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Thread: Joined a new gym last night. Hilarious

  1. #511
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    St. Augustine, FL


    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    So I go to a YMCA that is more "fitness center" oriented than I would like, but they let me deadlift and oly lift without interference and $30 is the cheapest membership cost within 30 miles. I see plenty of the teenager/old man bench only guys and cardio bunnies etc... nothing out of the ordinary for the environment that the gym offers.

    However, today I saw two people doing things that were complete head-scratchers.

    Female PT -
    Exercise 1
    The only way I could thing to describe what she was doing is:
    Alternating Reverse Sidestep Lunges with Alternating Dumbbell Curls.
    - WTF does this accomplish?

    Exercise 2
    Again, mind = blown on this one. She set up a plyo/pilates step about a foot high, placed one leg on it and got into a lunge position. She then bent over at the waist and did hip-thrusters with a reverse fly motion using dumbbells. She then switched legs and did another set.

    Average Joe
    Exercise 1
    Average Joe set up a cable machine at the lowest vertical setting, got into a relaxed squatting position (imagine a baby/toddler squatting down to look at something on the ground) and proceeded to do single arm curls whilst propping his elbow up on his knee.

    Where do these people come up with this shit?

  2. #512
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Two schmucks at my gym last night were doing what they called "bentover rows" from pins set at about 4 inches above knee level and barely bent over. They were closer to a cross between upright rows and shrugs than bentover rows. They were not skinny guys and managed only a couple reps per set with 135lbs doing this.

  3. #513
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    The guy next to me was benching with his wrist/support wraps. His feet were up and he was going down about 1/2 way. oh and he was grunting like he was getting kicked in the nuts.

  4. #514
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I get yelled at most every day for using chalk...they are all like "Why don't you buy some gloves"? and I'm all like "Because they won't match my purse" and they so don't get the joke....

    Anyways, tommorow me and a friend are going to Lowe's to buy chains...damn the man!


  5. #515
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Squatson View Post
    I get yelled at most every day for using chalk...they are all like "Why don't you buy some gloves"? and I'm all like "Because they won't match my purse" and they so don't get the joke....
    I'm going to use that one.

    OTOH, gloves don't help the grip unless your lifting very light. What they help is not getting calluses when your lifting really, really light weights for many reps.

  6. #516
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    how about some air cable curls facing the mirror while having a "working out hard face" and grunting...

    i say air cable curls meaning doing cable curls while holding onto nothing really.

  7. #517
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Atlanta, GA


    Alternating one arm seated press on a smith machine.

  8. #518
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Wawa, PA


    One guy working out with three spotters........... on the preacher curl.

  9. #519
    mr blink Guest


    Im pretty sure i get stares for this all the time from lifters that think they are cool:

    I am introducing my 13 year old brother, who video tapes my lifts, the barbell lifts. Last week, i had him on the bench and was teaching him about the arch and pressing properly. The poor lad cannot bench the bar. So instead of making him get on the smith machine and murder his stabilizers, i assist him with the bar by holding it slightly so he doesn't feel like he will die if he cannot complete an assisted rep(He cant do a rep by himself with the bar so i guide the bar up for him). After he is done benching, this kid from his school, who looks like he is 3 grades older than an 8th grader, gets the bench we were using, loads it with 170 and starts doing partial reps and gives my bro a smirk. He then proceeds to get up, throw a couple air punches and flex in the mirror.

    To my surprise, my brother laughs at this guy.

    I think my brother might be lurking on this site....

  10. #520
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Dunno if you have access to this without logging in, but here's is 40 pages of crap:

    Just in case it doesn't work here's some of the latest:

    My best two exercises used to be weighted dips - bodyweight + 45kg, and Leg Presses - popped my groin pushing for 360kg (was being a wanker and trying to jump 20kg in one hit)

    Had a strange phenomenon occur last night as I was doing bicep curls and after doing a few sets I simply could not begin to start another set as my bicep felt like there was a ball stuck in it and the same for my forearms which refused to do one rep. Was very painful and something that has not ever occurred before. It had nothing to do with my body being totally exhausted as I was feeling fine but as soon as I went to lift the weight (about 14kg) the arm would 'cramp' up and could not lift. Bewildering.

    See a doctor...

    If you're curling 14kg dumbells you've obviously been working out for a while so if you know it wasn't exhaustion of the muscle then its something farked up.

    Then again if it's fine today I wouldn't worry about it!

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