Love the Marrs bar.
Love the Marrs bar.
I love my maars bar. I can’t LBBS, and even have difficulty with HBBS. The maars bar was a game changer for me. Pricey but worth every penny.
The Marrs Bar is probably the best specialty bar for you, since it actually lets you squat with hip drive, and even lets you front squat. But it has some downsides:
- Your forearms will probably crash into your thighs at the bottom, due to the position of the handles.
- Due to the large, comfy contact area over lots of (moving) upper body area, the bar can sway a lot without falling off your shoulders. This can be stressful on the low back.
- The sleeves on the Rogue version screw on, and can loosen surprisingly easily.
- The powdercoat on the Rogue version also strips easily.
With the Kabuki bar and every other SSB, the weight is on top of your traps. You cannot bend over and squat with them, no matter how the camber is set. With the Marrs Bar, the weight is on your rear delts and back. It’s in a category of its own.
Not sure what you mean by this. I have a Kabuki Transformer Bar. I use it on the Low Bar Back Squat setting for squats. It works fine.
I use it on the "Hinge" setting for Goodmornings. Works fine. Definitely bending over for both of these movements. Does it feel a bit different from a bar on your back? Yes. But for those of us who can't LBBS with a straight bar it is solid gold. No more elbow pain, and I can get better low bar posture with it vs the high bar position I had to use with a straight bar.