starting strength gym
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Thread: Rbenz Training Log

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    another day more failure
    front Squat:190 3/3/3
    press:162 5/5/5
    deadlift:325 3 reps bad form

    about the third time I've failed on deadlift, since doing ss, I guess it's time move it to an intermediate program. SH**!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis

    Default Training update

    I decided to get distracted and try some "new" training. My friends and I are opening a gym this summer and the last month and a half my training goals were lost. I decided to try more of a crossfit style, and totally cut PRs. My deadlift went up slightly but everything besides it fell a large amount. Anyways, if your interested in the gym the website is I am glad to be associated with such a great organization, and will continue to train at Project Deliverance, with a more strength based program.

    For the last couple weeks I was on/off SS again and am at where I started the program. I do not have any equipment, and my globo gym memership went to shits because of lack of cash. I have been training wherever whenever i can, but am staying very motivated.

    I am writing this to set goals and will not change until I hit my goals.

    Power Clean:285lbs

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    1/26 Training at Lindenwood University

    Great atmosphere and nice facility, but form problems were widespread, and I do not think I saw a squat that was parallel just lots of yelling. Everyone seemed to look at me while I was squatting, and this made me push harder yet my last 2 sets still failed. I advised a couple throwers on their squat form as they were looking up and leg pressing, and taught them the concept of hip drive. The reason I was here is because two of my friends run and throw at Lwood and invited me up it was about an hour drive and was overall a good time.

    Squat: 275 5/4/3
    Press:165 5/5/4
    Pullups 8/6/6

  4. #14

    Default Thanks for the Shout-Out


    Thanks for the shout out man. It was great to see you the other day at Track practice. PD all the way!! Keep up the good work and let's get that 500# Deadlift this summer!


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis



    Back at my buddy matt's basement and training went okay. I got to sneak into the Workout CO. after we finished our squats and bench haha. It is a decent facility and open 24/7 and half the time no one is there. I did some roman chairs and chins, got decent numbers as well. Squat form was off for some reason Matt PRed, and I hit only one set of five, then tapered off from there.

    Squat:275 5/4/3
    Bench:235 5/5/5
    Roman Chairs:35lb 10/10/10

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    I have been in a terrible mood lately, mostly because I cannot lift, due to funds. I Have eeked out my free passes everywhere locally, and feel let down. I do what I can and feel that I will have to get some extra cash so I can get a membership. I use to have a borrowed squat rack but my family didn't have room for it, and my dad hated where I was able to put it. I tried bargaining but to no avail; it had to go. Paying for school, gas, and insurance etc. has finally gotten to me and my funds have dried up. I have been cutting back on my sleep time so I can pick up more hours at work and I am somewhere around 4 hours a night currently which isnt to bad. I must somehow get into the gym by friday and workout 3x a week. It will happen, I have no doubts. I researched a bunch about Troponin Nutrition and the recommended carb cycling approach which I will begin friday. 6 meals a day will be tough. I am more motivated than ever before. Anyways I got on to post my current bodyweight. ha


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    For some reason I have to post this IDK WHY. This man has overcome alot in life and has inspired me in everything I do.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Im so pumped my dad let me put a squat rack in the garage. I cannot stop thinking about working out tom. diet starts as well. Here we go
    Official weight before training cycle:205.4

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Squat:265 5/5/5 form was better
    Bench:235 5/5/5
    Pullups: 6/5/5

    Felt so good to be back.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    starting strength coach development program
    Somehow after eating like a pig from last night and this morning I was able to nail everything. A long shift at work, 7 hours of sleep the past two nights and a positive attitude helped me acheive this. Extremely motivated still, lovin life.

    Squat:270 5/5/5
    Press:160 5/5/5
    Chins: 9/9/9 probably a PR

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