I was recovered from the move and felt great today. Since I missed Monday’s workout because of the move I am doing a volume workout instead of intensity. This was a lot of volume for one day so I split it up into two sessions. It went great and I feel good, in other words not all beat up. Next week will be a normal schedule. The higher rep scheme that I have been following for about the last 2 months seems to have run its course. I am moving back to lower reps of around 5.
Morning Session
Bench 4RG20 210(8,6,6,5-25) Beat the goal of 20 reps by 5 so I will go up in weight to 215lb next week.
Squat 4RG20 225(7,6,6,6-25) Much better than last week’s failure! No problems bracing and keeping a straight back. Passed the rep goal so next week will be 230lb.
Incline Bench Press 2RG20 135(15,13-28) This is the first time that I haven’t made 15 on the second set but I am still way above the 20 rep total.
Afternoon Session
Press 4RG20 125(6,5,6,5-22) I tried the press 2.0 on the second set and it didn't work as well. Went back to strict on the third set. On warm up sets I can preform the press 2.0 but when I move up to working weight it doesn't go so smoothly. I will just stay with a strict press and will someday have to see a coach to get the kinks worked out of version 2.
Deadlift 305X5X2 These felt good except for having to concentrate too hard on my grip during the second set. My thumbs came off the bar and only my fingertips were holding on. I think that it is time to invest in some straps and start using them on the second set, first set no problem.
Barbell Row 3RG15 180(7,7,7-21) Next time will be 185. I may start alternating between dumbbell and barbell rows.