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Thread: What the hell, I'll play along....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default What the hell, I'll play along...

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    All right, I'll post my stuff up here. Maybe someone can learn from my successes, but more importantly learn from my mistakes.

    A little background first:
    30 years old, 6 foot, 230 pounds, I've been training effectively for about 8 years. Before that, I was a victim of an uneducated football coach and the fitness/bodybuilding media hype that pollutes the waters of true strength training. I trained and competed in strongman for about 6 years, and I still train the events about 3 times a month just because I like the guys I'm with and it's a nice break from the gym. Although, I don't compete in strongman anymore because I didn't like the direction it was going.

    A few months ago in March I suffered a moderate lumbar strain while squatting. It's something that I'm still wrestling with because I'm not 18 anymore. So, this log picks up somewhere along the road to getting back to where I was before.

    Today's workout:

    Squat - 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 365x1, 385x5
    I've started using my belt at 315 and heavier since my "injury." The first 4 reps of the 385 felt easy and smooth. I came a little out of my groove on the 5th, but still pulled out of it without too much trouble. Best I've done since my "injury," but still shy of my previous 5RM

    RDL's - 225 for 2 sets of 5
    couldn't get into the groove with these today so I switched to stiff-legs off the floor

    Stiff-legs - 315 for 2 sets of 5

    Glute/Ham/Gastroc raises - 25 pounds dropped to bodyweight for 2 sets
    I use these primarily as a hamstring activation exercise. I'm new to performing these utilizing the hamstrings and gastrocs instead of the spinal erectors. So, still getting the hang of them.

    Neck extensions - 40x10 reps, 40x9 reps, 25 for 2 sets of 10
    I use a head harness and plates/dumbbells for these. I absolutely love this exercise and I think it's one that everyone should perform.

    Ab wheel - full ROM 2 sets of 10
    It's been a couple of years since I've done any regular, dedicated ab work. My abs are plenty strong, but my erectors are stronger and that's causing some problems for me right now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    What didn't you like about the direction of strongman training?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by KSC View Post
    What didn't you like about the direction of strongman training?
    Oh it wasn't the direction of the training, it was the prevalence of illegal substances in the organization.

    When I got into strongman, steroids were around but were never really encouraged. At the time I got out, they were being pushed hard. I got tired of seeing guys fly into town from halfway across the country to "train," show up at the training facility for 20 minutes and then leave.

    Let's just say that I've got some stories about the organization and a lot of people involved. However, I'm not going to speak ill of anyone on an internet forum.

    So, in the end I decided that staying within the organization and competing just wasn't for me. I still enjoy the training and do so most Saturdays with a good group of guys.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I'd be interested in a little more info on why you think the neck extensions are so hot. And do you do them lying down? Standing up?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I think so highly of the neck extensions because of the shear number of patients I see every day with a significant loss of cervical curve. Whiplash injuries, muscular imbalance caused by poor postural habits and improper training contribute to decreased cervical lordosis all day long.

    Due in part to the fact that many more people in today's workforce are sitting at a desk in a flexion posture all day long, the lost cervical curve has become almost epidemic.

    The cervical extension exercise is just one way of preventing this and possibly correcting such muscular imbalances. Of course, I don't recommend this to my patients without first conducting a throrough examination.

    I perform the exercise utilizing the head harness with the weight hanging in front of me. I stand bent over, with my hands on a bench and let the weight hang between the bench and my body. It's similar to the position one might use while performing a dumbbell row except that I don't stagger my stance and I have both hands on the bench instead of just one.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX


    I hear you on the drugs man. Its a shame that they are allowed to tarnish the strength sports so much.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008



    Press - 95x5, 135x3. 165x2, 175x1, 185x3, 185x3
    Pull ups - BW x 5, weighted pull ups - 25x5, 25x5, 25x5
    Bench Press - (spped day) 135x5, 185x5, 225 6 sets of 3
    Barbell Rows - 135x5, 235x5x5

    Having some left biceps tendon issues that I've been procrastinating way too long to work on it. It keeps me from doing chin ups and it gets irritated on my heavy pull ups. Otherwise, I don't really notice it.

    The press is the one exercise I'm most unhappy with. I've never been a strong presser and my bench isn't much to write home about either. My goal is a bodyweight press by 12/31/08 (230 lbs).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008



    Squat (light day) - 135x5, 225x3, 275 for 6 sets of 3

    Dead lift - 235x5, 325x5, 415x1, 435x5
    I pulled these with a touch and go on the floor. Normally I pull each rep with a full stop at the bottom and reset. I really have no idea why I repped them out this way today. Best I've done since May when I tweaked my low back. But I'm still about 70 pounds off of my 5RM from a while ago.

    Rack pulls - 315x5, 405x5, 455x5
    I used a wide grip on these and had the bar set about an inch below the tibial tuberosities.

    Neck Extensions w/ harness - 40x10 drop 25x10, 40x9 drop 25x10, 40x5 drop 25x10

    Ab Wheel - 3x10

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Kingwood TX



    Have you tried training your press after you do your speed bench work on your upper body day? I found that it actually made my sets a little easier, I guess from the neural activation in the front delts and triceps from the benches? Something to think about.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Hmm, I'll try that. On the upper body days I usually do my heavy sets first so that I have more energy to put into them. But, since the speed work doesn't really affect it that much, I'll switch it up and see how it goes.

    On the other hand, I always squat before I dead lift, whether it's the heavy day or the speed day. So speed before max effort isn't exactly a new concept for my body.

    I've never had a stellar press. My best strict press is around 200 while I've power jerked 310 on a 2 inch axle. That just doesn't seem right to me.

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