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Thread: Ginger Pigglets post NLP emergency weight loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Default Ginger Pigglets post NLP emergency weight loss

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Age 36, 5'10, 350# 3XL shirts, 48" pants

    2020 NLP results 9/2/20 to 1/1/21
    SQUAT 245# x5x3 --> 375# x5x3 (405#x1)
    PRESS 135# x5x3 --> 192.5# x5x3 (225#x3)
    DEAD 275# x5x3 -->410#x3 (Rackpull 500#x1,1,1)
    BENCH 215#x5x3 --> 315# x5x3

    I cut LP short as I have not lost any weight during LP mostly because I didn't try too. But my clothes are getting uncomfortable to wear especially with my legs and ass growing in size. My gut is getting in the way of my squats and deadlifts so yea it's time. I qualify for a lipid scrubbing so let's do it.

    Ginger Pigglets 2020 NLP

    Initially started off with 4 day split and too much accessory work. I'm aiming to get SQ, BP, DL, PR in once a week for 3x5 or 3x3 and adding weight too the bar as long as possible.

    Started doing 4 days but it seems like 3 days a week is still working best with my work schedule.

    Heavy bag, ruck marches and echo bike sprints for conditioning. But I will limit these before the lifts depending on work shifts and calorie intake.

    Counting calories, cleaning up meal prep to
    Be around 3000 cals a day for starters. Aiming for 40/40/20% Prot/carb/fat. (This has gotten closer to 2500 kcals for actual weight loss and I'm even pushing it down to 2000kcals to speed things up.)

    5 years ago I obtained a 555 DL, 435 SQ, 335 BP, 225 PR at 255# bodyweight. I see no reason I can't at least match that again after this is over.

    I am a 1st responder working 4 on 4 off 3 on 3 off schedule of 12-16 hr shifts and the occasional mandated overtime shift. So recovery is compromised during the work week. That was also a factor in getting off NLP as 3 lifts on a work night were getting pretty shitty in that last month.

    Will start posting weekly logs as they are completed
    Last edited by Myles Shaw; 02-07-2021 at 05:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Georgia, USA


    Good luck with your quest to trim down. You certainly have developed a great strength base. I hope that you are able to maintain it while you are doing the cut.

    Welcome aboard!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Thanks !

    Sent from my moto g power using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Week 1 body Weight (BW) 354lbs

    BENCH 320#x5x3
    Press 156# x5x3
    Press AMRAP 156#X10
    LTE 115#x10x3
    BB curl 65#x10x3

    1/5-1/6 no train due to work

    SQUATS 385#x5x3

    SQ-Weight felt like poo, bar speed was ok. Really trying to get hips back and tits to the floor, brought back some knee slide.

    Back/shoulders too tight couldn't get the bar low enough, it wanted to roll up my neck

    Off to a crap start had to not a train a few days for work.
    Last edited by Myles Shaw; 02-08-2021 at 02:00 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Week 2 BW 354

    1/ 11/21 MON 2700kcals

    PRESS 200#x5x3
    Bench light 255#x5x3
    LTE 120#x10x3
    BB curl 70#x10x3

    1/12/21 TUE
    2000 kcals
    SQUAT 365#x5, 390#x5, 405#x5

    1/13/21 WED 3700 kcal
    REST - Day off a little BBQ and whisky today

    1/14/21 THUR 2132 kcals
    BENCH 322.5#x4x3
    5th rep got stuck midway back up, I kept pushing on it until finally it did a slow descent to my chest. Kind of nerve-wracking the first time I've set a bench down on the pins and probably more than a decade took 10 minutes off and grudgingly unloaded the bar put it back on the hooks for two more sets of four

    FB Press light 160#x5x3 (FB = football bar)

    1/15/21 FRI. 2474 kcals
    Squat light 300#x5x3
    DEADLIFT 410#x4,1
    Last edited by Myles Shaw; 02-08-2021 at 02:01 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Week3 BW (354)
    1/18/21 Monday BdyWt:354 lbs. Kcals
    PRESS 202.5# x5x3

    Bench light 260x5#, 210#x5x3

    LTE 120#x8x3
    Kroc row 95#x10x3

    1/19/21 TUE BdyWt 354 lbs. Kcals
    SQUAT 390x5x3
    RDL 145#x5x5
    Pulldown 160#x10x3

    1/20/21 WED
    E bike 2x4min of 10/20 sprints
    2x5 min heavy bag work

    1/21/21 THURS bdywt 353lbs
    BENCH 322.5# x5,4,5
    Press light 165# x5x3
    LTE 120# x10x3
    BB curl 80# x10x3

    1/24/21 SUN BdyWt 351 lbs, kcals 1200
    Squat light 305# x5x3
    DEADLIFT 415# x4,2 (straps)
    Kroc row 100#x10,10,15

    *DL first set no belt, second set belted
    Last edited by Myles Shaw; 02-08-2021 at 02:01 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Week4 BW 350 lbs

    M-F 0800-1700 grappelling camp. No need for extra conditioning. Workouts adjusted based on how beat up I was feeling. 2000-2500kcals during the week, seeing some small reduction in waist, not the progress I would prefer.

