starting strength gym
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Thread: Rbenz Training Log

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    injury update:

    After my last set of squats on sunday night I felt a sharp pain shoot up my left leg shin/knee area. I iced it yesterday and when I woke up this morning it was black and blue, and extremely painful. I'm gonna have to take today off. I will train through it tomorrow, no matter the condition. My current diagnosis is a slight strain where the patellar tendon attaches the tibial plateau. Due to form most definately my knees are sliding forward of my toes, either at the bottom or on the descent of my squat.

    Another problem that has slowly developed is a pain in my wrist that I do not know the cause. It is a sharp series of pains that last for a minute or two and then come back often throughout the day. it is located around the edge of my ulna bone. It could just be tendonitis and I am hoping so.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Squat: 275 5/5/5
    Press: 162 5/5/5

    Everything felt good, and my knee is still swollen but was able to squat. The higher protein has helped my recovery greatly. I have gone from 1g per lb of bodyweight to 1.5g per lb of BW and felt overall stronger while consuming less calories.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Squat:280 4/4/3 Had a little left in the tank but didn't test it with the knee.
    Bench:240 5/5/5

    Drove 3 hours round trip to workout, was kind of stiff but got some work in. The left knee feels better after loads of ice and Nsaids.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Squat: 280 5/5/5
    Press: 165 4/4/4
    Deadlift: 330 4reps I could have gotten 5 but my back turned into a shell halfway up.

    I had a long day today but I made it to a gym to train. Worked for 8+ hours and had school until a little after noon. So training was jammed in after midnight. My buddy gave me his 24 hour workout card to borrow until my squat rack arrives. So in the meantime I trained at this mirror mania joint. It has(almost) everything I need; except for the fucken hex plates. Deadlifting was a rough go because of this and the bar would often slide forward halway through my reps. My knee is still healing and hopefully within a week will be pain free. Most of my numbers increased which is always good. I'm already thinking ahead to friday.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Squat: 285 4/3/2 knee was irritating me
    Bench: 245 5/5/5
    Pull ups: 5/4/3 need to work on these more

    Another friday training session at Matt's house. As long as my numbers slowly increase I will stick with it.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Squat: 285 3/3/3 kinda pissed at this
    Press: 165 5/5/5
    PC: 185 3/3/3

    Dropped the diet and missed monday, got back on it today. The knee is almost fully healed. Squat was disappointing, Press is a PR, and PC is still the same. Overall (for eating a total of 6000 calories in the last three days) im happy with my lifts.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Injury Update: I had a rude awakening this morning, and it was not my alarm clock. A red mark had appeared on my knee, and pain followed. It is hard to bend and awfully painful. This must have been caused by the power cleans, but I still have full almost painfree ROM. NSAIDS and Ice will be applied frequently following this post.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Squat:285 5/4/3 still gonna try to slowly increase while the knee heals
    Bench:250 4/4/4
    Chins: 11!almost positive this is a one set PR/9/8

    Felt good today, thinking about training again.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    Squat: 285 3/5/3 This was a terrible squat workout( I am extremely embarrassed to post this bullshit). Many possibilities can account for this failure. I'll give it one more go on Wednesday. Do or die time.
    Press:170 5/4/3
    Pullups:5/5/5 at least something went right and I had more in the tank.

    Diet is on track as well as sleep. It is either a form problem or just down right stressful.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Saint Louis


    starting strength coach development program
    FS: 185 3/3/3 went pretty light, these felt easy
    Bench:250 4/4/4
    back extension 3 sets to failure at bodyweight

    Recovery has been terrible as of late. I was planning on squatting to finally nail down sets across at 285. Things changed when I was having trouble with my warm up sets, 235 felt heavy. So I did more of a recovery based workout. Friday is my last hope. I don't work tomorrow, so my meals will be easier to get in. My sleep also can catch up and hopefully that will get me unstuck. If this doesn't work monday I will switch to an intermediate program. I know my form has been nailed down. I've taped and critiqued my form countless times and it is very good. I attended Rip's barbell cert last may and feel I am as close to perfect as possible for being my own coach.

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