starting strength gym
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Thread: Hypertrophy/Cutting log

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    Weigh-In: 280.4

    Pause Bench 200x5, 165x11
    Pulldown (Supine) 245x5, 195x11
    Arnold Press 45x10, 35x13
    DB Shrug 80x13,9,6 (28 total)
    Lu Raise 15x16,8,5 (29 total)
    Reverse Pec Deck 130x17,8,6 (31 total)

    Back from another trip upstate. Putting down a deposit on a pretty nice apartment close by the new job. Gonna be a bit of an adjustment. Hope the tiny little gym in the village I'm working in will suffice for my needs. I definitely don't think it has all the machines a commercial gym has that I've gotten used to. I didn't even spot a lat pulldown machine in there when I looked it over.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jul 2019



    Weigh-In: 278.4

    RDL 275x5, 225x9
    Leg Extension 150x15,8,5 (28 total)
    Lying Leg Curl 120x13,4,2 (19 total)

    Felt like crap today from another attempt to take zoloft. I'm going to try and stick with it and see if the fatigue issues dissipate. This workout was especially bad though. It felt like it was my first time exercising after doing nothing for months. I was so out of breath and had a headache and nausea. Anyway, the leg curl machine I used was different from the one I'd used previously, I had issues completing the range of motion on reps after the first set. I was going to do some kind of ab thing but I felt like decline situps with an upset stomach were a really fucking bad idea.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jul 2019



    Weigh-In: 277.8

    Pause Press 125x7, 125x10
    Yates Row 140x5, 110x9
    DB Incline 65x10, 50x13
    Pulldown (Prone) 185x10,150x13
    EZ Bar Reverse Curl 50x17,9,6 (32 total)

    Still feeling out of it today, still working with reduced appetite from the nausea (from the meds). Bummed I lost a rep on the presses, I think maybe I started too heavy with these. Skipped the triceps extensions. Probably shouldn't have, but I am still feeling kinda crappy and not eating at 100%. Also, it's getting annoying having to go get a bench by the dumbbells a second time. I might have to do something else here. Definitely gonna drop the pause presses since they seem stuck.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Jul 2019



    Weigh-In: 273.8

    Leg Press 375x10x3
    Hammer Incline 90x10x3
    Hammer Row 180x10x3

    Meds have truly fucked me up. I have been unable to do a full days worth of eating for several days now. I called them quits yesterday. I don't know how long until I'm back to anything resembling normal. Anxiety from the coming mood is not a help. At least I am starting to eat more again without having to throw up. Went in for a more concise light workout today just to do SOMETHING, the two hammer machines were done like rest-pause with 30 seconds rest. Still felt utterly exhausting to get through despite how easy it was in terms of strength. Probably gonna do another one in this vein on friday with some different exercises. No idea what's coming for next week, the move is probably happening on that weekend.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Jul 2019



    Weigh-In: 271.6

    RDL 275x5x3
    Hammer Shoulder Press 70x20,10,6 (36 total)
    Pulldown (supine) 195x15,5,3 (23 total)

    Doing a little better. Still feeling the lack of energy from the calorie deficit. The pulldown machine was crapping out and causing increased friction on sets 2 and 3, Not going to miss these LA Fitness disasters.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jul 2019



    Leg Press 380x10x2, 380x20
    Hammer Incline 110x18,8,4 (30 total)
    Hammer Row 230x15,8,5 (28 total)

    No weigh-in today, forgot it again. Hasn't gone back up over 275 yet, though. Still doing this 2 days per week thing to allow more time for the moving.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jul 2019



    Weigh-In: 275.4

    RDL 275x5, 225x9
    Hammer Shoulder Press 80x20,9,5 (34 total)
    Pulldown (Supine) 190x15,8,5 (28 total)
    Leg Press 405x20
    Hammer Incline 115x16,5,4 (25 total)
    Hammer Row 230x20,10,7 (37 total)

    Went kind crazy today, things have been so hard to schedule around that I don't know when I'm gonna get to be in the gym again. So today I tried to just cover everything. Obviously the hammer incline suffered because I did the shoulder press earlier.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Jul 2019



    Squat 225x5x3
    Bench 185x5x3
    Deadlift 315x5x3

    No weigh in, need to find my scale. First workout after moving. New gym is neat. Small place and old equipment, but good selection. Even has complimentary chalk, and a full deadlift jack.

    Weights felt heavy. Havent been eating a lot and training was sparse. Next week im starting on a schedule again. Dont let anyone tell you the stabilizing component of free weights doesnt matter. It does. Id been pressing with machines only a few weeks and that was the wobbliest benching ive ever done.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jul 2019



    Bench 165x5x3
    Press 105x5x3
    Barbell curl 80x5x3

    Still havent found my scale. Starting light here.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    starting strength coach development program

    Squat 185x5x3
    Deadlift 275x5x3
    Bent row 155x5x3

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