    1/26/21 TUE, BW 349 lbs, kcals 2530
    PRESS 205# x4x3

    Presses felt heavy today, fail 5th rep x2, low end of kcals but scale is moving finally.

    1/28/21 BW 349, 2500kcals
    SQUAT 395# x5x3
    BENCH 325#x4, 315#x5,4(f)

    BP- Failed 5th rep on 1st and 3rd set

    1/30/21 BW 348#, kcals 2100
    Rackpull (Midshin) 445#x3 (belt)
    DEADLIFT 405# x3,4 (no belt)
    Kroc row 105# x20,10,10

    Couldn't lock out Deadlifts today, feel solid till bar passed knee, lose gas at mid thigh, still not getting back set correctly each pull
    Last edited by Myles Shaw; 02-08-2021 at 02:02 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Week 5

    2/1/21 BdyWt 349, kcals 2270
    PRESS 207.5# x5x3
    pullups(Blk monster band) 3,3,2,2,2,2,1 (15 reps)
    LTE 122.5 x10x3

    2/3/21 BdyWt 348 1980 kcals
    BJJ 1030-1200
    SQUAT 400# x5x3
    BENCH 325# x4(f), 3, 3
    Kroc row 110# x 10,20 short time only 2 sets
    SQ - probably the best squat form since starting NLP
    BP - rough possibly need more kcals, 1st 3 reps quick 4th&5th grinders, failed on 5th attempt

    2/5/21 FRI Bdywt 346lbs 2080kcals
    DEADLIFT 425# x2(f),3,2(f) (straps and belt)
    Failed on 3rd rep on 1st and 3rd sets
    Kroc rows 110# x10,20

    Turned belt around back wards so the buckle is in the small of my back, a little better but still not setting my back perfectly before each rep.
    Last edited by Myles Shaw; 02-08-2021 at 01:32 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    Woke up Saturday 2/6/21 at 344lbs and also down a notch on my belt.

    Finally got this scale moving in a downward trend. Seems like 2000-2100 kcals is the mark for me. It's been a struggle to hit 250g protein in this calorie range without resorting to a bunch protein powder. I'd like to keep my food as food shaped as possible

    Press and Squats still progressing, bench is starting to stall, Deadlift is stalling due to form, the weight doesn't feel that taxing it just doesn't want to budge after passion mid thigh.

    Diet looks something like this


    3 Whole eggs, 1 slice bacon, toast, spinach or peppers

    1 cup greek yogurt, 1/4c granola, blueberries

    Monster mash (ground beef, bone broth, rice, bell peppers)

    Banana, 2 scoops protein isolate in water

    6oz steak, russet or sweet taters, asparagus

    Rice and taters sub back and forth. Sometimes noodles but rarely.

    Meats: salmon and steak at least 2x meals/week the rest is roast pork loin, grilled chicken or ground beef.

    Veggies: asparagus, green beans, brussel sprouts, bell peppers, spinach and cauliflower, lighty oiled, salted and roasted.

    Fruits: a daily banana then apples, berries, sometimes pears.

    Definitely not your bodybuilders chicken, broccoli and rice, which sucks.

    I take my lady to brunch once a week and get something tasty and usually sneak some whiskey into my coffee (they call it an El Chapo) seems like a manly way to drink fancy coffee, while she enjoys a mimosa.

    Limiting alcohol to 1 or 2 nights a week. Mostly whisky in ice on my day off. I didn't realize the calorie content until a tracked it on an app. I guess nothing is free.
    Last edited by Myles Shaw; 02-08-2021 at 02:04 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2020


    starting strength coach development program
    WEEK 6 BW 343 lbs
    MON 2/8/21 kcals: 2150

    SQUAT 405#x5x3
    PRESS 210#x4x3
    Chin up (blk band)x3x5

    WED 2/10/21 KCals 2250. BJJ 1030-1200

    THU 2/11/21 kcals: 2240

    DEADLIFT 425#x4,2,1
    BENCH 325#x4x3
    Kroc row 110#x10,10,25

    Work schedule dictated my compacted training days.
    I actually like this split, seems to be an appropriate amount of work given my time and calorie restraints.

    Squat form is getting dialed. Bench and press still doing ok just feeling heavy on low calories. Deadlift form needs some work
    Last edited by Myles Shaw; 02-12-2021 at 04:26 PM.

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