starting strength gym
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Thread: This Is The Last Damn Run of S&C I’ll Ever Make

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default 6.29

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Couple days off due to life.

    NG chin 5/5, 25x3/3/3/3/3
    Chest support Shrug 90x4x12
    1arm row 55x14/12/10
    Inverted row 0x12/10/10

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2013



    OHP 120 x 4/4/4/4/3
    Meadows Row 45 x12/11/10/10/8
    Dips 10x12/8/5/5/4 really ran out of gas on these.
    Chinups 10x6x3

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Missed legs yesterday.

    Farmer walk 180x2x40yds, 190x2x40yds, 220x4x40yds
    Hise Shrug 180x2x10, 230x2x10, 250x10/8
    NG chin 0x4x5

    That's all I could manage due to sleep deprivation. Time for a nap.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    7.3.22 off. It's the Lord's day.

    OHP 120x5x4
    Dips 0x15/8/8/7/6
    Chins 0x8/6/5/5/4
    Inverted row 0x10/8/8/7/6

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Well, the whole family finally caught the Wuhan flu. Managed to avoid it for two years. Haven't trained since 7/4. Will give it the weekend to recover fully and then start back up on Monday.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Well that little break was longer than expected. I'm really detrained from what little momentum I had going. Tonight was McGill trunk work followed by a circuit of chins, dips, bodyweight squats, KB presses. Then a few sets of neck work and that was it. Will be doing stuff like this, rucking, running, and bagwork for the next month or so while I drop some fat and get my core endurance up to snuff. The standard is a 90s side plank and 120s trunk extension hold before doing any axial loading; and my numbers are nowhere near that plus I have a huge left/right imbalance in my obliques that has been that way for a decade now. Not sure if I will log any of this since I don't think pushups, pullups, and rehab are too interesting.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Well, never mind all that shit. Recent workouts:

    Rope Skipping 10m
    Heavy Bag 5x3x1 (5, 3-min rounds / 1m rest)

    Ironclad crunch x10
    Head Nods x 10
    2 rounds

    Rope Skipping 10m
    Heavy Bag 5x3x1

    Ironclad x12
    Head nod x12
    3 rounds

    Chin/Dip/Ab circuit x 5 reps x 5 rounds
    Walk Tall forwards, 70 band, 1 min hold x 3 sets
    Ironclads x 10/8/7

    Skip Rope 10m
    Heavy Bag 9x2x1

    Ironclads 11/9/8
    Neck flexion 5 x25/25

    A1. Skip rope 5m

    B1. Heavy bag 5x3x1

    C1. Chins 7/6/5
    C2. Dips 7/6/5
    C3. Ironclads 9/8/7
    C4. Head nods 10/10/10

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    A1. Skip rope 5m

    B1. Heavy bag 7x2x1

    C1. Ironclads x ??
    C2. Neck lateral 5x 20
    C3. McGill protocol 8s x 5
    C4. Head nods x 10 each way
    x 2 rounds

    Ruck 60 w/35

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    A.M. Run 3.5 miles / 40 minutes

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Operation 135

    starting strength coach development program
    Training has been pretty aimless recently. I have figured out a form of training, however, that accords with certain medium and long-term goals I have set for myself. Medium-term goal is this: I am 39 years old and have never seen my abs. When I walked into my freshman year of college, I weighed 135lbs and still couldn't see them. Allowing for fluctuation, that's almost exactly 30lbs away from today, I've been weighing in an average of 165 each morning. So the medium term goal is to hit that weight. I have set a deadline of my birthday which is in June, that's 34 weeks which at a pace of 1lb/week should be more than doable. Once that is achieved I have a longer term goal which is to finally become an adult male, i.e. 200lbs - but with a reasonable level of fitness and good health metrics.

    The setup is designed to appeal to my fuckarounditis which I must have the worst case of all time. Since I am focused on fat loss I am not to concerned about pounds on the bar but just increasing my cardio, mobility, and working on certain issues I have with my shoulders and lower back. It looks like this:

    Day A
    Rope Skipping, Bag Work, Neck, Abs

    Day B
    McGill Protocol - lower back and core endurance
    Calisthenics, kettlebells, sled drags, sprints

    I train in the mornings and depending on schedule may get in a long walk, ruck, yoga, or something like that in the evenings. I have a few different programs for the B day that I will cycle through so I don't get bored.

    Regarding diet, I'm shooting for an IF protocol with 2 meals a day totalling about 1600 calories, P100 C 200 F 25. The IF is not for any particular reason except I'm self employed and it works better with my schedule.

    Operation 135... here we go

    Day 1.
    A1. 10 minutes rope skipping
    B1. Heavy Bag 5 x 3 minute rounds
    C1. Neck extensions, 10 x 4x25
    D1. Ab wheel, 4x10

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