starting strength gym
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Thread: A Cops Journey

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Monday 04-04
    Checked in today and encountered the normal first day chaos at FBI NA, orientation and dorm life. Don’t have mandatory PT until Thursday and was given the afternoon to roam free.
    Hit the gym, it has everything you would every need, don’t know how hard to push right now or what to expect so didn’t kill it. Just got some work in.

    Bench 245x6x3
    Incline DB 70x10, 80x7x2
    Hammer strength pull down 3x8
    Db curls 3x10-12
    Banded 1 arm pressdown 4x12

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    Tuesday 04-04
    Safety bar: box squat 275x5x3
    SLDL 300x3x3
    Chin/pull-ups mixed it up 30 reps total
    Leg extension 3x12
    Leg curl 2x15

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    Fell behind
    Thursday 04-07
    1st Mandatory PT session with FBI academy instructors
    Mobility assessment
    Times mile test. Hadn’t trained for this but had been doing a little interval training after my main work leading up to national academy. 7:59 was my time

    Thursday 04-07
    Felt good and went and got a lift in after hours on my own
    Press 185x2x3
    Hammer strength row 4x6
    Life fitness machines circuit press, bench, curl 3 rounds 10-15 reps each

    Friday 04-08
    Mandatory pt
    Circuit 2 rounds 20 seconds intervals followed by 10 seconds rest, 2 rotations at each station
    Med ball wall throws
    Banded row
    Kettle bell swings
    Sandbag squat, curl, press

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    Saturday 04-09
    Bench 280x3x3
    Belt squat 4x8-10
    Pull-ups 20 total
    Skier plus push-up 30 second on 10 off
    Leg curls few sets plus drop sets

    Played pickup basketball for about 2 hours today

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Feb 2021


    starting strength coach development program
    Week of April 11
    Been a busy week between classes and homework

    Had 3 mandatory workouts this week. Lots of HIIT. They’ve had us do a wide variety of circuits that include; kettle bells, bands, pull-ups, med ball scoops, bear crawls, and run steps. I’ve enjoyed most of it. I breeze through these unlike most ppl who weren’t benching, squatting, pressing and deadlifting before they got here. It just goes to show that doingthe big 4 with some well selected assistant work can prepare you for anything.

    I’ve made it to the gym after hours a couple times this week but nothing worth posting about. Gonna try to get bench, press, squat and SLDL worked in this weekend in my down time.
    Last edited by Chop_Top; 04-14-2022 at 07:37 PM.

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