exactly I am w hormones.

    OHP 69#/3 (5)
    HEAVY BENCHPRESS 112#/ONE, wth????? 110#/2 (2) yang to the yin
    Such a letdown. I upped all my lifts this cycle idk if bench is ever coming back. To plow on or reset, is it my personal cycle or what. And, birthdays, vaca and more memorial services loom on the horizon. oh boy!
    Incline BP 55#/10, 65#/10

    CYCLE 9, WEEK 2, DAY 4
    8_1_17 Tuesday. Tons of menstrual fatigue as always. I'm too old for this shit.
    Squat: 150#/3 (5)
    HEAVY DEADLIFT: 220#/3 (3) (at 200# I thought, 220# isnt going up, but it did)
    RDL: 145#/6 (2)
    Shrugs: ? two 45# plates on some machine, it felt heavier than 90#, IDK. 10 reps 3 sets

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL


    CYCLE 9, WEEK 3, DAY 1 8_3_17 Thursday
    OHP - 1x90# PR, 1x2@86#
    (Never thought I'd hit 90. Then looking at my paperwork, I realized I'm supposed to be repeating 86#. #oldpeople)
    CGBP - 6x3x102#
    LTE - 35#/15, 10 the 4th lift seems harder
    OTE 17.5#/10 (2)
    Found out the machine I did the shrugs on starts at 45#. So, 135# on shrugs tues. Felt about right.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by granny View Post
    OHP - 1x90# PR
    Congrats on the PR! And congrats on getting stronger!
    My wife (who does not post here) would like me to pass on her best wishes to you, and also to thank you for mentioning the realities of menstrual fatigue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    New York


    That's some nice lifting.Is your
    BP being treated with meds or has the lifting gotten it under control?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Treasure Coast, FL


    Quote Originally Posted by Erok View Post
    Congrats on the PR! And congrats on getting stronger!
    My wife (who does not post here) would like me to pass on her best wishes to you, and also to thank you for mentioning the realities of menstrual fatigue.
    Thank you. How old is your wife? Menstrual fatigue, and loss of strength, it's real. When you're young its a blip on the radar. When you're old...its a different story! All my friends are done.

    Quote Originally Posted by BrooklynJerry View Post
    That's some nice lifting.Is your
    BP being treated with meds or has the lifting gotten it under control?
    I am still on amlodipine and benazepril, but since lifting/diet change when I went for a checkup the nurse said, 'wait, what? so the last 2 years you havent been taking the meds we gave you?'....she expected to see 140/90 or so. I am hoping to take less or get off if I can.

    CYCLE 9, WEEK 3, DAY 2 8_5_17 Saturday
    185#, 200 F, 195, 200 F 185. ?? Not surprised, but disappointed nonetheless. All that work. I figured its a 15-20% drop with the menstrual thing, which should end soon (i hope)
    Powercleans Mr. Baker said if I want to do them, do them here (after squats)
    2x2x105# And here the head trainer came over to tell me, other patrons are complaining about the lift and the noise! IDK, Im not dropping them, Im using the lowest safety, racking it neatly, and lowering it to the safety. He and the head membership lady said 3 or 4 complained, and 4 people told him they were glad he spoke to me (after he spoke to me). IDK the one girl who competitively powerlifts that Im friendly with said it was the yoga people complaining. The head trainer said, the people in yoga (I peeked, they're just lying on the floor in the dark looking at cells and chatting) need to concentrate, because the poses they're doing - one false move and they're seriously injured. Plus he said, drops are wrecking the bars. what the fuck? extreme death yoga. their bars suck they dont even spin. the lady said its not a powerlifting gym. I said, bench, squat, deadlift? its not?? what is it then? she said just, stay in shape feel good. She said its an odd lift I do that no one does, so when people see you they get pissed. I said, powercleans?? really? every football program in the country probably does them. What would you do if I actually put some weight on the bar?? Heart attack city. So. I put an extra pair of kneesleeves on the safeties. Fuck it. I told the head trainer I'd bring my barbell (that actually spins!!) and bumpers and lower to the rubber floor since its quieter. So I guess I'm shlepping my shit over there later to show them. He said he would see if I could keep the bar and bumpers there in a locked room.
    Im one of maybe three there, who can do a decent powerclean anyway.
    Pullups Pissed and wth.
    Gravitron 11 - 5,5, and 4
    Barbell rows

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012


    I'd have paid to see that exchange!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Murphysboro, IL


    One of the several Vienna's in the US or the one in Austria?

    Well done, fair lady. Stand up to those bonzos and don't let them give you any crap.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013
    South Carolina


    Wow! Impressive numbers in here - especially press and power cleans. Hope the yoga peeps can find enough flexibility to pull their panties out of a wad. Keep up the excellent work.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Christopher John View Post
    Wow! Impressive numbers in here - especially press and power cleans. Hope the yoga peeps can find enough flexibility to pull their panties out of a wad. Keep up the excellent work.
    They don't seem to understand yoga. The entire point of eastern meditative practices is to be able to remain centered. No matter what. No matter where. In spite of all of life's distractions. Even in the face of death. If a simple power clean disturbs them....they're pretty damned weak, in every sense of the term.

    And those are some impressive numbers you're putting up.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark E. Hurling View Post
    One of the several Vienna's in the US or the one in Austria?
    I once got transferred from Chicago to Vienna, Virginia, but the paperwork got goofed and I received my credentials from Austria. Good times. Great lifting granny!

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