Weigh-In: 252.6
Bench 135x3, 150x3, 167.5x9
V-Grip Row 170x10,8,6
DB Incline 50x10x3
Incline Curl 30x15,4,3
Dip Machine 255x10,10,7
Weigh-In: 252.4
Deadlift 235x3, 265x3, 300x6
Good Morning 105x10x3
Decline Crunch (Setting 3) x10x3
Weigh-In: 253.8
Strict Press 85x3x2, 105x10
NG Pulldown 170x10,10,7
Arnold Press 40x10,10,8
DB Triceps Extension 55x13,6,4
Lying Lateral Raise 11x20,10,5
Weigh-In: 252.4
Squat 155x3, 175x3, 195x3
Leg Press 435x20
Seated Calf Raise 75x16,10,7
I think I have been hammering in way too much volume to handle. My muscles aren't feeling beat up, but I'm getting some genuinely awful hormonal shit going on. Libido is dead in the water, anhedonia, depressing, anxiety attacks. Even got really fucking sick over the weekend, and woke up to a big weight drop today, actually beating my low from the cut by a fraction of a pound. I think I'm going to deload this next week, and then I might end up scrapping this experiment. It seems this is the way it always goes when I try to play the volume game.